Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What do you want me to write Lord?

     Every morning before I begin to type I ask myself this question.  It's no so much a WWJD sort of thing as much as it's my desire to get out of the way and let God speak through the words written here.  He knows what people are going through, what's going on in the world and what my needs are as well.  I believe that what is written is intended for someone God has in mind.  Getting out of the way is my biggest problem.  Professing myself to be wise I have time and again proved myself to be a fool.  That being said, I'm trying to avoid doing this more and more in my life.  When I get it perfect Jesus will call me home...hopefully!  That way I won't mess up the end product. 
     Making this the mantra of our day (with changes to the verb for the occasion) will undoubtedly  help me to get out of the way.  It's only when we get out of the way that any good can come from within any of us.  I cannot count the times when I intentionally did not get out of the way because I wanted my way, my pleasure, my sin.  I'm sure many feel this way.  I know that Paul did.  The disciples who ran away and hid certainly felt this in their lives.  History has shown this to be true for more people than I could mention here.  We should not want to repeat history and the only way to do so is to not look back.  We need to remember where we came from but we don't need to continue on a self destructive path leading away from God.
     Preparation for our day should include submission to the voice and will of God.  That's easier to say than do some days.  Our situation either overwhelms us or leaves us wanting so much that it's hard to see, here or do what God is doing and needs to do through us.  We tell ourselves we are the "captain of our ship" while not realizing it sank when Adam and Eve ate of the tree.  We have no ship.  Along those lines we believe the lie that we can have prosperity just by asking for it.  The Bible teaches us that God will take care of our NEEDS.  We want him to take care of our wants.  The miracle is this; when we are no longer concerned about our needs or wants because we believe he will care for us, our needs and wants are taken care of while we do his will bringing the Gospel to others. 
     Being true to God and his desire for our lives means we need to cease being selfish people.  That is what love is; being unselfish.  While it would be nice to argue against this, it would be unbiblical.  We are asked to abandon the dead life we had for the live life that only He can give.  We selfishly take love we don't deserve.  It doesn't end there.  We should be transformed by grace in such a way "that it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me."  In this transformation there is no room for two.  We need to abdicate the throne so that Christ can sit upon it.  He won't force this.  He asks it.  So, I'm left with the question: "What do you want me to write Lord?"  And so are you.

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