Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Beyond the imagination!

     There are questions that take us beyond what we can imagine.  Like, "What is beyond the end of the universe?"  "That Steve can sure run a great marathon!"  Okay, that is way beyond my imagination.  The only running I do is occasionally running out of gas!  Seriously though, we do like to live in our imagination.  Some would term this "magical thinking" and wonder seriously about our mental health.  I've heard it said that we only use up to 10% of our brains.  What does the other 90% do?  Okay, that's way beyond my imagination.  We have geniuses among us that just boggle our minds.  The autistic, savants, and those with photographic memories are almost incomprehensible in our 10% minds.  Yet, we are drawn to the unknown.  We want to know everything from how peanut butter is made to how can we stop nuclear fission. 
     Another take on the statement is to look at our lives and how we live them.  In Jeremiah, God told Jeremiah that he was shocked and hadn't thought the Israelites would do what they had done.  If God can be surprised, what hope do we have?  People look at each other with expectations based on what we know inside of ourselves.  Thus, we have times when we are caught unaware and experience some things that are definitely beyond our imagination.  Maybe it's the blue hair your teen daughter came out of the bathroom with.  You wondered what took so long in there anyway.  Now you least one thing.  Sometimes we say or do things and people who know us say, "I never imagined you could think/say/do that."  Obviously this is stated in both negative and positive ways.  We are bombarded daily on the radio, at work, on TV with "beyond the imagination" moments.  Yet we look for more.
     Sometimes the "beyond the imagination" moment leaves us immobilized while at other times we become motivated to be or do better.  We are challenged daily with life that demands we use our imagination.  It's not just how to get your kids to eat their vegetables; it's also how to make that next step in a complicated brain surgery.  When I was young some people had pen pals they got to know through hand written letters which were mailed and you waited for a response.  A couple of weeks later you heard back and were amazed beyond your imagination what their lives were like and maybe there was even a picture in their local garb and environment.  We dream of going here or there and imagine what it would be like.  When we finally do go "there" we find out that it's beyond our imagination!  We either love or hate it. 
     Christians are expected to be beyond the imagination.  At least that's what the Bible says!  No, I'm not talking about laying our hands on people so they can be healed or giving a word of prophecy to a body of believers.  Though we are encouraged to do so.  I'm primarily talking about sharing a beyond the imagination God who has come into our lives because of love.  His love for us and provision for us is beyond imagination.  The protection and grace he gives us is beyond imagination.  Because these are all beyond the imagination we should live and act and speak out of the sense of wonder and celebration.  That way others can see tat Jesus is beyond imagination.  That's a good thing.  So, go out and live your Christian life beyond the imagination with excitement, encouragement and love.

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