Thursday, October 3, 2019

That old Christian frog example

     The example is putting a frog in cold water, which they love, and then turn on the heat.  The frog adjusts until it is boiled to death.  What a lovely thought for a Thursday morning!  Sometimes we forget how much we resemble frogs.  We jump at the opportunity to find pleasure and then we find ourselves being boiled to death by the very sins we first engage.  It doesn't matter what sin, but rather, how we stay engaged in that sin.  I don't know about you but I find many justifications and rationalizations in those times of my life that are destructive to me and my relationship with God.  What is it inside of me that tells me to stay in the hot water?  How come I, knowing Christ for many years, keep jumping back into the pot?  Maybe you do the same.  Paul laments this in his life.  He says, "Those things I know I shouldn't do, I do.  Those things I know I should do, I don't.  Wretched man that I am."  I can associate with Paul.  He struggled just like me or I struggle just like he.  In either case we, Christians, are not alone in our struggle to keep out of the boiling pot.  No where in the Bible is it promised that we will live a life of bliss.  There will always be temptations, human will, and our own thoughts to sabotage our journey.  What to do?
     Glad you asked.  The answer is to understand that God is there in the valley as he is on the mountain top.  We who know Jesus as our Lord and Savior have an ever present help in times of trouble.  We have a God who comes alongside us when we feel we are alone.  There are factors in our lives we can identify that lead us down the path of destruction.  FEAR:  false evidence appearing real.  What are our fears?  Are we afraid of being alone?  We never are alone.  Are we fearful of failure?  We can never fail so that Christ abandons us.  HALT:  Hungry, angry, lonely, and tired.  Sounds simple to apply.  Eat so we aren't hungry (that included reading the Word), give our anger to God so that it's no longer a driving force in our lives, be with the people of God so we are never alone (remember to not be yoked with unbelievers (friends or spouses), and get rest physically and spiritually.  This leads to ACTS:  when we pray we need to give God the adoration, confess our sins, be thankful and present supplications (ask for what we need) to God who is faithful and will answer our prayers.  Sometimes the answers come differently than we desire and sometimes not when we feel they need to be answered.
     The Christian frog is always tempted by the world and Satan's desires.  At every turn we read in the papers, listen to the news, and engage in social media that challenges our faith and very belief system.  As the serpent told Eve, "Surely you won't die."  She did and so has everyone since that fateful moment.  However, that's not the end of the story.  As much as the world entices us to abandon our belief in God, his Word, and the one way to salvation, Jesus, we don't have to jump into the pot of cold water.  We don't need to jump into warm water and we certainly don't need to stay in how water!  The Bible tells the believer that they are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.  Do you believe the Word or are you listening to all the wrong messages letting yourself be boiled to death?  There is a way that is right for man and he who chooses it has eternal life.  That's what the Bible says and that's where I'll stand.  As it is with me, you too have a choice.  Remember that it's always your choice.  No one makes that choice for you.  You choose.

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