Thursday, October 10, 2019

Left alone with a pizzsa!

     Bad mistake!  Do you have a favorite food that just dares  you to go into hiding so you don't have to share with anyone?  If we are honest to each other that food might be your quart of favorite ice cream, sandwich, potato chip.  We are not all hoarders of our favorite thing.  But given the choice of sharing or going on our own; we choose ourselves a lot of the time.  "Did you eat that last cookie?  I was saving it for your daughter!"  Okay, she's going to be disappointed.  "I was saving that as a surprise for you." he said.  She said, "Well, thank you."  "Can I borrow your pen, pad, or other office item?"  Yes, but give it right back.  Not going to happen unless you run into a Christian with a moral.  "He/she isn't using this anyway. Let's just take it and tell them later."  Once out of mind the confession almost never comes.  Then there are some more obvious desires.  "Can I borrow your car/truck for a day or two?"  "No.!"  "But wouldn't that be the Christian thing to do?"  "I wouldn't know, Jesus didn't have a car."
     We like to hold onto favorite things.  You and I.  We do it more often than we like.  For instance, we steal the covers in bed.  Single people, it's a warning sign to stay single.  Keep all your blankets!  "What do you mean you brushed the dogs teeth with my tooth brush?"  Where does it stop?  When do we draw the line?  You know the problem isn't just towards material things.  Will we hear out neighbor before the throne asking why you and I kept the Gospel from them?  Will we winch or even cringe when our life is reviewed by the Father as we stand there without excuse.  Why did we not share the Gospel with those around us?  Just as we should share our pizza, we should be just as free in sharing Jesus with others.  You all know that I'm not perfect.  I know you aren't either.  Let's set perceptions aside and choose to do the right thing.  We keep private more than we should and don't share that which has been freely been given to us.  Yet, we call ourselves good Christians when we pat ourselves on the back for not stealing that pen at work.
     James tells us that we ask and do not receive because we ask with wrong motives.  He goes on to say we ask and don't receive because we desire to consume the answer by ourselves.  There are some pretty wise men who learned under Jesus who can teach us a thing or two.  First, we need to read the Bible ourselves so we know what it says.  That doesn't mean listening to the Bible on the road to a business conference.  It means getting alone and consuming the Word by ourselves SO we can share it with others.  One of my favorite thing to say to those who like to falsely quote the Bible is:  "That's not what the Bible says."  That often brings a lively conversation or a disappearing act.  One we've read the Bible we need to believe the Word.  Believing means just that; believing.  Once we believe the Bible we are called to sit/stand/lay down, (do nothing) but be before the Lord and let the Holy Spirit talk with us.  Finally. we are able to ask for His will to be done.  Just don't keep it to yourself.  We can share without bragging and pray without piety.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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