Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Miracles do happen

     The first one was my waking up for yet another day!  It's not because I have terrible health and am in danger of dying.  Rather, it's because my life is God's and he can take me home anytime he wants.  When my work is done here he will do just that.  I'm looking forward to that day.  There will be several miracles that I want to share today.  When we who are Christian end our transitory stay here on planet earth (or Mars) we will experience life like we never expected it to be.  The questions we have carried will be instantly answered...and it won't matter.  Our physical, emotional or psychological pain will be gone...and it won't matter.  Relationships that are strained, estranged, or beyond repair will be ended...and it won't matter.  At least not to those who have chosen Jesus and are now in heaven.  We won't be looking up old friends to have a brew or two once again and contrary to my desire there will be no dessert buffet waiting for me.  Though we will be innocent once again...it won't matter.  There is the greatest miracle waiting for us.  Being welcomed home and feeling the full love of God!  Now there is something that will matter.
     While on the mission field with YWAM I worked in a coffee house in Germany on a military base.  One night I was returning to the coffee house to be there and to close.  My good friend was leaving as I was coming.  He had a terrible cold/flu and it was very obvious he was miserable.  I asked him if I could pray for him.  He said yes and I prayed.  While praying I felt every symptom he had go from his body through mine and disappear.  When I said amen and looked up Dave was standing there mouth open and in shock.  He was no longer sick.  He asked me what happened and I told him Jesus preformed a miracle for him.  Obviously I have not forgotten that moment and I pray he hasn't either.  The miracle wasn't the healing but the revealing of the power of God to those who are called according to his name to dispense to the world.  I've prayed for many since to receive Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit and to be a disciple of Jesus.  None of it was from me.  The miracle of new life in Christ belongs to God alone.
     We live on either the straight and narrow or the wide road that leads to destruction.  You can choose the miracle of the straight and narrow and have life or you can choose the wide road that leads to destruction and remain dead.  Wait!  Do I mean that you have the choice to accept or reject the miracle of eternal life?  Yes, that's exactly what I mean.  For those who "think" they are Christian, accept the miracle of a surrendered and blessed life.  God says that if we will live for him that he will bless us (another miracle) so much that we cannot contain it.  Wow!  For those who "know" they are Christian, pass it on (another miracle) and share the blessings of God with others.  Sometimes those who are Christian (you know who you are) fail to live the life of a miracle.  It's never to late to begin.  If people can see you as a miracle of God, they too may see and believe the work of Jesus for our life.  The miracle is found when you search for it.  At least that's what the Bible says.  Who am I to argue with the Bible.  There are miracles that will be happening all around you today.  Don't miss them.  It's always your choice.

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