Monday, November 7, 2016

Who do we think we are kidding!

     Proverbs 28:13 "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy."

     Over stating the obvious seems to be what God wants us to pay attention to and so we read in the Word that lesson.  It's a fact that we do conceal our sins from mankind.  It's also a fact that nothing is concealed from God.  He knows all that we do and do not do.  Remember that there are sins of commission and sins of omission.  Regardless, they are sins and they don't go unnoticed.  The first lesson stated in the verse is a consequence of concealing our sins...he who does so does NOT prosper.  We need only look at the world of politics and such to understand that there is another dimension that is being talked about.  Those who do not love God prosper.  Why is that?  Is it really a prosperity that we can be envious of?  They look for present gain and pleasure.  The Christian looks for eternal life and the blessings of God.  When we act like our sin is concealed from God we place ourselves in a position to NOT prosper.  That's both in this life and for those around us.  Our sin inhibits God from blessing us.  Sin and blessings cannot inhabit the same space.  What we really need and should want as Christians is mercy.
     The point of mercy is to be forgiven and to be blessed.  However we aren't at Burger King and we can't have it our way.  There is a cost Christ paid for that mercy to be bestowed upon us.  First we need to acknowledge that mercy cannot come from you or I or some religious authority.  Grace cannot come from good works and benevolent actions.  Grace cannot be obtained by repeating a prayer over and over despite what some religions teach.  Grace can only come by two things.  Mercy can only come from two things.  Those two things are confessing AND renouncing our sin.  It's a math equation of sorts.  A plus B equals C: alive in Christ.  The Bible tells us there is no other name in heaven or earth by which mankind can be saved.  None.  Now that we established Who we can go to for forgiveness, let's understand that we have an active role (remember we have free will) in that process.  We are given the choice to be disillusioned by the world we live in or we can humbly acknowledge there is nothing good inside of us save the salvation brought by confession and renouncing our sins to Jesus. 
     Here is a quandary for mankind.  Confession isn't just of that which we know need confessing.  Our judgment will only serve to address that which we truly want to give up.  Confession spurred on by the Holy Spirit searching our hearts and revealing what HE sees is the cleansing we need.  We are unable to do that work.  Our pastors and other Christian influences cannot do this for us.  This is the unique territory of the Holy Spirit.  When we sit before the Holy Spirit (remember he is God) and submit to the "search", we also need to let go of or renounce our sins.  Renouncing means we do not return there again.  Renouncing is not difficult if we have a surrendered heart that has been cleansed by God.  There in is the real prosperity.  We are rich in Christ and have eternal life.  We are so blessed with prosperity that we cannot out give God.  We have the wealth and blessings so far reaching that when we pass them on people have no choice but to see Christ in us.  When we let go of the prosperity of the world we gain the prosperity of God.  It's always your choice.

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