Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I'm glad that's over!

     I don't know about anyone else but even with my faith I sometimes dread an upcoming event whether it's a few hours, days, months or even years.  While I'd like to say that I have complete control of my actions and reactions I am afraid that I don't.  Neither do you or anyone else on this planet.  Sometimes the even is even a Christian one like Christmas or a potluck at church.  All of our interactions with those around us and the powers of the world can raise our blood pressure and cause us to doubt a positive outcome.  Jesus is a great example.  He went aside to pray and he asked the Father to let this cup pass from him.  Then he added, "Not my will but yours."  He knew what was coming and what the world would throw at him.  Then came those words that apply to all of us.  Jesus said, "It is finished." and died.  What he had come to do was done.  Forever.  For you and for me.  No exceptions, Jesus died and resurrected for all of humanity then and now.  When I read through the story of the crucifixion from the beginning to end there is an intensity that builds until he raises from the dead.  All who love Jesus are glad that the death and resurrection are over.
     I don't particularly like to clean gutters.  Nor do I like to clean the bathroom.  There is even some hesitancy to clean the inside of my truck.  The list can grow from there depending on how long my list is.  I can look at the list and instantly become overwhelmed.  Perhaps you have such a list as well.  My problem (good problem) is that I don't like to start a project unless I either have a planned stopping point or I can stop because I'm done.  I don't like half way.  The same goes for my life.  I don't like to be a half way Christian.  You know the drill.  Complacency is terrible!  We look at a task and instead of attacking it as Jesus did on the cross, we don't begin, begin other tasks and sometimes just throw up our hands and go to Dairy Queen.  Just like Jesus, our tasks remain before us.  The longer and more often we delay to do the task, we lower the chances of doing whatever it is that needs to be done.  That's what a lot of Christians do with their spiritual lives.  Make time to pray?  I have other things more pressing.  Make time to read the Bible?  I somehow find other things to do instead.  Fellowship with others?  Yep, same excuses/different day. 
     Many Christians struggle with sharing their faith.  We have a ton of excuses why we shouldn't and all of them are from the pit of hell.  I know that's blunt but it is true.  So, we work up to that moment and then back down any number of times before we take the chance and actually do share our faith.  Then we say, "I'm glad that's over!" but it's not over.  Sharing our faith with others should never be over.  There is no retirement from being a Christian witness to the world.  Not for me and not for you.  So, why do most Christians act like the job is done?  Fear is the simple answer.  Not the fear of the Lord but fear of man.  What will people think?  How will they judge me?  Will they remember that sin or sins from yesterday and call us on our hypocrisy?  They might.  This shouldn't deter us from sharing our faith.  Being real includes our past, present and future.  Let's focus on the present and the future having learned from the past.  Remember, it's always your choice.  I'm glad that's over.

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