Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Do you consider yourself a believer?

     I've asked myself that question many times since I first gave my life to Jesus in October of 1971.  The answer has been and is always, "Yes!"  My life before Jesus and after Jesus is so drastically different.  Changes that have taken place, failures and successes, sin and forgiveness, and other daily activities in the life of Steve all are combined in the nuisance's of that question.  Though we can be saved by placing our faith and lives in Jesus, we often act like we are not believers at all.  It's all I can do sometimes to get out of bed before I'm feeling defeated because of all the work that still needs to be done in my life.  Maybe you feel the same way.  All too often I listen to those little voices in my head (notice not my heart) that tell me that once again I've failed to leave any evidence that I'm a believer at all!  What does it take for me to profess my faith AND to live it?  Why do I spend more time falling down than I do standing up?  If I can't stand for Christ what good is my faith?  Yes, I wrestle with these questions just like many Christians.  Yet, I am a believer.
     The Bible tells us that Satan and his demons are all believers as well.  They are just not in a saved position and will spend eternity in hell.  I can believe that I am believer and yet not believe at all.  Here is what I mean.  If I am raised in a church, gone through confirmation, become a member, married a Christian, go to church every time the doors are open and am a functioning part of the body of believers; I may still not be a believer.  Living on one's parents or grandparents faith doesn't make it our faith.  Acting like a Christian doesn't make me one.  Saying words with my mind but not my heart doesn't convince anyone by myself of what I'm saying.  The devil can quote Scripture better than me.  What chance do I have.  Am I a believer and what does a believer really look like.  Romans tells us that faith is connected with what we do not see.  John the Baptist hadn't seen Jesus yet he preached repentance for sins and baptized people who professed faith.  David went up against Goliath with a slingshot and some stones.  Paul walked boldly for Christ even as he had previously walked boldly against Christ.  The annals of history are full of those who professed faith and were believers. 
     Yet, the question remains.  Do you consider yourself a believer?  Being a believer isn't determined by what you do for the community, church or even for Christ.  Being a believer isn't determined by what you preach or even prophesy.  Being a believer isn't determined by your heritage.  Being a believer isn't even linked to church attendance.  Personally I'm tired of those espousing their being a believer while they belong to gangs, spend the paycheck on drugs and alcohol on the way home, abandon their responsibilities as parents and other neglectful areas of their lives.  People must be tired of me as well.  "Practice what you preach!"  Nope, that doesn't constitute a believer as well.  There are lots of pastors out there who preach repentance when they themselves aren't repentant.  Mongers of attention and money/possessions are certainly not showing evidence of being believers.  Many will say in that day they were believers and yet their names aren't written in the Book of Life. 
     That's the answer.  Is your name written in the Book of Life?  Will you hear, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."?  Does the God of the universe acknowledge you are saved?  Mankind cannot do any of those things.  Being a church member doesn't save you and doing good deeds anyone can do.  When we come to the end of ourselves all we are left with is the decision to die to self and to have Christ live through us.  That's what a believer does...regardless the cost...regardless the mission given...regardless what the populace says...regardless what the world believes.  Believers have surrendered to God and are living for him as He designs, where he designs and how he designs.  What has he called the believer to do?  Spread the gospel.  Tell people about Jesus.  Make disciples of all mankind.  Feed the hungry.  Seek out the lost.  Care for the orphan and widow.  Allowing Jesus to be all that people see in you.  Do you consider yourself a believer?

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