Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christianity and terrorism.

     We make our own problems.  When Sarah gave Abraham her maid to bear him a child she had no idea the chain of historical events that would be put in place for us today.  Of course I'm talking about the long standing historical dilemma of Ishmael being sent away and becoming the father of the modern Muslim religion while Sarah and Abraham went on to be the parents of the Israelites.  That's the basic two groups at issue today.  As Shakespeare once said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."  We are many actors on a stage set thousands of years ago in the sands of the Mideast.  While the history has been chronicled to death, little is focused on the present future.  Yep, I said "present future" as if they are one word.  That's because they are from a Biblical sense.  While we are intent on trying to fit God in our boxes; he is intent on showing us the purpose of today for tomorrow.  Mankind lives (for the most part) in the past while God lives in the future.  Mankind thinks he can control his future by reliving the past.  God knows what the future holds for all of us.  Yes, we make our own problems.
     While it would be easy to place blame for our current situation; there is no good that comes from doing so.  I think we can agree that our world situation with hate and destruction is awful.  For a 21st century people who are educated beyond anyone's predictions, we are flat out stupid.  There can be no good coming from our selfishness and hate.  Eradicating any nation, people or even one person solves nothing.  Yes, it does bring us closer to the end of time and the ushering in of Jesus' return.  If that was our goal, we wouldn't be trying to stop evil.  Simple enough.  No, there is nothing simple going on here.  Mankind and God have different focuses.  Mankind has taken the stance that power is the winner.  Domination and dominion are the answers to the woes of our world.  Bring everyone under the power of whomever has favor in the world at that particular time is the mantra.  When we consider God's focus there is a much simpler and broader desire in regards to humanity.  God wants mankind to let him love us.  To that end he sent his Son, Jesus, who was born of the virgin, lived a short ministry, was crucified, died, and rose from the dead so that we could live with God forever in heaven. Who could blame God for his plan?
     I can think of many enemies of God who would love to see mankind destroy themselves.  However, we need only look to one enemy of God, Satan.  A reading of the Old Testament gives us historical perspective as well as the reason we are dedicated to our particular causes.  There has been incredible "terrorism" on mankind by mankind since the beginning of time.  If you don't like my "cause" then you need to be converted or dead.  That's the main message from the past.  The Old Testament conflict has NEVER died.  Today it's still going strong between Israel/Christianity and Muslim/Islam.  While both are locked in their legacy of the past, God has stepped forward with a solution in his Son Jesus.  Part of the problem is manifested when we can only base our future on our often distorted picture of the past.  I'm right, you're wrong.  I'm right because of my past.  You're wrong because of your past.  Neither group ever comes close to ushering into the world the grace of God through Jesus.  Why?  Because we are a selfish people bent on a selfish desire to have things our way. 
     Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying we coexist with everyone and ignore the perishing.  Nor am I saying we take up arms and kill all those who disagree with the Christian belief that Jesus is the only way to the Father and eternal life.  That's counterproductive.  I am saying each one of us has been created with free will.  We are ALL equal as sinners in the eyes of God.  We, ALL, choose and make choices for ourselves because of that free will.  We also ALL choose to either live life according to the will of God or our own will.  Whenever, we move out of the will of God, we are in sin and nothing good can come from our choices.  Refer to the opening example of Sarah taking matters into her own hands so that her husband, Abraham, would have a son to carry on the family name.  God had already promised them a son and he fulfilled his promise at his appointed time.  Mankind screwed up the rest and here we are today.  No one can take away my faith in Jesus.  No one can make me bow down to any other god.  That doesn't mean I need to be a terrorist.

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