Wednesday, May 16, 2018

You aren't done and have only begun

     I reflected on my birthday today and wondered why we celebrate a time when we were dead in this dead world?  October 1, 1971 is my birthday.  It's the day and hours God became real to me and began to reside inside me blessing me beyond belief!  I won't forget that day when He cleansed me from ALL of my sin and then chose to forget that sin!  Can you believe it?!  Maybe he's done that for you as well.  I hope so.  If not, now is the day of salvation.  Should you have read the previous 4 entries regarding ACTS you may have decided to take your faith seriously.  I certainly hope so as Jesus in you can bring the Gospel to those around you.  You aren't done and have only begun.  A majority of Christians think they are done when they have accepted Christ.  That's a lie.  Many Christians think they don't need to do anything because that's "what pastors are for."  That's a lie.  The bulk of Christians sit back knowing Jesus and not caring that the world is going to hell.  That's on them.  If your life doesn't have Jesus living in it; you are just as good as dead.  Your faith is in vain and you have returned to your forgiven sin.  Just why do we leave our first love?  Certainly it's not because he has left us as he has promised to "never leave nor forsake you."  But, you leave him.  Why?  Is it because the world is stronger in you than Jesus?  Maybe you have said that you have given him your life and you really haven't.  Then you aren't saved and your name isn't written in the book of life.  Then you are destined for eternity in hell along with pastors who haven't given their lives to Jesus and preach a feel good gospel that isn't a gospel at all.
     Every 12 step group has as their basis an acknowledgement that they are powerless.  Good starting place but you aren't done and have only begun.  The 12 stepper knows that this journey of sobriety is only finished when they die.  It's no different with the Christian.  We come to that place where we are convicted of our need for Jesus to live through us and we acknowledge that we are powerless.  The demons roam the earth valiantly trying to get people to believe that they are okay, just fine, and okay with their sin.  Until your birth into Christ, you are Satan's missionary.  But, we go to church Wednesday and Sunday, we practice being at peace with people, we share what we have, and so many other exonerations for your life without Christ.  SHOULD you have Jesus living through you, you and many others don't have the need to justify your Christian title.  Your LIFE says it all.  Do you have Jesus living through you in such a way that people want what you have?  If being a Christian was a crime (as it is in some countries) would there be enough evidence to convict you and send you to life in prison?  Do people even care about how much you know until they know how much your care?  Does your life exude Jesus?  Does the Holy Spirit have the freedom to direct your life?  Have you a daily life with the Father and are praying and doing HIS will?
     You aren't done and have only begun.  This, for the true Christian, isn't anything foreign to you.  Don't be one of the worlds Christians.  Be Jesus to the world and the world will know you aren't done and have only begun.  My life has been one of on the straight and narrow visiting on the broad road bent for destruction for one reason along.  During those times on the destructive road "I" had taken back my life thinking I could do what I wanted to satisfy old patterns of sin.  All because I stopped adoring, confessing, thanking and asking God.  Maybe you have done so as well.  It's time to come home.  Jesus is only a prayer away and he's waiting.  What are you going to do?

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