Friday, May 25, 2018

Taking things out of context.

     You have probably taken things out of context for whatever reason.  Use of clichés seem to be only one way of doing so.  Paraphrasing is okay but don't forget to keep things said in context.  Then of course there are "old wives tales" and the local gossip chatter "in order to better pray for you."  Preachers from all denominations take "license" to mean they can use Scripture for whatever they want without the accountability they would give you for doing the same.  "Snippets" of truth in the midst of lies is just another way of taking things out of context.  We come to think taking things out of context is just another walk in the park no harm, no foul.  Authors are continually being accused of plagiarism from other's works.  Yet, the Scripture stands alone in the field of integrity.  Why is that?  Because it's God breathed and the infallible Word of God.  Where the church and Christians use the Word for their advantage, God uses his Word (Jesus) to save souls from hell.  Which do you participate in doing?  Do you read the verses before and after the one you are quoting?  There might be a bit of taking out of context if you don't.  Knowing the whole story is key both to interpret and to application of Scripture.  Many a life has been ruined by the small thing which was misinterpreted to be a big thing.  Accusations by the enemy is bad enough but for the believer in Christ to do the same is simply sin.  I'd like to think the well intentioned Christians who do this had gone to prayer before they engaged this action.  But, they don't.
     Fear dominates the need for taking things out of context.  We are fearful of what people think, what they may find out and how they will pass this onto others.  We are fearful of men when we need to be fearful of God.  People don't like being called out on their sin  by others.  They will do almost anything to avoid this happening.  Heaven forbid they run into a real Christian who has heard God and relates that message to you.  Remember the husband and wife in the Book of Acts who came back to the disciples and lied in order to retain some of what they had given to God?  They both died and were carried out of the presence of the disciples and God.  Taking things out of context is nothing more and nothing less than lying.  Manipulation at it's best.  Satan loves this to happen to and amongst Christians as it breaks down their integrity.  If the integrity is gone so is the witness.  This leaves the witness of the Christian church (true believers) with very little, if any, validity in bringing the Gospel to others.  We need only look at the last century to see all those in church leadership who have  fallen.  Have you fallen?  You are only one step away from being back in good graces with God.  He waits for you to adore, confess, thank and supplicate with him.  The Bible tells us that when we confess and repent he throws our sins as far from us as East is to West.  He didn't say North to South because both have a beginning and an end.  He also says he throws our sins in the sea of forgetfulness.  What a great image!  Why does he do this?
     He does this so that you and I can return to that place where Jesus is living through us bringing salvation to others.  There are some keys to combating the taking things out of context.  First, read your Bible every day and meditate on the Word all your waking hours.  Second, don't succumb to someone quoting Scripture if you don't know that to be a Scripture in the first place.  Ask the person to show you the Biblical proof.  Next, understand what the Bible really teaches.  Don't take the alleged knowledge of those who claim to have studied this or that topic.  Learn from the Holy Spirit what the Word has to say.  Speak the Word with the authority it's been given by the Father.  If you practice ACTS on an ongoing basis the Holy Spirit will put within you that sensor that will tell you if people are correctly interpreting the Word of God.  Again, James 4:17 tells us that if we know what is right to do and don't do it, we sin.  Don't misuse the Scripture.  That's called manipulation.  The Scripture tells us to "try the spirits" to determine if the message is from God or not.  If the Holy Spirit tells you something is wrong, beware.  We all have the opportunity to attain a life that doesn't take things out of context.  What are you going to do?

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