Thursday, May 10, 2018

Okay, so I've been led to return

     After taking a break, I spent many hours praying and seeking God in beginning to write the blog again.  I'm very disheartened with the observation I've been privy to over the last few months.  Christians have failed in their service to God.  Not just me but everyone.  Every church has failed.  Keep in mind that I'm only talking about Christian organizations.  The Scripture is almost unrecognizable unless you are part of the problem.  The problem then is relegated to the interpretation wrought by those who aren't really committed to the Gospel at all if they ever were.  Harsh?  No.  Truthful?  Yes.  If you aren't ready to take an intense look at the Gospel and your life, you might want to stop reading now.  God has shown me the necessity of speaking the Gospel without excuse and without defense.  Defense is something reserved for those who haven't given their lives to Christ.  They may have given part of their lives like Sunday morning, but when the real is revealed, well, let's just say no one will be able to stand in the presence of God.  Just why is that?  The Bible tells us that because we are broken, condemned, and in need of a life replacement.  That's not what is being preached or presented for the most part.  God hasn't given us a new Gospel, he hasn't asked us to make corrections, he hasn't said we can rationalize, justify or manipulate his Word.  It's God breathed and not man breathed.
     I want to be very clear.  There can be no misunderstanding.  There will be no cutting slack or downplaying of the Gospel in any way, shape or form.  I believe the Bible to be God breathed and the Bible isn't open for discussion, change or new understanding.  I want to be very clear.  Jesus is the Son of God and is Lord of Lords!  He lived, died and rose from the dead for the sole purpose of bringing God's grace (not condemnation) to a lost and dying world.  I want to be clear.  There is a heaven and there is a hell.  YOUR choices determine whether you go to one or the other.  There is no middle ground, a place where people can go for a "second chance".  There are no marriages nor are there any given in marriage in heaven.  Matthew says those who overcome will be like the angels.  I want to be clear.  I will not apologize for the truth of the Gospel.  Nor will I excuse myself or anyone else.  There is no justification for any part of life we live outside of Christ.  None.  I want to be clear that the Gospel is NOT tolerant to sin.  If you or someone you know tells you otherwise, they are lying.  Jesus himself said that he came to bring a sword and that the Gospel is offensive to those who are perishing.  Are you offended by this?  Then you are perishing.  Simple, isn't it.
     The Gospel preached by Jesus and then the 12 for the most part has disappeared amongst Christians as the "perceived need" is to be kinder, gentler and non-offensive.  The 12 went through 3 years of living Christ as they walked with him.  You and I have done what?  We've lived life for ourselves or current ideology and lived for Christ incidentally if at all.  When was the last time you shared the Gospel?  Maybe it's because you are not living the Gospel.  We Christians are the only Bible many will see.  What makes you and I think people are hungry for lives like we have?  Today the lie has survived and truth has been buried.  The 12 were the first example of truly living for the Christ who saved their souls.  There was no other option or choice but absolute dying to self and Christ living through them.  When was the last time you rebuked a demon?  How about the last time you laid hands on someone to bring God's healing to them?  When was the last time God spoke through you?  When was the last time you put time into reading the Word and meditating on that Word?  When was the last time you told your children, friends, spouses, and others that they were living condemned to hell if they didn't surrender their lives to Christ?  Have you told anyone what is going to happen in the end times and the consequences for all?  Well, have you?
     Unashamed.  Humble.  Honest.  Loving.  In order to become a Christian there needs to be a life transplant.  Realizing this, we put on Christ and he throws our dead life into the sea of forgetfulness.  Realizing this do we continue attempting to do CPR on the dead in our life as well as others lives?  Realizing this, do we put on Christ and NEVER take him off?  Thanks for reading.

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