Monday, May 14, 2018

True confessions of a sinner

     The first step in confessing our sins is to acknowledge that's all we are.  We are sinners who are unable to live through a day without sinning.  Why is that?  Because we are human beings who have let our free will dictate our lives instead of Jesus.  It's not enough to do an initial confession at the time of our salvation.  That is essential!  We must live holy lives and are unable to do that without Jesus first of all and secondly with unconfessed sin running our lives.  We are called to be a holy people set apart from this world and yet remain as lights in this world.  Sin is darkness.  If you harbor sin in your heart mind or soul, you are living in darkness and you don't have Jesus living in you.  Don't try to rationalize or justify why you think, do and say.  It doesn't work and won't do a thing to bring others closer to Jesus much less your self.  The fact is you and I live with sin and for the most part few ever do anything about it.  I'm not talking about those things you did that you addressed at the front of the church on Sunday.  Neither am I talking about those sins committed that a brother or sister has called to your attention.  In fact, there are people who are not Christian that live more appropriate lives than you do and the world knows it.  This isn't something you can climb under, over or go around.  The sin in your life is like a dam that you are able to go past.  Why is that?  It's because you don't want to give up the sin.  It is YOU who builds the dam so that you can partake in your chosen sin.  Don't think so?  Read on.
     While you are sitting there reading begin to let the Holy Spirit show you the unconfessed sin in your soul.  Let him take you to the heart and show you the darkness there.  Revelations tells us that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."  That means you and I.  ALL have sinned.  All will continue to live in their vomit because it's more important to them than Jesus living through them.  You as an individual are in need of cleansing from your sin.  This can only be accomplished by surrendering to Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to show you the sin you have, and then confessing AND repenting of that sin.  Remember ACTS?  Adoration brings us into the presence of God.  Once there confession clears our hearts of sin that prevents intimacy with God.  Preparing yourself means shutting out the noise of the world and engaging the silence of God.  There the Holy Spirit can do his work exposing the sin in our lives.  Once done, you and I have only one choice.  Face the facts.  Admit what sin we have.  Be repentant and ask the Father to forgive our sins in Jesus' name.  Don't, then, return to our vomit as dogs do.  Remain clean by remaining in God's presence instead of the world's presence.  Should you don't do this, you are no cleaner than the day of your worst sin filled life.  If a part is dirty, the whole thing is dirty.  You can't be a little pregnant.  Neither can you have sin that is petty.  Pregnancy and sin are just that.  Nothing more and nothing less.
     The Catholic church tells their cult to go to the priest "Father" and confess their sins.  The Bible clearly states that we are to call no one "Father" here on earth as our "Father" lives in heaven.  The people of this world, in any capacity, do not have the power to forgive much less remove sins from our lives.  Neither do they have the power to restore a right relationship with God the Father.  The teaching that Mary is anything other than another human being makes her to be something that she's not.  The Catholic church and many other groups, cults, denominations are straight from the pit of hell leading people astray.  I use this example to show how far we as people have come to defend our sin.  Sin all week, come to confession and be clean.  Nope!  That's not how it works.  Just because mankind makes behaviors and choices legal doesn't change how God sees the sin.  Here are just a few examples:  telling our children the lies of Santa, the Tooth Fairy, magical little people of St Patrick's Day, imaginary holidays and the importance of being yourself and the list could go on and on.  Being an example of Jesus to our children is much more important that being okay with the world as an example.  We lead others astray to cater to our comforts and evil desires.  It's okay to be dedicated to sports teams and sports figures and ignore Jesus.  Is this really the message that will bring your children, friends and relatives to a saving knowledge from your sin?  If you live like hell, you will eventually go there.  Don't deceive yourself you are making a stand.  Either you stand for Jesus or you stand for Satan.  Yes, this is harsh.  Maybe that's what it takes to get your attention.
     Go into prayer with adoration as your first goal where God meets with you.  Then go into confession so your heart will be clean from your sin.  Then you will be seriously ready to move forward in your relationship with God.

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