Monday, August 6, 2018

It wasn't always this way

    Looking back we can see where we came from. the right and wrong decisions that determined our paths and eventually brought us to where we are.  It wasn't always like it is today.  Some days and times were worse while some were better.  Regardless of the past; we are here in the present.  Some are determined to not repeat the past while others seem content to do just that.  Change comes to only those who want something different.  It's not suggested that since you want change you necessarily want change for the better.  If that were so we would learn by our mistakes and not repeat them.  Being the king and queen of hindsight doesn't make us immune from those times when we are triggered and think, act and do what we shouldn't do.  It wasn't always this way.  Once upon a time  there was innocence and naivety in the world we live in.  In one way or another our innocence was stripped away from us from those around us and a cruel fallen world.  Nothing would be left unchanged once the innocence and naivety were gone except the next innocent element in our life that would arise.  It wasn't always this way.  It's not that we can restore innocence but rather that we can live in future innocence.
     When we were conceived the Bible says we were conceived in sin and dead in the world.  Some would argue that we weren't conceived in sin but that we were innocent until a time when we could know the difference.  One doesn't need to know loss to know that loss can occur.  We know that there are losses. But are they innocent or the product of naivety?  The place we must come to in order to gain life is knowing that our lives are lost.  We are destitute and condemned to eternity in hell without some loss taking our place.  Unable to be the perfect beings we were designed to be we have but one way to return to innocence.  That would involve being born again.  Born again of spirit and not flesh.  Our spirits, before Christ, were dead.  The world we live in is dead.  This shouldn't be a new truth for Christians.  However, not all who call themselves Christian have been born again.  Some still have a form of godliness but not from God.  Do good all you want.  If you aren't born again you are still dead in your sins.  God doesn't reside within you.  Coming to the end of ourselves and being totally aware of our place in the continuum of that passage to being born again is the most desolate you will ever feel.  Lost with no hope.  It wasn't always this way.  It's not how God formed you in your mother's womb.
     Innocence was there in the beginning of everything.  Even in the beginning of you.  Innocence is hardwired into our souls.  We desire that connection with a God who lived, died and was resurrected for our very souls and innocence.  You are standing on that threshold of then and now.  You have the choice to remain dead or you can choose life.  It's all in your hands.  What do you choose?  If you are like most, you weigh the cost.  But there is no cost as you are already dead.  If you are like most, you look for another way but there is no other way.  There is no bargaining.  Why?  Because the God of innocence has determined a way that surpasses any other way for you to have innocence.  Once you decide, there is that time when you step forward and never look back again.  People who adhere to the law look back  People who look back at tradition look back.  People who have come to the end of themselves don't look back because there is no light in darkness.  When you are dead you cannot see any darkness.  Choosing to step forward and accept life from Jesus ignites light into your heart, soul and mind.  Where once I was lost I am now found!  Innocence is born when the forgiveness of your sins has washed over you.  You are free because He made you free.  You are saved because He saved your soul.  You can now live in innocence forever.  Life begets life and you should be helping others find that most excellent way in Jesus Christ.

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