Thursday, July 12, 2018

When Satan whispers in your ear

     Don't think he doesn't.  He is actively seeking to derail, dissuade and destroy every Christian still here on earth.  Sometimes his whispering is so quiet that we think we don't  hear it while at other times it's so loud that we think everyone hears it.  Truth be told, Satan and his demons are constantly rattling our cages in order to get us to take our eyes off Jesus.  The Bible tells us that he goes about the earth seeking whom he can consume.  The Bible also tells us that he quotes Scripture and knows you and your weaknesses.  But, how much do you know about Satan or do you even believe in him?  It's amazing that there are those who claim to be Christian who don't believe in Satan and/or believe in hell.  What Bible have they not been reading?   Better to believe the Bible and understand Satan and his agenda than to deny Satan and find out to late that he has deceived you as well.  If you haven't done so, in your prayers plead the blood of Jesus to cover you daily as Satan hates that.  Back on track.  The war between Satan and the believer has been going on since the beginning of time.  In fact there was no "time" until Satan convinced Eve that God really didn't mean that she would die if they ate of the fruit.  We are still listening to the whispers and eating of the fruit.  Christians to beware lest they be tempted and fall.
     Some people, including pastors and other church leaders, think they are listening to God when in reality they are listening to Satan.  There are means by which we can test what is being said to determine the source of the whisper.  First, does whatever is being presented line up with the Gospel?  Can you see Jesus in what is being thought said and done?  Will you be able to discern this without prayer, reading the Bible and listening to God yourself?  NO!  The Bible tells us to test the spirits to determine their origin.  Asking a spirit whether they believe Jesus has risen from the dead for the forgiveness of sins is a good beginning.  The trouble is people don't know how to recognize spirits much less talk with them.  Hollywood has made it clear that this is to be a frightening experience with severe consequences.  That's not true.  Jesus said that we who are stayed in him will have no fear.  Further, he said that the Holy Spirit would be send to those who believe so that they can have the guidance of God always present and always active in our lives.  The true believer not only has the Holy Spirit but also listens to the Holy Spirit for guidance, teaching and comfort.  Satan doesn't like that.
     What would happen if Christians actually believed that Satan was out to get them?  How would those who claim to have Jesus living within them actually engage in life here on earth if they waged spiritual war with the world as Jesus commands?  What would change for the Christian if they actually admitted that Satan wants the souls of their friends, neighbors, family, children and even enemies?  What would be the result of Christians actually pleading the covering of the blood of Jesus on everyone they know?  What would be the fate of the plan of Satan if Christians actually stood for what they claim in their lives?  What would be significant if Christians actually read their Bibles and stood on the Word?  What would happen if you didn't listen to Satan whispering in your ear?

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