Monday, July 2, 2018

Christians don't keep score.

     It would seem that statement is true from a Scriptural sense and false from the view of the world.  Using this screening method you can decide for yourself if you keep score or not.  Just as a starting point Jesus didn't keep score.  If you live in the past you most likely will keep score.  If you live in the future you might also be keeping score.  Perhaps I should let you in on what I'm talking about.  Do you keep track of what you do for Jesus?  That's keeping score.  Several cults who think they are Christian do this.  It's not just an individual thing.  How many Hail Mary's and Our Father's did you get assigned at your latest confession?  They don't count but it's still keeping score.  Everything has a value assigned to the rejection others feel at your door as you find out who they represent and slam the door in their faces.  Yep, that's keeping score.  While it would be nice to have a ledger for all who you prayed for; it's not what Jesus wants us to do.  Statistics kept my anyone as to how many are saved or baptized or brought into the fold at that time a young person has been determined to be admitted to membership which is another way of keeping score.  None of the keeping of score is to be the Christians focus.  What takes place here and now is what is important and it's not a part of keeping score. If we are really letting Jesus live through us in all our moments and if we are really letting the Holy Spirit direct our paths; then we are not aware of yesterday or tomorrow.  We live in the moment Jesus has brought us to.
     There is only the Father who is aware of what has been done and what is going to be done.  He also knows what is being done right now.  Relegating our time as "Christians" to Wednesday and Sunday is hardly what the Father is concerned about.  To the Father every moment of every day is to be made holy beginning when you sit, kneel, or stand before him and walk through ACTS with Him.  Making sure that you tithe on a scheduled basis isn't what the Father is concerned about either.  If we truly are Christian and truly have Jesus living through us we don't possess anything.  Everything we have is God's to be used through us.  Being legalistic in our "religion" isn't what the Father wants us to do either.  Some groups believe that if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and aren't baptized right away you have no salvation if you die before being baptized.  Other groups don't believe you are baptized with the Holy Spirit unless you speak in tongues.  Score keeping comes in many forms and are binding in the lives of those who were set free by the blood of Jesus.  When one is bound up in legalism there is no freedom.  If you fall into any of the "keeping score" lives you are serving the father of lies!  Satan has stripped away your faith and the faith you now have is dependent upon how you count your worth.  What a lie!
     The world likes to tell you all kinds of statistics in regards to Christianity.  That's keeping score.  The world likes you to compare yourself to others.  That's keeping score.  The world likes you to have insight into how much better you are and how bad they are as a church body.  That's keeping score.  The ever present potluck is where food is brought to the competition to see who's food is eaten first and how much praise the preparer receives.  The is the worlds way of keep score.  Any comparison is straight from the pit of hell.  You can count the money, dishes at a potluck all the while the Father is concerned about someone who is perishing.  Your keeping score is a disgrace to what Jesus has gone through in his life, death and resurrection for you and others.  Your lives are so consumed by keeping score that the Christian church doesn't even live in the present.  The past and the future maybe, but not the present.  Stop living like you don't care if others are going to hell.  You have been sent.  Go.

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