Wednesday, July 18, 2018

What does it take to be a saint?

     I'm not talking about a saint proclaimed by the Catholic Church based on their criteria.  I'm talking about the Christian who becomes a saint through Jesus living through them.  Let's get something straight right away.  Anyone who surrenders their dead life to Jesus for rebirth and then lives accordingly is a saint in the eyes of the Lord.  This is very much the case in Scripture.  Unlike the Catholic church saints in the Christian definition aren't worshipped or revered.  The saint of Christ goes about their lives adoring God, confessing Jesus as Lord and being thankful for all things in their lives.  They then go on to pray for those things God puts on their hearts and not for their own selfish wants.  The saint of Christ cares for the widow and orphan while sharing Jesus with all with whom they have contact.  The saint of Christ is all about Jesus and him glorified and risen from the dead.  The saint of Christ isn't all about themselves.  They aren't tied to the past or have their sole focus in the future.  They saint of Christ is available to go wherever and do whatever the Holy Spirit asks them to do because that's the only focus of their lives.  The saint of Christ is always in a state of prayer and ready to give account of what the hope in their lives, Jesus is to them.  The saint of Christ is not only willing to die for Christ but know that because of their witness they will be hated and persecuted and possibly killed for Jesus.
     But the question is whether or not you have what it takes to be a saint?  Do you?  More to the point is the question of whether or not you are a saint.  Are you tithing?  That doesn't make you a saint.  Everything belongs to Jesus so you don't have anything and he does.  Are you a church member?  That doesn't make you a saint.  Belonging to anyone but Jesus is against Scripture.  We are accountable to Jesus and not man.  Do you have a Christian bumper sticker?  Again that doesn't make you a saint anymore than wearing t-shirts saying anything Christian.  Bringing your best dish to the church potluck?  Nope, that doesn't make you a saint either.  Anything that embellishes you doesn't glorify God.  That public donation you gave?  That doesn't make you a saint either.  I don't care how big a donation it is.  If it's not what God wants it's a blemish and not a blessing.  Growing up in a "Christian home" doesn't bring you to that point of being a saint either.  Being confirmed and baptized don't make you a saint.  There is a very simple solution to this dilemma of being a saint.  If you claim to be one you probably aren't.  Humility is something that comes naturally to the true saint and they don't brag about anything.  In fact, they would be the first to tell you that they haven't attained what Christ wants for them
     The realization of how dead in your sins you were and maybe are is the first step towards that narrow road that leads to the foot of the cross.  There is nothing good in me.  I know that.  Anything that is good in me is Jesus.  I know that.  Do you?  When we are a broken people by the doing of the Holy Spirit, we can begin to empty this carcass and let Christ take up residence.  He doesn't and can't do what needs to be done if you keep some of the room of the house to yourself.  He wants all of you in order to have all of his love to be present in you and go out to the world through you.  When you have parts of your life reserved for yourself; you have not realized the cost that Christ paid for you and did for you that you might have freedom.  Christ died so that you could have a full and complete life he gives you.  Why would you decline to accept part of what God wants for you and through you?  What does it take to be a saint?  Surrender.

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