Monday, January 8, 2018

What's new?

     According to King Solomon, nothing is new.  But we also know that every day is new!  A gift given to us for His purpose and for His glory.  I don't always fulfill that calling and you probably don't either.  We tend to return to what's old and what's familiar without being open to what's new and exciting.  That's because we don't always look at life as a glass half full but rather half empty.  It's the same life though just the perception of what that life is changes for those who are looking and stays the same for those who aren't looking.  Between the calling of Christ and the willingness of Steve there is a selfish place where I look at life from my perspective rather than God's.  Do you do that as well?  Paul tells us of his daily wrestling with his actions lamenting on that which he doesn't do that he should versus doing that which he shouldn't do but does.  Just covered most of my life.  Each day is new to us.  Instead of being grateful for the opportunity we often engage the day with dread and disdain of what's to come.  We become our own self fulfilling prophecy.  God doesn't do that to us.  Other's don't do this to us.  Our spouses and children are innocent of this choice for us as well,  Not even our enemies can bring us to that point where we choose dread and disdain over hope and faith.  It's my choice...always.
     I woke us this morning in the same room and bed with the same two Boston Terriers licking my face.  I got up with the same routine and put on the "uniform" of the day.  Went to the kitchen, fed the dogs and got some coffee and granola with yogurt.  Then I sat down in my usual chair, the dogs joined me and I followed my daily routine of first reading the Bible (2 Timothy 1), writing my journal all about yesterday and then continuing with emails, news, and writing the blog.  It's been this way for years.  So, it's up to me to see what is new that God has brought me into another day.  He is not the God of the mundane and doesn't bring me mundane as a goal.  He is a God who envisions this day from the perspective of what me, his servant, will be able to set aside so that I can engage his plan of bringing the Gospel to others.  That's where the excitement begins and grows.  What opportunities will he spring upon me so that I can, like Paul, in season and out convey the hope that is within me which is found in Christ Jesus.  It's not like I don't want that but some days I actually sabotage what God wants me to do and be.  Do you ever find yourself in this space?
     Contrary to the saying "this day is the first day for the rest of your life" is the truth that this is the only day of your life.  You don't have yesterday no matter how hard you try to bring it with you from yesterday.  You don't have tomorrow as it isn't hear yet.  You and I have this moment in this day and it's NEW!  Satan wants to rain on your parade and how often you let him do just that.  King Solomon was wrong.  There is something new today or Satan wouldn't try so hard to distract you from the new.  It's just the way things are.  You are given NEW and you can choose whether you do the new or choose some other choice.  Any other choice denies the Christ you profess  Any other choice insults your presence on this earth as a Christian.  YOU are new every day.  YOUR world is new every day.  The people are new around you.  The need for salvation in others is new.  There is nothing old for today.  There is only NEW!  Created by God, born into this world and then saved by the grace of God we are continually confronted by NEW.  Take today and find out all that is new in your being and world.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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