Tuesday, January 16, 2018

There are no coincidences in a Christian life!

     Whether you believe in God's divine plan or not is important.  The Bible tells us that we are served "by angels unaware" during our time on earth.  The real question is whether or not you and I are being available to do that work or not.  You are driving down the road and see someone broken down with their cars hood up.  Do you stop to help or are you concerned about a serial killer mentality?  You are in the line at your grocery store and someone is short on money for the basics they are trying to buy.  Do you let them put stuff back or do you lend a hand with some of your excess cash?  You are looking through Craigslist and the Spirit tells you to answer an ad.  Do you say, "I don't need that." or do you look for the opportunity to minister Christ to someone you don't know with whatever going on in their lives?  The divine plan of God waits for you and I to let God love others through us.  The divine plan of God wants everyone to hear the Gospel message and find Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  The divine plan is either the driving force in your life or that which you fight on a daily basis.  Maybe you've been convinced by the world that "it's not my job" or some other ridiculous excuse.  God didn't make an excuse for you when he sent Jesus to die for your sins.  Why don't you die to them as well?  Live a reborn life with Jesus your only focus.
     Life is either an opportunity for freedom or a relegation to slavery.  Not just yours; but those God sends you to.  Your hearing and doing the will of God means that you and I need to be so familiar with the Holy Spirit and the Word that when we hear either speak to us we don't hesitate but instead do what Jesus would have done.  If He doesn't use you, he will send someone else.  The lack of doing the will of God is called sin.  Let's make this very clear.  Life for the Christian is either choosing self or God.  Any "self" choice is contrary to the will of God.  When we choose "self", "self" becomes our god.  All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people (Christian people) to do nothing.  We are either the salt of the world or not.  There are no degrees or levels of this decision.  We either are or we aren't.  Aren't what?  We are either His or ours.  Those who serve self are unable to serve Christ.  Once a Christian disables himself/herself from God for self reasons, sin becomes okay to them who do so.
     Being ready "in season and out" (Paul), we can advance the Gospel and God can reap the harvest of souls previously destined to hell.  It's all about Jesus.  It's all about being led instead of doing what we want.  God will never take us where he cannot protect us.  God will never ask you and I to do something unless he knows we can do it.  Here's the question: "Do you live a life in Christ so much that if Christianity was a felony punishable by death you would be sentenced and killed?"  Remember that it's always your choice.

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