Friday, January 1, 2016

Still kicking after last year!

     January 1st is a significant time when we look back and maybe even reminisce about the events of the previous year.  Most of the time people try to remain positive focused.  However, there have been battles, losses, and failures that tend to take the "life" out of us.  These events or incidents are necessary just as the positives.  Sometimes it takes time to begin to see what positive came from the negative.  Looking back allows us to see the process we go through and the reason we choose to go through the negative times.  Those involved in our lives may even have intertwined themselves in the events that shaped the year.  Some losses of relationships, some gains of relationships and then those who stand by without wavering.  It's been God and the people he has in our lives that helped us through the year.  Looking back in my year I've tended to let people in for the good stuff but stayed to myself for the less than good stuff.  Maybe you did too.  It's not that we don't want people involved in our lives but rather that we don't want people seeing us struggle, going through difficult times, and sometimes failing.  Yet, failure is part of what made last year a success.  Coming into the new year by itself is a win!
     Being a Christian presence in someone's life is essential for the body of Christ to be the body of Christ.  The action of doing and being a Christian brother and sister finds it's way into our lives even when we resistant to the intrusion.  Christians should intrude in each other's lives.  Being alone is the best way for us to fall and to fail.  Think about it for a moment.  When we think, say and do on our own, we are open to the attack of the enemy.  When the attack comes our single strength is battered and the chance of giving in rises significantly.  When a lone animal in the wild is suddenly surrounded by other animals the waiting attacker will give up and go on to find another vulnerable animal.  Notice that the body of Christ surrounds those who are alone even when they don't want to or are unaware.  It's called prayer.  It's called potlucks.  It's called phone calls and visits.  Behind every Christian there should be a wall of prayer for protection and success.  None of us should ever choose to be lone wolves but rather should choose to be the body of Christ wherever we are.  Can't make it to church?  Be a prayer warrior.  Be a phone call minister.  Write missionaries letters.  Just choose to be a part of rather than apart from.
     The army of the Lord is at battle 24/7 for you.  The army of the Lord answers the prayers of the righteous.  The army of the Lord goes before us, guards behind us, and watches our left and right.  That's the war we can't see.  The army of the church goes ahead of us, guards behind us and watches our left and right in only as much as we allow them to.  We have he choice of what we want to have happen in our lives.  We can choose to be a part of or apart from.  The testimony of the past year holds the answer to whether you and I have been a part of or apart from.  It's never about my victory.  It's always about the Lord's victory.  Even when it's a personal problem; the Lord is glorified in the victory.  The reason I'm still kicking after last year is twofold.  The first reason is that God fought the battle for me, my life, my family and my friends.  The second reason that God for the battle for me was because He has a plan for this next year!  How about you?

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