Sunday, June 29, 2014

An excuse for everything.

     I've been there and done that enough times that you would think I would change my life.  Excuses have been around every since Adam and Eve in the garden.  That's a long time!  An excuse is our word for justifying our disobedience to God.  That is also called sin...disobedience to God.  The opposite, obedience to God, needs no excuse.  When we connive an excuse there are elements of that decision that we should look at.
     First there is the intent to engage in such thinking.  Jimmy Carter, when asked if he had ever committed adultery said that he had when he had looked upon a woman with lust (Biblical definition of adultery).  He had not actually committed the act of adultery but had begun the act.  Don't raise your hand if you have done so with anyone.  We know that when we wake in the morning we are desiring to do life right.  When we don't we can trace the problem back to that part of our thinking that is run by selfishness and selfish desires. 
     As human beings our first waking moment, whether conscious or unconscious, is to be selfish in some manner.  We "deserve" or "have earned" or "want" and selfishness is born.  Very few are content with that which God has given us.  From birth to death God has promised to take care of our every "need."  No, we don't get to define what we "need" versus what we "want."  When we have defined our need; our lives become filled with excess and we begin to develop the "I deserve" attitude.  What we deserve is death because of our sin and rebellion.  What we get is grace and forgiveness.  What else do we really need?
     Second, there is the rationalization and justification process we engage in.  Over the years I became very adept at both in order to enjoy my sin, my choices.  As we engage in this step of our downfall, we begin to distance ourselves from those who would maybe question and intervene.  Our thinking takes over from where we cut God out of the equation.  Thus the second step toward our fall is set in place.  There are plenty of Christians out there who use radar detectors in their cars.  Why?  Because they intend on breaking the speed limit and don't want the consequence of the ticket. 
     Third, we bring someone with us.  Again, why?  Because  we think that if someone else is thinking, doing or saying the same thing we cannot possibly be guilty of anything.  "Look around us," we say, "everyone is doing it."  Whatever "it" is.  James 4:17 clearly states, "If we know what is right to do and do it not; we sin."  Notice the focus on doing what is right instead of not doing what is right.  Our sin is a thoughtful process that leads us to separation from God.  The question is, will we be okay without God's love in our lives.  For me the answer is "No."
     Fourth, our conscious becomes seared and becomes unnoticeable in our daily living.  It's like a couple of gears that keep a machine going.  They have teeth that interlock and when they go around they move synchronized.  Should one of the gears "strip" it's teeth, there is little or no indicator that the machine is working.  Thus so many who have a seared conscious don't even look like they feel guilty or even uncomfortable when involved in sinful living. 
     The fifth step is becoming dead spiritually.  We have chosen the road that excludes God from our lives.  Some do this with the intent to "make it right before they die."  Good luck with that!  When we make this choice, our primary emotion of thankfulness is replaced with one of selfishness.  Life that was all about God becomes all about me.  Spiritual death has taken place.  We have turned our back on the living God.
     Jesus' heart is broken when we make this choice.  The Holy Spirit has been silenced in order that we may sin.  God the Father weeps for his lost child.  BUT!!!  God never gives up.  God never stops loving.  God never places obstacles to our relationship with him.  We do that.  God is waiting with a heart full of grace for you and I when we return to him.  Every morning I am reminded that God is there with me with his heart turned towards me.  God is for me and no one can trump that. 
     Over the years of my Christian life I have occupied all of the five stages I have just described at one time or another.  I'm not proud of any of that.  I have repeatedly returned to take the grace of God once more until next time.  With every day I hope and pray that I stray from the will of God less and less.  Every morning God makes new for me and for you.  He is never more than one step away.  Waiting...

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