Sunday, November 26, 2017

Chapter 10. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Patient

       My first thought was: “I don’t want to write about being “patient”.  Here is why.  Anytime I have spoken about being patient the sky falls.  You name it, it happens to me, around me and there is no stopping the trials that word brings!  However, here I am so I might as well get on with it.  Perhaps you too are hesitant in reading about patience?  When faced with this well-intentioned word we try to avoid the issues we have.  As we look at being patient in a Christian context (it should be the same all the time); balance is important.  Achievements are a result of patience and of course planning.  So, the two complement each other.  Our patience should generate plans that are engaged until achievement of the plan is complete.  Okay, patience should be after the achievement as well.  The Bibles imperative is that we are to be patient.  Not sometimes, not in specific situations and certainly, but in every part of our daily life.  We will use the love chapter in 1 Corinthians as the basis for the next few chapters.  Becoming patient because of love seems like a complex process.  However, there is so much in our life that would be better if we had a life focused in patience. 

       I was also hesitant about writing this chapter as it wants you to look at your achievements as well as your plans.  I have previously written that we need to put ourselves aside and let Christ live through us.  The same goes for enjoying your plans.  It is not necessarily something to enjoy if you are called like Jeremiah to prophecy doom and deportation for his entire life.  He was called to be a prophet around age 13!  So, the Desiderata states that we enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.  Deciding to address these two elements we can strike the fragile balance in our lives with both the writing and the Scripture we are using.  As such, achievements that have been accomplished; have turned out positive and useful for ourselves and others.  Sometimes they have been God ordered and sometimes not.  Sometimes, like for me, we embark on a plan of our own device and don’t achieve much for Jesus.  Sometimes we are called to action that is unclear and somewhat scary and we hesitate and miss the “moment” the action was called for.  Far too much of my life has played out with my plan as the blueprint of my life.  My plans and my achievements are not necessarily Gods.  God’s plans and achievements are what he desires for this world within we live.  We can’t see, much less enjoy the world if we aren’t focused on God.  For this we must use the attributes we have been discussing.  For this chapter we are looking at patience.  God wants us to be patient, hear His plan and give the glory for the accomplishments to Jesus.  Remember, we are asked to give up our lives and in return our lives become all about Jesus. 

       We are bombarded with choices daily.  We choose as well as we can for the most part.  How we choose is very important.  If you would, imagine with me that there are only two choices for us.  We will say they are Plan A and Plan B.  Plan A is God’s choice for us.  Plan B is our choice.  Whenever we choose Plan A, we choose what God wants for us and what he wants through us for others.  Whenever we choose Plan B, we choose first to obey God and that choice is always less than what would have been.  These choices of ours apply to others as well.  My decisions (good or bad) have a ripple effect on those around me or those involved in some part of my life.  Doubt me?  Imagine waking up one day and being paralyzed.  “Dependent on others” takes on a whole new meaning.  Likewise, our choice of A or B.  I used to commute to work and would ask God which way he wanted me to drive.  On the days I would listen the commute was good.  On the days I didn’t listen, things were less than good.  What I found myself doing was looking at the other commute choice from time to time and second guessing the Plan A.  Looking back on my experience and knowledge I would use Steve logic to engage the Plan B.  Have you ever heard someone telling the story about how they were stopped from being able to do something only to learn later that they had avoided being in an accident, crime, or other travesty?  God has helped us stay safe so many times that we could never list all of them.  His angels have also been sent on assignment to protect us.  Keep in mind whether you are choosing Plan A or Plan B throughout your day.  Maybe keep a journal so you have “proof” of what God has accomplished through your obedience.

       I have had 18 or so vocations during my lifetime.  Most of them were chosen by God for me.  But not all were his choice; some were mine.  If we truly believe God has a plan for us, then we shouldn’t shy away from looking at His plan.  I do truly believe that God has a plan for us.  Sometimes the plan is shaped by our simple obedience.  In the simplest form it maybe you feeling God wants you to buy the meal for the elderly couple sitting a table away.  You tell your waitperson and pay the bill.  Going away from this leaves a good feeling within you.  All is good!  We tend to look at the simple and little things as no brainers.  Perhaps you have been asked by God to do something and you knew in your heart that it was God who was talking.  For whatever reason you chose to not do the task.  Going away from this experience leaves a sadness in your spirit and soul.  Both examples exemplify the extremes mankind exercises to both do what God wants and to not do what God wants.  Both have a consequence (positive and negative) and both will form how we engage that still small voice God often uses to have his will come about.  We are not a people who want to wait on God for direction.  We are not a patient people.  Wait as we should, most of us will be off and running within the first 5 minutes of waiting.  We call it multitasking.  We call it not wasting time.  We call it busy work.  We call whatever we do instead of being patient something else and then we call it good. 

       Anyone besides me run your schedule from moment to moment hoping to fit in as much as we can and still not kill ourselves?  I used to do that a lot, but God exercised his plan to slow me down and take notice.  From time to time I get caught up in the moment and take over the plan for my life.  The results vary but are always below the level that God had planned for me.  Remember Plan A and Plan B.  I’ll give you an example of both wills going at the same time.  I’m driving from San Francisco, CA to Redwood City, CA and am going to barely be on time for an important engagement.  Way down the road in front of me I see this car pulled over and a man outside of it looking at a rear wheel.  I heard very clearly that small voice says, “stop and help the man”.  I tried to ignore the voice and drove by.  The voice became more insistent with every minute that passed.  I took the next exit, went past northbound, took the next exit and once southbound I stopped behind the man.   The man was still looking at the flat tire.  I asked him if I could help.  He said, “That would be wonderful.  I just had triple bypass surgery.”  So, I changed the tire, put things away and in my silence asked God to bless this man.  The older gentleman told me that he had prayed for help as he had an appointment with his doctor to go to.  Now he would be on time.  My obedience even after the fact helped God complete his plan for both of us.  I was reminded that it’s important to see His plan over my plan.  I was also reminded that the obedience to the voice may be the result of someone else needing help.  And so, slightly humbled, I went to my appointment for which I wasn’t late after all.

       Within our hectic world people are rushing all the time.  They don’t seem to have time for anything but the essential and sometimes not for that either.  Taking time to let God run our lives is nothing more than a nice thought.  We live our lives more on the level where we expect God to use what we are doing for whatever it is worth.  Living our lives can be classified in two categories.  The first is the “active” model we live our lives in a non-defensive way.  We are action oriented instead of reaction oriented.  This is the life surrendered to the one who is ordering our world.  In this mode we relax, take time to pray, seek God’s will, and listen.  I wish I could tell you that this is easy and something that I do every day.  It’s not.  I’ve, so it seems, spent a lot of time instead of being on the offense with God’s will; on defense with my will.  Living a reactionary life is just that; always being on the defense.  Missing first and foremost is a sense of peace.  Not just peace with God, but also peace with others and yourself.  A sense of accomplish is also missing.  Have you ever felt you were just spinning your wheels?  Are you the person hoping that something gets cancelled so that you can get time to eat lunch?  Perhaps you are the person that doesn’t want to go home to someone who has been doing the same thing.  Not to mention the kids who have demands on your time when you get home.  It is a hectic world by out making.  Divorce rates are high, kids with problems are on the rise and medical problems have skyrocketed with our hectic life style.  We don’t take time to eat right, exercise, and we certainly don’t take time for what God may want for us.  It’s not a pretty picture.  Many of you are thinking, “And it’s probably going to stay that way.”  Does it really have to stay that way?  God doesn’t want us chasing anything but His will.

       We don’t have an escape module waiting and ready for us.  You may wish that you did but it’s not so.  Besides where would you go to escape that which is inside of you.  It’s of your making and there has to be a solution from the internal.  I was trying to delete a program in my computer the other day.  It has served its purpose and was now just taking up space.  The uninstall process was in two segments.  However, I didn’t know which one to uninstall first.  So, it is with our daily driven life as well.  We don’t know what to do first.  It is at this point that I would like to suggest one move you need to make.  But make that move only if you mean to address this choice and live a changed life.  What we need to do first is STOP.  That’s it.  We just need to stop.  I heard a mom in a mall one-day yell over her shoulder to a small boy running trying to keep up, “If you don’t keep up I’m just going to leave you here.”  Really?  I hope you can see the second part of the problem.  We are not alone.  We have families, friends, churches, work, and teams along with many other “good” activities and events in our life.  So, when we stop, what do those other people and activities do?  They don’t just stop along with us.  They yell over their shoulder, “You had better keep up with us or we’re just going to leave you here.”  That, my friend, is the best thing that could happen to us.  Left alone on the side of the road with a flat tire could be the best thing that has happened to all involved.  Do you know what you will find if you STOP?  You will find others who have stopped as well.  Maybe people around you will decide to stop along with you. 

       When stopped, you enter a state of rest.  That rest allows our heads to clear.  Once clear we can come before God and listen.  Once listening we can be patient because the world isn’t running our lives.  It is then that we can hear the voice of God loving on us and wanting to bless us.  We’ve come a long way in just a few pages.  Perhaps you should take some time right now to just rest and listen.  But you didn’t stop reading.  You are going on with the reading and thinking and missed the moment.  Why do we do this?  What are we thinking?  Jesus has a message for us: “Don’t think.”  “Don’t do.”  “Don’t move.”  Whatever is our choice; we are to not do that choice.  If we do not stop, listen and rest, we have not desired God’s input into our lives.  Remember that if you don’t feel close to God, it’s you who have moved.  “But,” you say, “what if…?”  There we go, thinking again.  It’s not that God gave us brains just to not think.  He wants us to think from His perspective.  He wants his thoughts to be our thoughts.  When we turn this around we place ourselves on the throne and leave him sitting on the side of the road.  So, let’s take the first step and just STOP and rest.  The next step is to listen.  How can we hear the voice of God?  You may be thinking that I don’t know what I’m talking about.  Then listen to God by reading his Holy Word.  The Bible contains everything we need to know, think or feel to be able to hear the voice of God.  When we rest we should also pray.  Remember ACTS from a previous chapter?  Adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.  It’s a very simple movement from Plan A to Plan A.  You thought I was going to say Plan B!  Stay in Plan A and watch God move.

       How long should we STOP and listen?  If it takes.  Look at the examples of this in the Bible.  Godly people waiting on the Lord in prayer have shaken this world time and time again.  Stopping and listening is not enough though.  When God speaks, as he will, be ready to do what he wants when he wants and how he wants.  If we hesitate, think about it, or put off the act for a better time, we lose the moment.  We lose the moment and are unable to regain that moment.  It’s gone.  If we are feeling impatient, we are in charge.  If we feel doubtful, we are in charge.  If we feel there is a better choice, we are in charge.  If we are in charge we are choosing Plan B. 

       So, what are we to do?  We’ve missed the “moment” and God’s Plan A.  What now?  Are we to throw up our hands and just give up?  No, of course not.  Are to realize that we have failed God (we have) and let it create guilt in us for the rest of our lives?  Not.  Here is the best part of this situation.  Whenever we choose Plan B, God places another Plan A in front of us.  We are given chance after chance to choose Plan A.  That is how good and persistent God is with us.  He wants us to be blessed and to be a blessing to others.  So, whenever we choose Plan B, God shakes his head, says, “Steven, Steven….” And sighs deeply.  Then he says, “Let’s try this again.  Satan will take my failure (your failure too) and try to use it to keep me ineffective for God.  How?  By reminding us as often as needed that we missed the mark.  That we are no good.  That we won’t be forgiven.  All of them a lie.  When we approach God and confess our sins, the Bible says, “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.”  In another section of Scripture God tells us that “He remembers our sin no more.”  And finally, God throws our sin away from himself “as far as East is to West.”  Why didn’t God say from North to South?  Because if you travel South around the world you reach a point at the South Pole where you immediately start going North.  Not so following East around the earth.  You never get to East.  Ever.  So, it is with our sins.  They are no more.

We are about to put the finale on this Scripture and its involvement with achievement and plans.  We can either accept the truth or reject the truth.  We have the choice and will need to make that choice.  If you and I choose to accept God’s truth we are open to listening to him.  If we listen, we will be in right relationship with God.  If we are in right relationship with God, we will have a life filled with his blessings on us and others.  When that happens the will of God takes place and God’s world, not mine, keeps going.  The more we practice this pattern the more we come to have confidence in God and his plan.  When his plan is accomplished people are humbled before God and they choose to accept the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and are saved from death and hell.  The more we become familiar with the ways of God, the more we will be able to hear the voice of God.  That’s what we want when we are patient in the life He has given us.  The result is we can see achievements and plans as his and not ours.  We can be proud of that which God has done.  The other result is we will become better at being patient.  I don’t think our free will choices will ever really allow us to be patient in everything.  Celebrate the times that you are patient.  It’s the healthy choice for everyone.

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