Thursday, June 11, 2015

Plan A or plan B?

     I chose to get out of bed this morning...plan A.  I was tempted to stay in bed this morning...plan B.  It's not so complicated when we look at the everyday choices we make.  Part of making the choice between A and B is how we complicate the task.  Making coffee in the morning is a plan A if there ever was one!  I cannot at this time and place in my life imagine NOT having coffee in the morning.  In fact, the only thing that could make morning coffee an even better plan A would be to have it already made for me when I wake up.  Okay, we all know there are machines that are programmable complete with the grinding of fresh beans.  There still has to be other plan A choices in order to eventually come to my first cup of coffee in the morning.  There needs to be an adequate supply all that is involved in making coffee.  Ever try using substitute paper for a coffee filter?  Definitely a plan B thing!  There needs to be a working means of actually making the coffee.  Someone has to do the dishes so that there is a cup or travel mug available.  Did anyone buy the creamer that I like or does it have to be black today?  You see, there is more to the initial plan A than just getting out of bed and pouring myself a cup of coffee.  Life is like that.  What we do today is part of tomorrows plan A and plan B. 
     Let me be very clear here so that there is no mistaking my life history.  I have all to often chosen plan B even when I knew plan A was better.  That was the case with Eve and Adam in the garden and so it is with me today.  The Bible tells me that God knew me before I was formed in my mothers womb and knew everything I would think, do and say throughout my whole life.  He knew in advance every plan B that I would choose and what it would take for me to get back to plan A.  With that knowledge in hand I'm surprised that he has put up with me!  Sometimes our plan A is flawed because of how we understand and define life.  For instance, the person who grows up without any feelings or communications of love has a definite disadvantage in making plan A choices about their love of God, others or self.  What they may think was a plan A choice was actually a plan B choice.  So we have chosen through the plan A process people to love and be loved by based on perhaps a faulty understanding of love.  Now what?  Well, we can choose plan A or plan B.  Plan B is my interpretation, understanding and application.  Plan A is God's interpretation, understanding and application.  God always chooses plan A for you and I. 
     Not long ago I was going on an errand that put me on the road for an hour each way.  Freeway traffic was probably going to influence what that time frame would actually be.  So, I weighed out my options.  I could take the Ford Expedition or the Mercedes Benz.  (both very used and not worth as much as the names imply).  One would give me comfort and the other would give me confidence that I would actually get there.  Plan A was to make the trip successfully.  Both ways.  Well, things go wrong as they sometimes will and one thing leading to another and I found myself on the side of the road with no gas because I had chosen to not get the car topped off with gas.  My plan B was "I think I can make the trip without spending the money on gas."  After waiting for AAA (plan A instituted long ago for just such an occasion) for an hour (timeline gone) and then pulling off the next exit for gas (more timeline gone), I was faced with a dilemma.  I had another plan A or plan B decision to make.  Continue on the trip or go home.  Both very reasonable.  I chose to call, change the time of the event and continue the trip.  Definitely a plan A decision. 
     Not everything is cut and wrapped in cute little packages with plan A or plan B written on top.  Some of the choices can be made by common sense.  Some of the choices can be made by common understanding.  Some of the choices can be made by common faith.  When all else fails, go to the instruction manual and find the answer that is best for a plan A choice.  For the Christian that would be the Bible. When we seek input from another person (Christian or not) subconsciously we will seek out that person whom we believe would most likely choose our choice in the first place.  However, once consulting with the Bible leads us to a clear answer outside mankind's wisdom.  The ten commandments is a good place to start.  The first 4 commands are specific to our relationship with God while the remaining 6 are specific to our relationship with others.  The Beatitudes are basically the ten commandments in reverse and show the result of our compliance with the ten commandments.  Making a choice based on Scripture will always be a plan A for the believer. 
     Today I chose to get out of bed, have a cup of coffee (actually 2) and write this blog.  All were plan A choices.  I'll be faced with man choices between A and B during my day.  The more I look for God to make the choice, the better I become at making those choices for myself and those around me.  Make your choice.  Plan A or plan B?  It's always your choice and so are the results.

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