Friday, June 5, 2015

My particular kind of crazy!

     When my kids were little, once in the car, they would ask me where we were going.  I'd tell them we were going to "Crazy."  This happened practically every time we were in the car.  The end result is when asked by others where we had been; they would say "Crazy!"  You will know the truth and it shall set you free.  Crazy isn't bad.  Crazy isn't always good either.  Crazy is what we make it.  We can use crazy to be funny, angry, sad, depressed, elated and a host of other feelings.  We even tell someone we are crazy about them.  I say that about my truck.  Isn't that crazy?  "That Steve sure has done some crazy things!"  "I wonder if Steve knows that he's crazy?"  "Steve is crazy about Harley Davidson's Fat Boy."  The list could go on and on.  You get the drift though.  It's crazy good!
     I'm crazy about Jesus even though my life sometimes doesn't show that craziness.  The prophets of the Old Testament were crazy about Jesus and his coming.  John the Baptizer was crazy about Jesus while he was yet in his mother's womb.  The Bible tells us that John (yet unborn) and Jesus (yet unborn) jumped for joy when their mother's met.  Now that's crazy.  Things in the Bible haven't always been good crazy.  Noah was called crazy before the flood.  No one was left to call him crazy later.  David danced in his underwear while entering the city and people thought he was crazy.  The families of the 12 disciples must have thought their kids were crazy to simply leave everything when Jesus told them to follow him.  Then there is that crazy book, Revelation.  Things are going to get crazy bad in a short time and that's not good for lots of people.
     We tend to avoid being the one to tell a friend about Jesus for fear of being labeled crazy or Bible thumper, or worse.  Because of our fear of being crazy for Jesus many souls will spend eternity in Hell.  Now that is crazy.  Because of my fear of how people see me I don't share the Gospel?  When I can tell a guy that his fly is open in pubic but avoid telling others about the saving grace of Jesus I must be crazy.  Where crazy was once relegated to the mentally ill, it now covers practically every area of our lives.  Being crazy doesn't carry the weight it once does.  So why don't we tell others about Jesus?  Maybe it's because we aren't crazy about Jesus ourselves. 
     I have PTSD.  It's a crazy mental disorder that has left me with no way to get away from its power.  PTSD so invades my life and permeates every corner of my daily life that I cannot get away from it.  Why isn't that true regarding Jesus for you? For the Christians living around us?  For the pastors of churches?  Just where are the crazy people of God who will do crazy things for God and will risk everything just so someone will hear about Jesus.  While I have PTSD, my witness is still intact.  We all fall short of God's glory by many different means.  This shouldn't be a means of letting ourselves off the hook but rather should be a means by which we can as HUMANS reach out to others who like us are not perfect. 
     My challenge for myself is to remain in Christ regardless what the world thinks.  Do you think that's crazy?

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