Sunday, August 10, 2014

Little white lies.

     The statement isn't about lying so much as it is about the truth and what we do with it.  The direct issue at hand isn't what we do about the truth when the choice is ours.  The lying is merely the envelope that the letter is delivered in.  As man has developed over time (development doesn't mean in a positive manner necessarily) so has the understanding of what truth is and is not.  What truth does or doesn't do in everyone's life has also changed.  With mankind's desire to have more fun and less responsibility many areas of our lives go south.  In some instances we have even become expectant to lie and be lied to.  Certain groups of people are stereotyped as liars and treated appropriately. We make fun of lies and listen with rapt attention.  So the little white lie becomes the new truth by which we have all been nodding our vote to and for.
     Take for example being late to work.  It was the traffic, the weather, the car, other cars, and the list goes on and on.  One item is missing...our choice.  "I'll get up in a minute." as we hit the snooze button.  School is out so there will be less vehicles on the roads making our time issue even more compounded.  The proverbial "minute" becomes a stretched minute with lots of strings attached and we "steal" some time that we don't have.  "My boss is understanding."  Really?  When you finally get your discipline and maybe firing who is understanding then?  Besides manipulating the truth we cheat others out of what they deserve.  This lateness can also explain but not excuse our token "late" person that everyone expects to be late.
     You may be the husband, wife, mother, father, child, or friend who is always late to some instance where your lateness translates into "You don't matter."  Thank you for taking the time to read this.  I've been there and so have you.  Filling our schedules so full that we have to borrow some time from tomorrow just to get through today.  I'm reminded of one family who expected their adult daughter to be late.  They took it upon themselves to tell the errant daughter the event was 15 minutes earlier than reality just to get her close to being on time.
     "Aunt Bev, your dress looks adorable!"  "Dad, you did a great job on the project."  "You are the best _______."  "Of course you were right."  There are many different ways in which we change the definition of "truth."  We can do all the changing but the truth remains the truth.  What evolves over time is a subliminal message that people shouldn't expect the truth from me.  If the whole group is doing this, living in denial is just a short step away.  For years there has been talk about the "victimless crime."  If it's a "crime", it is not victimless.  "But the _______ shouldn't be a crime."  If it was not a crime we would be moving onto another area of our lives where "it shouldn't be a crime." 
     The trip to and from righteousness is loaded with our selfishness.  We are a selfish people who have been lying from the beginning of time.  The ability of mankind to justify and rationalize their choices doesn't speak highly of ethics and morality.  And to those who still adhere to the truth, rejection will come.  Rejection of the truth and morality.  We live with a people who have made their goal in life to be the least responsible while being the most selfish.  When this is accomplished being hit in the head with a rock wouldn't make a difference.
     The truth or lies?  Which do you choose?  We have both before us continually.  Why do we choose what we choose?  It's your world and you choose to tell the truth or choose to tell the lie.  Sometimes the choice is both so you send out a "little lie."  "It won't hurt anyone."  Any statement beginning with "technically..." is formed to bring a lie into the conversation.  Lies also come to us in the questions asked.   "Did he really say that you would die if you ate the fruit of the tree of life?"  And so the lies began.  God doesn't want us to lie in any form.  God wants us to be truthful and able to convey the truth to others.  What will you lie about today?  Who will it affect?  How will this affect how people see me?  I could list a few pages of issues that will come before us today where we will choose to not tell the truth. 
     One last truth where lying has replaced truth.  Let's begin at the beginning of the year.  New Years is a day where it's okay to be drunk.  "I love you." to those we don't love in February.  The Easter Bunny.  The Tooth Ferry.  Santa and the reindeer.  Elves making toys at the North Pole.  It's okay to lie.  Then when we are caught by our 8 year old we justify our lies and ask them to not tell their brother or sister.  "You will ruin their fun."  No, you will teach time that lying is okay.  Lying is not okay.  The truth is lying will ruin their fun.  So, today, go out there and surprise everyone by telling the truth in love.  The truth is really okay!

1 comment:

  1. To tell you the truth, this entry should convict all of us. Most won't change even with the best of scenarios. How about you?
