Friday, July 26, 2019

As in the days of Noah...

     People wonder what the end of the world will be like and fixate on prophecies that show where we are on the timeline leading to Jesus' return.  All the while refusing to fixate on those who are perishing.  The Bible tells us that mankind's condition must be worse than in the days of Noah.  Remember the story?  Mankind had become totally self'-serving except for Noah and his family who remained true to God.  The world against a few people.  Why was that?  What had happened that Noah and his family were targeted by the world and marked for death?  Was it because of social media?  I don't think so.  Was it because of peer pressure?  Nope, not that.  Was it because they felt guilty?  No, not that either.  Why then target a man building a boat in his yard for a rainy day?  Maybe he violated a HOA rule or city code.  Maybe people were jealous of his boat building ability?  No, the real reason was they wanted to kill the voice of God through Noah and his family.  They NEEDED to kill the voice of God so they could maintain their way of selfish living in disobedience to God.
     So, where are the boat builders today?  Where are the ones preparing their families for the Rapture?  What's the Rapture?  It's a moment (actually in the twinkling an eye.  One tenth of a nano second to be exact) when Jesus will take all those who have given their lives to him home to heaven.  This is the current flood of the days of Noah.  Where God is fulfilling prophecies outlined in the Bible.  In order to know these prophecies you need to read the Bible.  The "map" is outlined there for all to read and understand.  Ignorance is no excuse.  God witnesses in our hearts his Word as we read and study the Word.  Some say that the Bible is old fashioned and not relevant to today.  They are wrong.  Some say the Bible is not true and worship the god they are most comfortable with.  They are wrong.  Some claim we can repent later or even after we are called home.  That's a lie as well.  To all of these groups I say, "Get ready to swim!"
     Noah tried to tell those perishing that the end was near.  No one wanted to listen but wanted to get on his boat when the water came.  To late.  Noah tried to tell them their sin was keeping them from the love of God.  They wanted to be saved from destruction but not surrender their life of sin to God who loved and created them.  Imagine the water rising, people clinging to the side of the boat and slowly losing their grip dropping them into the destructive waters to die.  All because of their choice to live a sin filled selfish life.  That's what so many are doing today. Even professing Christians.  What a waste by a sinful choice.  Remember, it's always your choice!

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