Monday, July 29, 2019

Amidst other things...

     So many times we have so much on our plate that we miss all the "amidst other things" that are sprinkled throughout our lives like pesky weeds in our yards.  People, like sand, slip through our hands like time.  We awake to find so many changes we never anticipated amidst other things.  Like ghosts we are haunted by regrets but it's too late to attend to "amidst other things".  They too are gone and yet we must go on.  Filling our lives with what we think important we console ourselves that we did our best and yet, in our heart of hearts, we know we have spoken yet another lie.  The soul dies piece by piece leaving lonely men and women seeking for some kind of meaning to lift them from the hole life has dug for us.  Maybe you resonate with the above and wonder, like me, what can be done to redeem the waste that has become our life.  Maybe...  I don't know about you.  I do know about me.  I'm weary of the continually bombarding of my life with all that that covers our life amidst other things.
     The answer is amidst other things for not all there is negative or bad for us.  Sometimes the kernels of life meaning something are so miniscule that they are hard to see much less grasp.  We must attend to the least of these "other things" in order to see the gems and blessings lest we find our lives meaningless and are overwhelmed.  My two Boston Terriers are laying on the recliner snoring at this moment.  They symbolize the peace among the peace less world we live in.  The fans gently turning on the ceiling speak volumes about the presence of and actions of the Holy Spirit which we ignore.  Darkness has dawned not so much to put us to sleep as to remind us why we need the light of every new day.  There's lightening flashing around me reminding me there are powers at work greater than I can even imagine.  My bed awaits my weary body and head.  Sometimes I fall asleep even before my head hits the comfort of my mattress and pillow.  You too?
      Often, when we are not aware, answers to all of our problems, situations and griefs come even before we have the words to form the question.  God says the answers to our prayers are on their way from heaven before the words pass over our lips!  He's paying attention to his creation and has your and my heart in his hands...amidst other things.  So, what's left?  For me it's being quiet before the Lord, get out of the way and then beseech the Lord with whatever is left over.  I don't do well with waiting.  I don't do well getting out of the way and often fight believing that God knows what he's doing.  You too?  Then when bottom smacks me on the face as I hit bottom I remember amidst other things and can be grateful.  It's always a choice for me.  It's always your choice as well.  Choose wisely.

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