Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What if YOU ran the world?

     What if you had the power and resources to run your world?  Maybe even run the world others live in.  Could you run the world as far as every country in the world?  Perhaps you only are interested in running your immediate world.  These are all good use of our imagination with a bit of reality tossed in.  It's outside our realm of reality to believe we can run the world on any level.  There seem to be too many other sources your world has to interact with.  Whether or not you run the WHOLE world or just your condo and job along with a  cat or dog; the task seems huge.  I can't even keep the washer and dryer from turning my clothes inside out!  Plumbing problems happen and the care needs gas.  Kids need school clothes and your cell phone dies.  Maybe you'd be better off if you let someone else run your world.  At times I'd like to abandon the rigors of decision making and sit on my patio with my dogs and a cold beer.
     Part of the problem is the resistance from others if you try to run your world.  Imagine the resistance when you declare yourself supreme leader.  No one wants a supreme leader.  Why?  Because then you and I have to be responsible for and to someone else.  Christians have fought their supreme leader since day one.  Selfish desire keeps us all off balance.  Where there may be a plan or even a way that is right, we seem to drift into that space where we know better than any supreme leader.  Like me, you may have problems with those in authority especially when their authority is marred with no concern outside anyone but themselves.  They lord it over us and even find their thoughts of "poor little people" turn into "we must run their lives because they can't."  So, who can and should b the one to run the world?  Good question.
     I think some of the qualities of one who runs the world include but are not limited to:  unselfishness, thinks outside the box for the good of all, recognizes when something is wrong, sees the best in those they are over, have a plan, have a vision, and so many others.  Problem is if you and I ran the world everything listed above would be our subjective thinking and not objective.  We could only see the world from our view.  An objective ruler would look from the outside in instead of inside out.  Being objective is definitely a good thing.  In my years of being in charge of the world I was in; objectivity has been missing.  In my Christian place I don't seek to rule anyone.  Rather, Christ has some objectivity and can rule my life from a place that is not only best for me but for those around me as well.  I choose Jesus as ruler of the world.  But then, it's your choice...always!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Post it note Christians

     We are a world that depends on reminders to keep every facet of our lives manageable.  No exclusions here.  Everyone has a refrigerator with notes taped on it's front.  We have notes fastened to the perimeter of our computer screens at work and home.  Sometimes I even see notes taped to the review mirror on people's vehicles.  We tape notes up for other people as well to remind them of undying love, bring your laundry down to be washed and did you eat that last piece of cake I was saving?  Notes are used to convey much in a condensed space.  We like small notes so that we have the space for even more notes.  Sometimes we even use notes to remind us of our favorite Scripture or spiritual sayings.  Do you do this?  I do.  In fact I don't know many people who haven't cluttered their lives with notes.  What are we really doing?  Are we just putting up notes because our lives are so busy we will forget Aunt Ethel's birthday?  Now we can even post notes on our computer (inside and outside).  My Bible has notes inside the front and back cover!
     Like a glass of clear water our lives begin.  As time, tribulations, and troubles engulf us, we see the water become more and more murky until the glasses clear water is more like mud.  So it is with posted notes.  Once clean boards and refrigerators are now invisible because of the notes we have put there.  How do we address this problem?  For many it means we simply ignore the notes until we purge them to make space for more up to date notes.  Quite similar to throwing our the expired food in the fridge!  In order to return the glass of mud to pure water we don't focus on removing the mud as we would end up with an empty glass.  We need to replace the mud by adding more and more water until the evidence of dirt is gone and we are once again looking at clear water.  Let's pretend the dirt in the water and post it notes on our fridge are our distractions, sins, inattention to what's really important in life.  Our first decision is to acknowledge that we have lost track of what our fridge or God look like.  Uncovering both require removal of the post it notes and, in the case of God, unveiling our Creator God.
     Do you know what God looks like?  Have you forgotten what a clear glass of water looks like?  Do you have no idea exactly what color your fridge looks like?  Then, Christian, you are fortunate I'm not posting yet another note which might be ignored.  Rather, I'm suggesting we remove the notes, remove the mud and let God be clearly seen.  It takes a desire to have a clear picture of God.  You wouldn't really be thrilled to drink a glass of mud.  Nor do you want your life with God so distracted that you don't know God or what he wants in your life.  He doesn't want to be some after thought posted on your fridge.  He wants to give you fresh, clean and drinkable water for the refreshing of your soul as well as your body.  God is the only source that can clear up the post it notes and free you to live for God above anything else.  Would you consider letting God clean up  your life?  It's always your choice.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Amidst other things...

     So many times we have so much on our plate that we miss all the "amidst other things" that are sprinkled throughout our lives like pesky weeds in our yards.  People, like sand, slip through our hands like time.  We awake to find so many changes we never anticipated amidst other things.  Like ghosts we are haunted by regrets but it's too late to attend to "amidst other things".  They too are gone and yet we must go on.  Filling our lives with what we think important we console ourselves that we did our best and yet, in our heart of hearts, we know we have spoken yet another lie.  The soul dies piece by piece leaving lonely men and women seeking for some kind of meaning to lift them from the hole life has dug for us.  Maybe you resonate with the above and wonder, like me, what can be done to redeem the waste that has become our life.  Maybe...  I don't know about you.  I do know about me.  I'm weary of the continually bombarding of my life with all that that covers our life amidst other things.
     The answer is amidst other things for not all there is negative or bad for us.  Sometimes the kernels of life meaning something are so miniscule that they are hard to see much less grasp.  We must attend to the least of these "other things" in order to see the gems and blessings lest we find our lives meaningless and are overwhelmed.  My two Boston Terriers are laying on the recliner snoring at this moment.  They symbolize the peace among the peace less world we live in.  The fans gently turning on the ceiling speak volumes about the presence of and actions of the Holy Spirit which we ignore.  Darkness has dawned not so much to put us to sleep as to remind us why we need the light of every new day.  There's lightening flashing around me reminding me there are powers at work greater than I can even imagine.  My bed awaits my weary body and head.  Sometimes I fall asleep even before my head hits the comfort of my mattress and pillow.  You too?
      Often, when we are not aware, answers to all of our problems, situations and griefs come even before we have the words to form the question.  God says the answers to our prayers are on their way from heaven before the words pass over our lips!  He's paying attention to his creation and has your and my heart in his hands...amidst other things.  So, what's left?  For me it's being quiet before the Lord, get out of the way and then beseech the Lord with whatever is left over.  I don't do well with waiting.  I don't do well getting out of the way and often fight believing that God knows what he's doing.  You too?  Then when bottom smacks me on the face as I hit bottom I remember amidst other things and can be grateful.  It's always a choice for me.  It's always your choice as well.  Choose wisely.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How many emotions can you go through in a day?

     In my computer I have a picture of a man who is saying:  "I wish I was full of taco's instead of emotions!"  I feel that way often enough to understand both what he's saying and feeling.  How about you?  Ever been on emotional overload?  Some emotional times are brought upon us by the weather, work, car break downs, meal not turning out right and disappointments to mention a few.  Other emotional times are dumped upon us and we are taken by surprise such as the death of someone near and dear to us.  Add national or world tragedies so frequently ending up on TV, social media as well as emailed to us, texted to us and such; suddenly overload takes over and we either react, don't act at all or ignore them all.  Emotions can be good for us as well:  love, pleasure, compliments are but a few ways good emotions come upon us.  Where we tend to focus is on the negatives that are in our life.  I don't like the negatives as they bring havoc into my life.  You too?
     I know I'm not alone but negative emotions bring me to the point where I feel alone.  Sometimes I even feel like God can't be found anywhere.  Emotions that take me there feed my tendency to overeat and with all the wrong things.  My favorite emotional food is Snickers double bar with almonds.  Sugar takes over and I become lethargic and head to the couch bed for a nap.  Unless I'm driving!  I almost never nap when I am driving.  As I fall into my depressed "hole" the problem seems to grow along with the feelings of "poor me".  You too?  So, what do we do?  Drink ourselves into oblivion?  No.  Eat our emotions until we have no more food or money?  No.  Maybe we go to bed until we sleep and then are reluctant to get up.  No.  None of those really work.  They serve the purpose of dissociation.  We are so entwined with the problem that we ignore the solution right in front of us.  We ignore God.
     Please notice that I acknowledge all people fall into this space from time to time.  In fact the Bible says that if you are living for Jesus, this will be a guarantee  in your life.  Persecutions will come, disappointments will be and depression will hit you unless you are a sociopath who doesn't have a conscious.  Jesus said focus on him and his presence in our lives.  I cannot think of a emotional overload like the disciples had when Jesus was arrested, crucified and was dead and buried!  Can you?  THEN!  Jesus walked into a locked room and ate dinner with them.  He never left them even though their faith failed them.  The Old Testament prophecies and Jesus himself told the disciples this all had to happen so that the dead could believe and rise from the dead as well!  Jesus said he would always be with us AND would never forsake us.  Wow!  Now you and I are in charge of either rejoicing or crying.  Remember it's always your choice.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

So, I made a mistake today

     If I am honest (which I will be) I've made a lot of mistakes today.  Some involved just me and others involved those around me.  I was angry, resentful, unapologetic, and a few other adjectives we don't like to use because we don't want to be seen in negative light.  One thing I didn't do was blame anyone other than myself.  I owned my mistakes, made amends where I needed to, and apologized to God for my sin.  Then I got out of bed to start my day!  You and I are a lot alike!  We make mistakes and that's simply a fact.  Some are unintentional, some are intentional and others we don't even have remembrance of until someone points it out to us.  We don't like that very much and we probably make another mistake in how we handle it.  Peter was just like me in his mistakes.  He denied Jesus 3 after another...until the cock crowed.  Jesus looked at him from where he was being held for a crime he didn't commit.  It would have been nice if Peter had stood for and with Jesus.  But, he didn't.  He, like the others ran away.
     That's not the end of Peter's story.  Jesus restored him with three questions and directions.  He asked Peter if he loved him 3 times.  He told Peter three times to feed his sheep.  In other words, Jesus forgave Peter (like he forgives anyone who repents) and restored him.  Amazing!  That's not the way of mankind.  Mankind seems to remind, remind and remind again of all of our failings.  When mankind is done they find something else to remind us that we failed.  "You are a Christian and you act like that?"  Yep.  "You are a Christian and you talk like that?" Yep.  "You are a Christian and it's okay to do that?"  Guilty as charged!  BUT!!!  Jesus doesn't see it like that.  He sees us as clean as yesterday when we repent and get back on the right track.  The Bible tells us that God throws our sins into the sea of forgetfulness and remembers them no more.  Wow!
     So, I made a mistake today.  I made some yesterday and will probably make some mistakes tomorrow as well.  What's important is my recognition, repentance and making of amends which frees me up to be back to doing God's will.  God always has a plan A ready when I return from going astray.  He has plan A's for you as well if you are a believer and are repentant.  Just believe God and not mankind.  It's always a better deal.  Remember, it's always your choice!

Friday, July 26, 2019

As in the days of Noah...

     People wonder what the end of the world will be like and fixate on prophecies that show where we are on the timeline leading to Jesus' return.  All the while refusing to fixate on those who are perishing.  The Bible tells us that mankind's condition must be worse than in the days of Noah.  Remember the story?  Mankind had become totally self'-serving except for Noah and his family who remained true to God.  The world against a few people.  Why was that?  What had happened that Noah and his family were targeted by the world and marked for death?  Was it because of social media?  I don't think so.  Was it because of peer pressure?  Nope, not that.  Was it because they felt guilty?  No, not that either.  Why then target a man building a boat in his yard for a rainy day?  Maybe he violated a HOA rule or city code.  Maybe people were jealous of his boat building ability?  No, the real reason was they wanted to kill the voice of God through Noah and his family.  They NEEDED to kill the voice of God so they could maintain their way of selfish living in disobedience to God.
     So, where are the boat builders today?  Where are the ones preparing their families for the Rapture?  What's the Rapture?  It's a moment (actually in the twinkling an eye.  One tenth of a nano second to be exact) when Jesus will take all those who have given their lives to him home to heaven.  This is the current flood of the days of Noah.  Where God is fulfilling prophecies outlined in the Bible.  In order to know these prophecies you need to read the Bible.  The "map" is outlined there for all to read and understand.  Ignorance is no excuse.  God witnesses in our hearts his Word as we read and study the Word.  Some say that the Bible is old fashioned and not relevant to today.  They are wrong.  Some say the Bible is not true and worship the god they are most comfortable with.  They are wrong.  Some claim we can repent later or even after we are called home.  That's a lie as well.  To all of these groups I say, "Get ready to swim!"
     Noah tried to tell those perishing that the end was near.  No one wanted to listen but wanted to get on his boat when the water came.  To late.  Noah tried to tell them their sin was keeping them from the love of God.  They wanted to be saved from destruction but not surrender their life of sin to God who loved and created them.  Imagine the water rising, people clinging to the side of the boat and slowly losing their grip dropping them into the destructive waters to die.  All because of their choice to live a sin filled selfish life.  That's what so many are doing today. Even professing Christians.  What a waste by a sinful choice.  Remember, it's always your choice!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What purpose does social media have for the Christian?

     None in my opinion.  Let me explain.  Once upon a time social media was relegated to Adam and Eve with actual real genuine face time.  Once upon a time there was a temptation brought by Satan who both acknowledged the existence of God and the tempted Eve to eat the trees fruit.  I believe it was a pear and not an apple but what do I know.  Then Eve, corrupted by Satan's social media brought the fruit to Adam who didn't stand up and say "No!" but willingly accepted the new social norm of using bushes to hide their nakedness when God cam around to have fellowship with the man and woman he created in his image.  Satan creates no one and certainly not in his image other than all kinds of evil things.  God asks Adam and Eve why they were hiding behind the banana bush and they say, "Well, we are naked! Duh!"  Since he already knew this he questioned them about taking to social media to run their lives instead of him.  They said, "Cuz, like everyone is doing it."  God shakes his head and makes them from animal skins.  Because they were attached to social media God said, "Adam, you are going to work the land and labor will be your reward.  Eve, you will be subject to periods and much pain in childbirth and be miserable when you are pregnant at 5 months in the hot sun."  Wow!  Did it actually happen like that!?
     Now we know who operates social media and his intent.  Now we know what the original plan was and what was thrown away.  Now we look at today and wonder what happened as if we haven't been told.  What?  You weren't told?  Yes you were!  If you weren't told you are delusional and not much of a Christian representative.  What do you talk about on social media?  Do you stand up for Jesus and tell people to repent?  Do you not join in when others are making fun of others and instead tell those "others" that Jesus wants you to love your neighbor even if it's on social media?  Maybe you are part of the duped Christian population that believes God is outdated and old fashioned.  Worse yet, maybe you are so hip that when social media gets hot you won't mind the transition to eternity in hell.  Maybe...
     In the Bible we read that you and I are part of the solution (Jesus) or part of the problem (Satan).  We read you either stand for one or the other.  We are told that if we think not standing for Jesus that we fall for anything (Satan).  Christian!  Wake up!  You may think those liar televangelists are preaching God, but they aren't.  They are part of the problem placating people into eating from the tree and taking part in social media.  You may think going to church every time the doors are open makes you a Christian.  If that were true, going to McDonalds would make you a hamburger.  Don't eat from the social media tree!  Next time you look at something wrong and convince yourself it's right, stop and ask God.  Read the Word and seek His ways through prayer instead of listening to what's gospel on social media.  Choose you this day whom you will follow!  Remember, it's always your choice.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Important questions I've been asked

     My teenage daughter has always been free to ask me any question she feels like asking.  Tonight at dinner she asked me out of the blue: "Is abortion murder?"  Enter a teaching moment.  The question was about more than the murder of a baby.  We both knew that.  However, we needed to dance around the reason the question came up, the motive behind the reason, and the answer done in such a fashion that we both could be at peace.  By the way, she aligns with my answer.  The real question was about what was going on in social media and why the outcry against a Christian man who had posted his beliefs.  The responses by the people who posted were angry, hurtful, accusing, demeaning, and demanding he apologize for offending so many.  This social media group were teenagers and young adults.  The stage now set we were ready to explore the reason and the motive.  I provided my own experiences with abortion, my opinion personally and the Scripture which presents the sanctity of life in God's creation.  When all was said and done, she asked me what I thought was the motive behind those protesting this young Christian man's presentation.  The answer was simple.
     But we will get to that.  We covered topics like birth control, personal responsibility, acceptance of positive and negative consequences on EACH parties part, and some other related areas.  We talked about how the law may make it lawful but how the law doesn't diminish God's law regarding the creation and sanctity of life.  We talked about guilt, blaming and shaming.  We even talked about how Christians take stands between both ends as well as all over the place.  You see, we didn't just answer the question as yes or no.  Questions like this are more complex and complicated because we make them so.  Why?  Because, we are now back to the motive question, we are fixated on having our way, making it okay even if it's not and in the end, like Adam and Eve, we are selfish and live selfish lives.  It's all about selfishness which has no room for God's love.  A world without love is...well, Satan's world.  If we, as Christians, aren't standing for God, we are standing for Satan and against God.  That's the truth whether or not you like it.
     This young man expressed his belief because he knew Jesus and knew what God believes to be the answer.  To be ostracized because you are a Christian simply means you are doing something for Christ and Satan doesn't like it.  So, he rallies the allegedly Christian troops to oppose the law of life because we have abdicated our faith, abdicated teaching our faith, and are more concerned about not offending someone than we are about teaching God's truth.  In the rubble left behind we send countless people to hell because you and I don't say something, anything about a loving God who teaches that all life is a creation of His and no one has the right to kill anyone He creates.  Yes, killing for selfishness is murder.  I choose to stand for God.  Remember that it's all your choice as well.  Do you choose life or death?  It's always your choice.

I frustrate my own journey

     It's true!  Just when I think I'm on the right path I find myself wandering out of my lane and end up in the ditch!  It's kind of my life story.  I know, sad to say, it's not a positive testament but it is a real one.  Fortunately, I've been able to be lifted out of the ditch, have the mud wiped off me and given another shot at the right path.  God gives us Plan A.  We can choose Plan A or go off road and choose Plan B.  The school of hard knocks is Plan B.  You and I are most familiar with Plan B because we choose to live there, leave there and return there all too often.  Just as in all of my choices I have to accept positive or negative consequences that are attached.  So, my journey has been marked with Plan B choices and negative consequences.  Funny thing though, God always puts a new Plan A in front of me to choose when I return to His road leading to the foot of the cross.  So, why do I choose to enter Plan B in the first place?
      For me, the reality is that I choose to be selfish.  Yep, selfishness, rears it's ugly head in so many ways.  They may look tantalizing, enticing, or sometimes, even right.  But they run me off the road and I end up face down in mud.  You too?  My sin nature longs to be selfish, run my own life, disregard Plan A and proclaim to the world that I'm in charge of my life.  What people really see is that I've as many or more problems than to the audience (great cloud of witnesses) around me!  Paul says, "I am the greatest of sinners." and  "Those things that I know not to do, I do.  And those things I know to do, I do not.  Wretched man that I am!"  Yep, that's me.  Thankfully for Paul, me and you, we have a loving God who places another Plan A in front of us with the same goal in mind;  eternal life with Him.
     Just for today I'm going to surrender all my "rights" and choose God's Plan A.  Just for today I'm going to exercise the love of God in all my circumstances.  Just for today I'm going to choose to be positive and reap the rewards of positive consequences.  Just for today I'm going respect my Lord who gave his life for my dead soul.  Just for today instead of thinking negative I'm going to focus on the goodness of God in all areas of my life.  Just for today I'm going to be the conduit for God's love to the world around me.  Just for today I'm going to choose God instead of myself.  Just for today I'm going to make my choice to die to self so Christ can live through me.  I may fail but I'm always just one step away from God when I do. So, I'll ask and receive his forgiveness and hope once again.  Remember, it's always your choice!

Monday, July 22, 2019

What to say and when to say it

     Timing is everything.  Using tact in saying it isn't everything.  Why is that?  Not because we need to be sensitive with the Gospel message.  Not because we don't want to offend anyone.  Certainly not because society has dictated what thy think is proper and right.  And not because we are experts though many think they are (usually pertaining to others and not themselves).  We neglect the solution to what to say and when to say it because we think we are the source and not God.  Though when we lean upon our own understanding we supplant God with ourselves as god.  The difference between our communication and the true Christian communication is the source from which it comes.  You may use this example.  When out in the wilderness and come upon a clear stream of cool fresh water; you think and say, "Look, here is clear and cool water for our thirst to be quenched." without knowing what is upstream. So, professing yourself to be wise you become a fool when upstream a moose takes a dump or relieves themselves in the stream.  Suddenly your proclamation is not so good, expert, or healthy for yourself or those you are with.
     Wouldn't it be nice to stop by one of those storefronts where they claim to know your future?  You could even be amused by how they tell you what you want to hear.  In the end you are charged however much they want and you could have received the same info from your cat or dog!  IF you believe that the psychic is able to predict your future, how come, knowing all, they are in a store front earning a pittance while they could use their infinite knowledge to obtain wealth and not work at all?  I know, sounds like so many televangelists!  Advice books fall into the same category.  Christian help books can quote Scripture just like Satan did.  Both are subject observers presenting alleged objective conclusions.  Wrong.  There is a solution though if people would only listen, think and say what is true.  How we know what is true?  Refer back to some authority from history, some "new thinker" who wants a quick buck or maybe your pastor who is preaching falsely to cover his own sin by deflecting things back onto you so you are feeling guilty for which he will forgive you if you make a donation to him or her.  Televangelists again.
     Outlining the problem is good.  Solving the problem is essential.  How about you and I do this:  believe that the Bible is the Word of God and is unfillable?  How about we actually read only one book, the Bible.  How about we not just believe and read but trust that God will speak to you and through you once you are right relationship with him?  Of course all this begins with our realization that without God I am dead and have nothing to offer anyone.  Now I'm going to get radical.  What if you believe the Word of God, confess your deadness and surrender to Jesus ALL of your life, read the Word and then fall on your knees, wait before the Lord and listen for HIS voice to speak to you.  Finally you will have what to say and when to say it.  Wow!  All that's left is for you to make that choice and it's always your choice!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Just not feeling it today

     Thinking is a good thing until you and I over think stuff.  You know what I mean?  We get so wrapped up in thinking that we become immobilized in doing.  We think about people we care about and some we don't and call it prayer.  We read Christian self'-help books and call it being in the Word.  We seem to "think" and then believe we are actually doing Jesus' work.  Same goes for feelings.  We all have them.  However, the difference is found when we go by our feelings instead of God's feelings.  Yes, we watch our carbon footprint.  We also feel the need to be politically correct and bend our feelings to match the world around us to the point we lose track of what God wants and succumb to the wants of the world.  Of course we know that crickets in East Africa are decreasing in population!  Doesn't everyone?  But, is that what God wants us to be focused on.  We stand by and do nothing, say nothing and make God nothing as we silently approve the abortion (murder) of innocent babies to the tune of 1.5 million a year in the United States alone.  Don't forget about the cricket!
     What if....   We play that game too!  Don't mind the "what if'" moments.  Think about the solutions to our dilemmas from God's plan.  God asks:  "What would you be like if you obeyed me?"  There would be no room for mediocre responses.  There would be no need to focus on ourselves.  There would be concern about Godly concerns and not the worlds concerns.  You do know that the worldly concerns not focused on Jesus' concerns?  Don't you?  It's not that God doesn't care but rather that he cares so much and is heartbroken that you and I don't become obedient to all that is right in His eyes.  Not knowing the heart of God has been a choice of mankind since Eve and Adam.  Selfish desire has created this dilemma in your life.  What, if anything, are you going to do about it?  Stick your head in the sand, close your drapes and double lock your doors and windows?  Perhaps you will go to the church where they ignore God and focus on feeling good not having submitted to God?
     If you are "Just not feeling it today" you can genuinely blame yourself as God hasn't moved nor changed ever.  He's right there beside you intricately trying to show you His love for you and those who you care about.  He's right there waiting to bless, love and uplift those who bless, love and uplift the name of Jesus.  Things going wrong in your life, your world or the world at large?  It's not God's doing nor is it his choice.  Bemoaning your "lack"?  Start by assessing your blessings.  If you have only one blessing look deeper and become a thankful person instead of a complaining one.  I have some difficulty not complaining just as you do.  However, it's what we do with our spirit daily that makes the difference.  Try being obedient to God, read the Word and pray from the standpoint you believe God hears you.  Most of all; remember that it's always your choice!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

So you want to go back to Egypt!

     Why?  What on earth were the Israelites thinking?  Been enslaved, forced labor, oppressed beyond belief and treated brutally even killed.  Why would someone want to go back to that?  What could possibly have been the enticement?  It was fear?  Fear of the unknown, fear of trusting God, fear that their selfish wants wouldn't be met.  Was that the greatest fear?  No, it wasn't.  They were fearful of being obedient.  So are you, I and the rest of the world.  We sit back and wonder what will be asked of our obedience.  We conspire with one another to ensure our comfort level is first and foremost.  Think not?  Attend a church where there are no pews, no pulpit, no stained glass or a fancy sign on the street and a barista in the foyer?  It's a place to be comfortable.  Sing in the choir with preplanned music and a band that is orchestrated by some tele device?  Yep, it's a place of comfort.  The Israelites, like you, have it so good because of God that you don't feel the need to obey Someone who might ask you to deny yourself.  Go on!  Go back to Egypt and live outside the will of God.  You probably are anyway.  Just be ready to accept the negative consequences brought about by your choosing other than Gods will.
      Really Steve!  You think obedience to the unknown of God is a good thing?  No, quite frankly, I don't think obedience unwaveringly to God is a good thing.  What?  I think unwaveringly even blind obedience to God is THE only thing worth our time or Gods.  Perhaps you think you worship Jesus but in reality you worship your selfish desires.  That's what James addresses in his writings.  Read James; it's only 4 chapters long and quickly finished as opposed by your football/basketball game or whatever.  How do you know you have a life committed to Jesus?  Do you want to go back to Egypt?  You aren't saved.  Do you want comfortable religion to worship?  Then you haven't a saved relationship with Jesus.  Do you want your children, siblings, or spouses and friends to go to hell?  Then go back to Egypt and that will certainly be the results.  The Bible says that at that day we are before God we will all be called to give account of our lives in Christ.  Saved and unsaved.  Lost and found.  What will God say to you?  I'll tell you.
      First, you, saved and unsaved will ALL fall down before Jesus and call him Lord.  Doesn't save you from your choices.  Satan and his demons admit Jesus is the son of God and yet you aren't even dedicated to your "religious choice" as deeply as they are.  I'm talking to those who profess to be believers here in case you were wondering.  No, I won's sugar coat the truth.  No, I won't tell your children their pets will be in Heaven.  No, I won's say every tombstone in the cemetery with a cross on it is saved.  No, I won' pacify you with a lie and have it on my conscious.  No, you tell yourself that when you want to go back to Egypt.  What are you going to say to Jesus?  Your whole life will be played in front of you and a "great cloud of witnesses" just like me.  What are you going to do when the book (not some membership list) is written and your name isn't found there and because of your lack of being saved you are told to depart as you walk (your consequence) into the depths of hell or see your loved one go that path.  Go ahead, go back to Egypt!  It's always your choice.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jelly Beans and Christians

     Yep, the topic is jelly beans and Christians.  Just when you thought it couldn't be more weird; there I was thinking about jelly beans and Christians.  We really are into our snacks and jelly beans are just one of them.  It may have been mini candy bars or different kinds of the same candy.  But, we all have our favorite that we covet while taking them from the jelly bean bowl on the coffee table.  There they are right out in front of us for the whole world to see.  It's not so much the colors although that is an attraction.  BUT the flavors!  My or my do we long to have the peppermint or the banana or even the pineapple flavored jelly beans.  Subtly we come across our real addiction which is either the sweet or sour taste followed by the flavor.  You must by now be wondering how all of this is related to Christians.
     If you look across the United States you see churches of all flavors and colors that have formed not because they have found something new to proclaim but rather exist because they didn't like the flavor of other jelly beans.  Ultimately, they made up denominations which even proclaimed more differences.  There was a church split in northeastern Minnesota because they couldn't agree what color to paint the downstairs bathroom!  Can you believe it?!  Horror stories arise all across the country of people who couldn't let Jesus be their leader, savior and redeemer!  There are over 200 different kinds of Baptists!  Yep, same goes for Pentecostal and Lutheran.  Don't like it here at the first church on the corner?  Try the first church of across the street.  None of this was ever intended when Jesus established the first believers into a group of disciples.  None of it.
     Where is the Christ centered church?  It's sure not in those who tire out the Spirit  of God with their complaints, requests for selfish reasons and prayers for condemnation of anyone who dares believe differently than them.  What I'm trying to say is that there is no difference between choosing jelly beans than there is for choosing churches.  Both are meant for self edification and satisfaction and not bringing honor and love to those who are perishing.  I wouldn't go to these churches or their Christians either seeing what they represent.  Where are those who engage the Great Commission unselfishly?  Where are those who care for the widow, take care of the orphan, heal the sick and bring the Good News to the lost?  They are choosing jelly beans instead of Jesus.  It's always your choice.

Reverse parachuting 101

     For those of you who desire to jump out of perfectly good airplanes, why?  Wouldn't you rather take part in the ages old practice of Reverse Parachuting 101?  It's much safer, easier to endure and has no risk.  Furthermore, there are no fees to be paid as the fees have been paid by God himself.  Finally, there is no need for a parachuting.  The catch?  You can only experience Reverse Parachuting once.  This offer is only good once.  But what a ride!  Can you imagine yourself going from solid earth to 20,000 feet in a split second?  Sorry, but no tandem flights!  Anyone not having their own ticket is out of luck.  Once this event happens there are no more chances for this once in a life time event.  Are you ready?  Do you have your ticket?  Are  scared of the process in order to participate?  Then, good news to you!  All it takes is one choice and you too can have the trip of a lifetime!
     Here is the program.  First, realize that you have no power, influence or wherewithal to do this on your own.  You can't buy your way into the event with your tithing, church membership or duties as a Sunday School teacher.  No amount of preaching by you pastors can catch the flight.  It's only when you come to the end of yourself that you are able to move from earth bound to heaven bound.  Realize that you can take no one with you but you can show them the way if you want them to avoid the alternative.  Secondly, realize that the cost is your soul.  You can sell your soul to the world but it will cost you your ticket to Reverse Parachuting 101.  You have all the power and yet you don't want to make the choice because you have been listening to all the ads for Parachuting 101.  Now is the time, Now is the day and Now you too have the ability to engage in the ultimate high of Reverse Parachuting 101!  What are you waiting for?
     Did I forget to mention no one knows the day or time of the event?  You need to be ready now as it might be today.  When the event happens you will know if you are ready because only those who have given up their life to Jesus will be gone.  The rest...well, let's just say their parachuting will be with no parachuting and downward versus the updraft you will experience with Reverse Parachuting 101.  What's more fearful?  Knowing or not knowing which ticket you have?  Ready to crash and burn (literally forever)?  Ready to soar with the saints in Heaven?  You can't have it both ways.  You either give up your ticket to hell and embrace Jesus or you spend eternity in hell.  That's it.  No other choice.  He paid the price for you.  All you have to do is die to self and let Him live through you. Sounds simple because it is.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The pharmaceutical Christian

     Try a chill pill for a Christian.  You know, the immediate cigarette after service and before the potluck. Or maybe it's the need for a cold beer when you've left church, gone home or to the ball game.  Perhaps it's the drink you take for medicinal purposes or for that upset stomach or stress.  You see, we, the Christian have all kinds of pharmaceuticals ways to evade just being the Christian Jesus intends us to be.  We cover up all kinds of secret sins by justification and rationalization and call them good drugs.  Sedating the believer, and non, with soothing lies through sermons, Bible studies and Sunday Schools are also a means of pharmaceuticals the Christian gives and takes all the time not offending those attending with talks about going to hell.  Perhaps you are sending your children with these pharmaceuticals like the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus.  Depressed yet?
     Maybe the song should be entitled "Anything But Jesus!" as that's what people have chosen, engaged and marketed to others.  Pharmaceuticals for Christians are meant to cover the truth so we don't have to make a life or death decisions.  We cheapen the Gospel message with "feel good" meds of illusions that no one goes to hell slipped in with a teaspoon of sugar to dull the ability to think.  The ph6armaceutical Christian organization (I don't call it a church) sedates the Christian to the point of "it's someone else's job" and relegates the "active" person to Sunday morning and Wednesday nights while the "inactive" attend on Easter and Christmas as if they've been on the mission field the rest of the year.  Instead of a "family" of believers gathering together to fulfill the Great Commission there are celebrations distancing people from Jesus so as to not be offensive to those who are perishing.  In this doped up state the church becomes just as lost as those without Christ.  This should not be!!!
     What to do?  Throw up our hands because the problem is to big or someone else's?  Far be it from the true Christian to do nothing.  The very least we can do is pray.  Prayer is the antidote to the pharmaceutical Christian.  I'm talking about ACTS:  Praying this formula is giving God Adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication (prayer requests).  Couple this with reading the Word to the point of saturation is essential.  Having the Word on your lips before anything else puts it in your heart!  Another antidote for the pharmaceutical Christian.  Finally, get off your butt and do something for Jesus!  Do HIS will instead of your own.  Spend your time instructing your children about Jesus instead of your favorite sports team.  Get off the drugs!  Let Jesus live through you!  Remember this is always your choice!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

While waiting for my enema

     It might be funny to you!  It's not for me.  Never has been and never will be.  I'm not talking about a physical enema.  I'm talking about the social kind.  Whether it be between you and your loved one, someone in your family or your best friend; it's never fun.  You walk into a room and engage someone you know and suddenly you are leaning over that examine table taking one for the team.  Whatever the reason for the verbal, emotional or even psychological barrage, you stand there and take it.  Chewed out by your boss also qualifies.  Having to wait for your IRS audit...same thing.  Unexpected intimate examination and condemnation even if nothing is even said.  What a world we live in.  Now that we have the Christians actions to one another explained, let's see what can be done about solving this problem.  Here's a hint:  it begins with you.
      The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most often quoted piece of scripture in the New Testament.  In it Jesus gives us some strong words on how to live the Christian life.  Whether we take the part about being kind to one or another or the part about plucking our your eye if it offends you, we probably fail daily to accomplish what Jesus asked.  Keep in mind that the enema is supposed to help your condition whether it's physical or spiritual.  I don't like to be blindsided, confronted without love,  cajoled into compliance or simply just embarrassed.  My guess is that you don't either.  I know that Jesus didn't but took it all the way to the cross only to have his closest followers deny him three times.  Ouch!  Should we be looking for justice for others, others are looking for justice for us.  That's how it works.  If we are seeking for justice (and no more enema's), we must stop and leave that part of life in God's very capable hands.
     Injustice and entitlement are the mantra that so many live by today.  Yet, it's not what the Christian is to be doing, experiencing and demanding.  An examination by the Holy Spirit will reveal enough stuff wrong inside your house that you don't need to be concerned about someone else's house.  Should we do the simple task of bringing Good News to the lost, feeding those without food, caring for the widow and orphan and make disciples of all mankind; we will not have the time, energy or the desire to cast stones at someone else's glass house.  IF we are about doing the will of Jesus, we need look nowhere else to occupy our thoughts, motives and tongues much less someone else's!  Mind His business.  It's really only that which matters in the Christian's life.  Remember, it's always your choice!

Friday, July 12, 2019

On being a man after God's heart

     First, let me say that I've failed more than succeeded in this area.  I'm speaking our of lessons learned, fears realized and changes brought about by the Lord over my 66 years.  Second, let me say that I've made my life (and the life of others) more difficult than it needed to be because of my own selfishness, misunderstanding, and lack of knowledge.  So, I feel qualified to speak on this very important subject.  I'm not relegating this topic to being a dad, friend or even spouse; as it reaches into all of life.  So, bear with me, have an open mind and maybe be prepared to be offended by the truth God has in his Word.  You and your walk with God are always important to Him and should be to you as well.
     In a perfect world you would have been born into a loving Christ centered world to Christian fathers and mothers who told you the truth, lived by the Word and disciplined you according to God's instruction.  You would have grown up loving Jesus more than anyone in your life and at the proper time would have separated yourself from the world to have Jesus live through you in such a way that all anyone could see would be Jesus himself living in you.  THAT is the ideal beginning!  You and I weren't born nor raised that way though because of the curse of sin, unbelieving (or unpracticing) parents, broken families, and the school of hard knocks.  IF you are a man after God's heart,  you will have developed his character in your life and people would still see Jesus in your private and public walk with him.  The man after God's heart would have put on unselfishness as his mantle and the love of God his primary motivation (think train engine) in life.  IF you know Christ in this way you would be allowing the Holy Spirit to be the only voice that speaks into your life, you would have a deep desire to always be reading the Word, and your desire to pray continually be the first thought that you have in the morning and the last thought at night.
     How do you measure up?  Does any of what I've just written cause you to squirm?  Does any of this convict your heart?  Has this reminder exposed how you've hurt someone (maybe wife, children, parents)?  Billy Graham's son rebelled at all the above, rode a Harley, carried a .45 and did whatever he wanted.  Billy prayed and his prodigal came home to Jesus he had loved when he was a child.  You and I are no different.  We, too, need to return to our first love if ever we want to be men after God's own heart.  There is NOTHING within us that we can do to accomplish this task on our own other than surrender to the Lord Jesus who surrendered all so that we might have life and life eternal.  Have you lived your life on your own terms?  Repent and return.  Have you realized how you have compromised the truth you know in your private and public lives?  Repent and return.  You are only one step away from God's purpose in your life.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Christian Homesickness

     It's that time of year yet again; as there are many times a year and for various reasons people of all ages get homesick.  Mine began October 1st, 1972.  Yep, a long time ago.  The first sentence alludes to people moving away, getting into college, going to summer camp and the likes.  Mine refers to being homesick to be with Jesus.  That's what Christian Homesickness is all about.  Once we surrender to Jesus our whole life, we are no longer past focused but rather future focused.  With our eyes no longer focused on the world around us we can focus on Jesus.  There is no heaven on earth.  Sorry to burst some peoples bubbles but, it's true.  This is the world where Satan reigns.  Heaven is in the heart of the Christian and renders us totally focused on the future with Jesus when we return home.  That's what separates worldly focused Christians and heavenly focused Christians.  Which one are you?
      EVERY homesickness of the world is meant to draw you back to the past.  EVERY homesickness of heaven is meant to draw you to that time when you, the true Christian, will go home.  There is no in between.  We serve one or the other.  That is the Biblical fact.  For some the old adage "They are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good!" rings true.  What makes the difference?  I'll tell you in a bit.  Maybe you've bought into the lie that Christian ministry is only for those who are called to do same.  It's a lie.  Maybe you believe that "doing your part" is all that is needed.  Perhaps you've ascribed to the belief that it's okay to skid into heaven by the skin of your teeth.  Welcome to hell people.  The difference (mentioned above) is found in whether you really believe the great commission.  It's the world's nightmare as no one is excluded.  Doesn't matter you sex, age, place in the community, etc.  WHEN you decide running your life is only leading you to eternity in hell and surrender your whole life to Jesus (we are saved by his blood, his work, and his grace) you and I become dead to self and the world and Christ becomes alive in us.  At that precise moment you become a sojourner in a world wh6ere you don't belong.  Then you are a homesick to see Jesus.
     I don't belong to a physical church on the corner of be a member and give us your money.  I don't belong to any group that practices legalism in any form.  I don't associate with any TV evangelist who takes from the poor for his or her personal wealth.  Jesus wouldn't belong.  The Word says he fulfilled ALL of the law and brought freedom to those who seek to have life!  He didn't tell his early church to have a membership or monitor the tithing.  He said:  "Go forth making disciples of all mankind.  Feed the hungry, care for the widow and orphan and proclaim the Gospel to all.  THAT is the sign of a true Christian.  You either are or are not.  You can be worldly homesick and show you don't know Jesus or you can be heavenly homesick and live Christ to the world.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Conditional living and the Christian

   The Christian of today is generally a "conditionally" oriented individual.  Notice all the errors in that sentence?  There are no Christians of "today".  At least not if you are truly living for Jesus and not living for yourself.  There is criteria that you can use to check out where you are.  We'll get to those in a moment.  Second mistake: "generally" doesn't make the grade.  There is criteria that you can use to check out where you are.  We'll get to those in a moment.  Then; "conditionally oriented" pops up!  If it's not Jesus oriented, it's almost always conditional.  There is criteria that we can use to check out to see if we are or aren't in the "conditional" category.  Finally, in the Christian there can be no individual unless it's Jesus is living in and through you.  This too has criteria by which can assess who we really are.  Basically, there are those who believe in Jesus (even the devil and his demons believe in Jesus) and there are those who died and now Jesus is living in and through them.
     Criteria number 1.
     What is your status on Jesus living in you because you have died to sin?  Are you someone who was raised in Sunday School, sent to camp, confirmed as a teenager and then went on to live your own life?  Do you belong to a group of believers because it's expected of you by your family, community or church?  Do you know the Bible better than you know your sports team, favorite beer, and the gossip about the pastor?  Have you a prayer life that starts the day, goes through the day and ends the day?  Do those around you seek you out because they know you love Jesus?
     Criteria number 2
     Are you willing to die for your faith.  You know, being beheaded in front of your children because you won't deny Christ?  Is Jesus the most important focus of your life?  Do you worship the prestige of your lofty position?  Are you so busy putting together your portfolio that you have no riches in heaven?  Do you have a bumper sticker telling others "Jesus loves you" while you flip them off in traffic?  Are you willing to see your parents, wives, husbands, children, grandchildren be executed because you won't deny Jesus?
     Criteria number 3
     Finally, if being a Christian was a crime punishable by death here in the USA; would there be enough evidence to convict and kill you?  Or would you be able to get a plea deal for bad behavior or time commuted for whatever reason.  Perhaps you would have an excuse for being Jesus to the world.  You didn't really mean to heal the sick, feed the hungry or care for the widow and orphan?  Maybe, you can rationalize or justify having spoken the Word of God to those who are perishing.
     You see, you knew the criteria all along.  You knew the consequences of your conditional living and that you aren't really a Christian at all.  You are a follower of you.  You are the "master of your destiny"!  All along you knew you were not Gods child and you pleaded, cajoled, and bargained for your spot in eternity with Jesus.  But, now it's to late. He has come and you've been left behind.  All you are left with is eternity in hell with your church friends.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

What's a "sucker punch"?

     A sucker punch is an attack that comes unexpected.  The sucker punch is mostly a physical attack hands such as a hit to the back of the head.  There can also be verbal, psychological and emotional sucker punches.  Most people have been victims at one time or another of these sucker punches even if they didn't call them that.  The sucker punch has several components.  It's unexpected and not deserved.  It's physically, emotionally and psychologically damaging and remains with the victim for the rest of their lives even if it's only the memory.  Sucker punches are an act of cowardice, power grabbing and total selfishness.  They demean, disregard and sometimes destroy the intended target even if that target is randomly chosen.  The sucker punch isn't funny, isn't something relegated to one sex, one race, or one's profession.  Those who practice this aren't Christian even if they say they are, go to church or try to justify and rationalize their reasons.  If you've been an assailant or a victim, this message today if for you.
1 Listen to my prayer, O God, do not ignore my plea;

2 hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught

3 because of what my enemy is saying, because of the threats of the wicked; for they bring down suffering on me and assail me in their anger.

4 My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death have fallen on me.

5 Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me.

6 I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.

7 I would flee far away and stay in the desert;

8 I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm.”

9 Lord, confuse the wicked, confound their words, for I see violence and strife in the city.

10 Day and night they prowl about on its walls; malice and abuse are within it.

11 Destructive forces are at work in the city; threats and lies never leave its streets.

12 If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide.

13 But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend,

14 with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship at the house of God, as we walked about among the worshipers.

15 Let death take my enemies by surprise; let them go down alive to the realm of the dead, for evil finds lodging among them.

16 As for me, I call to God, and the LORD saves me.

17 Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.

18 He rescues me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me.

19 God, who is enthroned from of old, who does not change— he will hear them and humble them, because they have no fear of God.

20 My companion attacks his friends; he violates his covenant.

21 His talk is smooth as butter, yet war is in his heart; his words are more soothing than oil, yet they are drawn swords.

22 Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

23 But you, God, will bring down the wicked into the pit of decay; the bloodthirsty and deceitful will not live out half their days. But as for me, I trust in you. 

     Remember, it's always your choice.

Monday, July 8, 2019

What a day for a daydream!

     Everyone needs a break from reality.  At least I do.  Maybe you do as well but simply don't know what that means?  Daydreams are important.  Benjamin dreamed and God gave him visions of being exalted over his brothers.  This was really about the 12 tribes and tribulations to come.  His brothers didn't see it that way.  When he came to visit (his father's favorite), they initially planned to kill him as their resentment was so great!  They listened to Ruben and threw him into a cistern and sold him to some Egyptians passing by.  THEN they put blood on the coveted coat of many colors and told their father that he had been killed by a wild and savage animal.  Poor Benjamin!  Their fake tears were enough to convince their father who carried this loss for many years.  Daydreaming and visions are dangerous!  BUT!  God had a plan for the daydreamer.
     It sucks to be someone who has their dream taken away.  It sucks to live with condemnation and ridicule as well.  It sucks to have to live in a far away country a slave to those who exploited you.  Then, of course, it sucks to be you. It costs dearly to hold fast to your dream because it means you lose people who want you to give up your dream and remain, like them, enshrined in a public and private prison.  It's not something I would wish on someone.  However, it's something I will fight should anyone try to take away the vision God has given me for my life.  Having a dream isn't some casual event that we can go "Oh well, we can always have another dream."  NO!  Don't go there!  It's a trap!  Satan, and other well intentioned dragons, seek to steal our dreams.  Maybe you have one or two in your life?
     The solution is to be so secure in yourself  and your vision/daydream that nothing can shake it any part of your life.  While some daydreams are unrealistic (like me being a singer in a rock band) and shouldn't be pursued; others (like passing on the love of Jesus to others) need to be pursued, locked in and the program executed regardless of the opposition.  You and I are either a vision/daydream protector or we are a destructive element in tearing our or others dreams down!  Be the former.  It's the one with a promised reward.  Believe in God, believe in his vision and believe in yourself regardless of any message from the world of naysayers! There will always be people who try to take away your dream because someone took away yours.  Allowing this to happen is an individual choice.  And, it's always your choice!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Boy did I screw up!

     Yes, I screwed up.  Now I'm reminded of the errors of my life back to before I was conceived, through childhood and now even at 66 I'm being reminded of how I've screwed up, who it's affected and what a worthless drag on society I am.  I should be ashamed!  Heaven forbid I look upon anyone else's life and point out their screw ups!  That would be seen as my screw up again.  So, maybe you feel the same.  Maybe you are tired of being reminded by other fallible human beings of your failures?  I know I am.  "Your mother would be turning over in her grave if she saw you now!"  "You have no room to talk Steven!"  "Who gave you the right to quote the Bible and accuse others?" Okay, maybe you've never heard these statements in your life.  I have.  Letting go of those voices and their condemnation are very important as we grow older.  But to be clear, I have screwed up plenty in my life.  Fortunately God has forgiven me.  Even better He has a plan for my life and despite my past has led me to, amongst other things, writing this blog, writing 2 books, and praying with many who have desired to know Jesus.  While in the eyes of the world I'm damaged goods at best, in Christ I am more than a conqueror!  How exactly does that happen?
     When Jesus came into my pathetic life October 1, 1972 in Kitzigen, Germany, My past disappeared.  Forgiven and now a new soul; my real life began.  William James once said, "We may have a God in Heaven that forgives us our sins.  Mankind does not."  The blame pointing and accusations of being a fallible human can be forgiven only by those who recognize they are bankrupt before a loving God who chooses to love you and I anyway.  Once forgiven we who have Jesus living in and through us are loved, accepted and approved by a loving Father that supersedes the lame cries of the world.  Do you believe this?  Have you been forgiven and yet rail against your fellow Christian?  You can't live in both worlds.  IF you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind; there is no room for anything else.  IF it's not from the love of God then it's from the blackest part of your worldly heart.  Are you really forgiven?  Loved? Accepted and Approved?  Then start living like it.
      Corrie Ten Boom was a holocaust survivor who, after the end of the war in Nazi Germany had been liberated from a concentration camp.  She took her faith seriously and began writing books and doing speaking engagements around the world.  At one rally in Europe she was speaking on power of God's forgiveness.  There was a man standing in the back who came forward for prayer at the end.  He confessed he had been one of the guards at the camp where her sister had died.  He broke down and asked for forgiveness and Corrie prayed for him.  God forgave 2 people at that moment as Corrie didn't want to forgive this man.  God had another plan and a soul to save.  She let God's love flow from her now healed heart and prayed for the man.  THIS is way more powerful than telling me th6at I screwed up.  Next time, why don't you, professing Christian, pray for me and let me feel the power of God's love flowing through you?  Remember, it's always your choice.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Sometimes we miss the hint!

     Open communication of information is vital to our lives in so many ways that I'm unable to list them all here or even if I were to write a book about them.  So, what happens when we miss the que or ignore the que or just are unaware that the que has been activated?  I have a Facebook page where I primarily post my blog.  I'm not really a social media kind of guy.  My posts and writings are all about my Christian Walk.  That is pretty much it.  Yesterday I learned that my Facebook account was disabled.  No reason, No other communication.  Nothing.  Did I miss the que?  Was someone offended by my stories, messages and encouragement?  I'm not aware of any political lines I've stepped over and certainly haven't posted anything outrageous.  What happened?  I tried to contact Facebook by phone and the message said they don't take calls.  Did I miss something?  I finally have left a message asking for communication of information so that my "disabled" status can be reversed.  Still no answer.  Meanwhile, I'm unable to chat with my friends and relatives.
     I've sat in traffic waiting behind that car/truck who's driver needs to finish texting before they consider the green light in front of them and the traffic behind them.  You have probably done the same.  I've waited in line at various offices/businesses only to be told that I was waiting in the wrong line/have the wrong documents/appeared on the wrong day or time, and a myriad other equally frustrating demands.  You have probably done the same.  I've gone to interviews for various reasons where no one has any inkling of why I was there.  Did I miss the cue?  What is it about the world that things like this happen?  Years ago on my old Facebook page my account was hacked and identity stolen.  Facebook wasn't concerned.  Did I miss the cue?  I have to admit that sometimes all of the above examples were my fault because of me.  What happens when the consequences of others choices are forced upon you and I?  Good question.
     Here is the answer I have found that helps me through my day now.  Satan wants to disrupt the Christians life in any way he can, by any means he can and as intensely as he can.  I open the door for him when I begin to consider my "rights" and take what's happening personally.  I get distracted by my old self who thinks he has rights here on this earth.  So my account was disabled.  So I'm waiting for the texting to end.  So, I'm redirected to yet another line to wait.  So, on it goes.  The difference now is that I try to put all these inconveniences in God's hands and let him sort it all out.  The "hint", "que" and other messages that take my eyes off Jesus aren't from God.  He and his angels are continually at war with the enemy on our behalf.  Hmmm...  I'd rather let God do the battle so I'm free to enjoy the blessings of God!  Wouldn't you as well?  Remember, it's always your choice!