Saturday, August 13, 2016

Maybe it's time to consider Jesus

     Yes, this blog is for the Christian as well as the non Christian.  We are in the world and yet are to be not of the world.  How does one do that without losing track of whom they are aligned with?  It's difficult to keep Jesus as our main consideration when there are so many other agenda's pulling at our heart, soul and mind.  You may think you are following Jesus but parts of your life may say otherwise.  For instance, what are your priorities regardless of the situation brewing around you?  Is our priority always Jesus?  Do we make other things and other people priorities over Jesus?  I think we all know that we do.  I know that I do.  Not that I should but confession is good for the soul.  I'm a real person with real struggles and real victories.  The victories mean I have the priority right and the struggles mean that I don't.  Perhaps the same is true in your life. Sometimes I get the picture of God on his throne drumming his fingers on the armrest while watching me once again wander off the straight and narrow.  He gave me free will and it's my choice whether to have my priority Jesus or me.  The same goes for you.
     There are two things that keep me from choosing the right priority.  The first is the past.  Staying in the past keeps my focus on what would have, should have, and could have been.  This takes away the focus on Jesus and what he wants me to do here and now in the present.  It's a means to remind me that I have wants or needs that are unfulfilled as of yet and not consider what is important to my living for Jesus.  Focusing on the past steals a life for Christ.  Satan loves to keep us in that place where we are ineffective because all we can think about is the past.  The second thing is the future.  Dreaming of this or that is keeping me from focusing on what is right now.  Hoping on this, relying on that, envisioning what might be and looking forward to winning the lottery all steal the day from where Jesus wants me to be.  These are distractions that come and steal the current, present and right now joy of being in love with Jesus.  Looking to the past or the future only serves the wants of the Devil here in this world.  Jesus wants us to live in the moment and the Holy Spirit wants us to live in the moment and the Father wants us to live in the moment.  It's the only way we can seriously consider Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
     When I get to the place where my desire to be in love with Jesus surpasses the past and the future, I can consider him most fully.  I'm not saying that we don't need the past to remind us of what good and bad there WAS.  I'm not saying that we don't need the future to give us hope of what is to COME.  What I am saying is that Jesus said to keep it simple.  Simple means living each day as our first and last.  Putting aside that which entangles us in this world and being free to do what He wants us to think, say and do.  Why waste time dwelling on that which has taken place and that which hasn't taken place when we can dwell in the loving arms of God today, this moment?  It's a choice we have before us each and every day. It's always your choice.

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