Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Another foggy morning in August

     Wait!  It's supposed to be hot and sunshine in August here in Washington!  It's supposed to be warm and not cold.  My air conditioner sits silent when it should be cooling the house.  What is going on?  The leaves are beginning to turn colors and drop.  Again something that is reserved for September or later.  What is happening to our world?  If this is symbolic in nature then we can transfer the images to Christian living.  What is supposed to be going on in the Christians life versus what is actually going on.  We get alarmed about the weather but not alarmed about the signs that our Christian life is having problems, is stale, or is just not being what Christ said it should be.  He hasn't changed so it must be we who have changed.  The Word says that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow.  There is no shadow of change in Him.  God is eternally vigilant in watching over his wayward children while it seems that the Christian is content being wayward.  Like the changing of the weather patterns so is the life of the Christian.  God will not tarry forever and will continue to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible.  Whether or not we like it, God will bring to a close our life here on earth.  Where will we be found in the changing of the tide and the destruction to follow?  Where will Christian faith be found on the earth?
     Karl Menninger wrote a book back in the 70's entitled "Whatever Became of Sin?" that exposed the trends of the Christian and the Christian church in their attempt to avoid personal responsibility for their sin both as individuals as well as a Christian church.  We've done everything but take the front line and address that which comes against God.  For instance, instead of instruction and discipline we have changed the Word (not a good move) and included a pat on the back to the poor sinner who believes he/she is not sinning in spite of the Bible saying they are.  We can blame anyone we want, anything we want and even deny our participation but the truth is we are the sinners who are not standing for God but against Him.  Think not?  Perhaps your church's stand is that this or that sin should be okay might be evidence that you are against God and not for him.  It's pretty foggy in the Christian world when the Son wishes to shine.  Perhaps you have a double life (or triple) where you are a Christian when you are around Christians but pagan when you are with pagans?  Maybe you close your eyes to that which is Christian while keeping them wide open to the ways of the world.  Get it straight.  To be friends with the world is to be an enemy of God.  That's Scripture.  Do you believe it?  If not, you have chosen to serve the Devil and not God. 
     Don't get me wrong, I haven't had a day of perfection much less an hour of perfection in my life.  I've had a moment of perfection when Jesus cleansed me of all sin.  I've spent so much time with a foot in both worlds that I'm spiritually bow legged.  How about you?  The good that comes is when we realize that the Son is only a step away patiently waiting for you and I to come to our senses and like the prodigal son, return to the Father who has been patiently waiting for me, for you.  The fog will come and go.  The days will come and go.  The life we live is but a breath, a passing of a season and we are no more  What we have done will remain an impact for a lifetime.  What's your choice?  It's always your choice.

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