Wednesday, June 1, 2016

As you might well imagine, something went wrong.

     When it comes to projects and new activities, I'm the master of something might go wrong.  "Oh, you exaggerate!" some say.  Well, maybe.  But there is enough evidence to convict me in a court of law!  Take for example the lesson I learned when I asked a woman when her due date was as I thought she was pregnant.  Strike one!  It's something a man should never do and I've not done it since.  How about the time I was talking about Christian "things" and my stance against abortion with a fellow Christian?  Yep, she had an abortion many years ago.  Strike two!  Then (just for you men out there) there was the time I had this huge burn pile I decided to use gasoline to light on fire.  Strike three!  Like I said, something can and does go wrong when I don't think ahead and measure out the likely consequences. 
     I'm a "free" on Craigslist fanatic!  There are some things that I just have to have!  Little did I know that things could go wrong there as well.  I've had wasted trips, disappointment at what was promised versus what was there in reality, and even a few times people decided to charge for their free stuff.  I have to confess that sometimes things aren't what they seem in many areas of life.  I went to pick up a recliner I didn't need.  Didn't know why other than I felt it was the right thing to do.  Turns out the couple had to downsize because of the wife's chronic pain and other issues.  I was able to share a website that gives great advice, encouragement and helps people not feel alone with their "invisible" illness. was an immense help to this couple.  They also were interested in the Gospel!  Can you imagine that?!  When things seem wrong, sometimes they are not wrong at all.
     Over the years I've moved from making stupid mistakes without thinking to making stupid mistakes with thinking.  I'm sure many of you can relate.  I'm older now and I've been able to avoid something going wrong by remembering what has happened in the past, and utilizing the advice of others who are wise or have had experience.  It's the same with my Christian life.  Sometimes I should keep my mouth shut and let my life be the Gospel people see.  Sometimes I should open my mouth after prayer and then allow God to do the talking.  Sometimes I should not volunteer to help until it's clear that someone actually wants help.  God uses whatever we do for him for good.  That's what the Bible says.  I've seen him turn my "something went wrong" moments to turn people to Jesus.  The forgiveness, grace and love that God gives us is something we don't deserve but are freely given to give away to others.  How we give that away is an entirely different subject.  It's not necessarily a trial and error thing unless you are the kind of person who doesn't listen to the Holy Spirit as he speaks.
     When the world sees something as having gone wrong, that's not necessarily the case with God.  He turns things around so fast sometimes that we don't really know what happened.  Sometimes it's just for that "one" person and sometimes it's for the rest of the world to see his glory.  While I consider my life to be fairly well balanced, the world sees me in a different light.  Satan is hard at work trying to get as much to go wrong as possible with the least amount of effort.  Sometimes things go wrong so that something right can happen.  Humility is an awesome tool in the hands of God.  When I come to the end of "me" he is there to pick up the mess I've created and  make something wrong good.  He still gives me the choice though he knows me well.  Working to do good through me is something that is right.  It's my choice whether or not that happens.

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