Thursday, June 23, 2016

A simple faith in a complex world.

     Never mind that there are over 200 different kinds of Baptists worldwide.  Never mind the differences between various Pentecostal groups.  Never mind the other faiths (false and true) that populate every community in the world.  Faith is made to be simple.  Human beings make it complex.  Why?  Because human beings still want to be the god of their world.  If mankind can make the interpretation and the rules then they hold the control and power.  That's not why Jesus came, lived and died.  Nor is it why he rose from the dead and is coming again.  Jesus came to simply be a means for us to be saved.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Simple!  Just thinking about all the groups who claim to be Christian causes me an intense headache.  How do we wade through all the different renditions of who is right and who is wrong much less what is right and what is wrong?  It's simple.  Just believe in Jesus and avoid anything mankind throws at us.
     Okay, maybe it's not that simple.  For me, there is no such thing as simple math.  I'm math resistant!  I've never liked math, didn't see much of a purpose for math and generally avoided math in my educational achievements.  It's not that I'm unintelligent because I'm not.  It's because I choose to not like math.  There is nothing wrong with not liking math.  There is nothing wrong with others believing what they want just as long as they believe that it's the work of Christ that offers them the choice to be saved and go to heaven or not be saved and go to hell.  Pretty simple if you ask me.  Faith is there in all of us.  We may have faith in our abilities like driving.  Others may look at our driving and ask God for faith!  You may have faith in your ability to be a parent, worker or spouse.  Maybe your faith can take you to the horse track and bet your paycheck on a winner.  There are lots of healthy and unhealthy ways to look at your and my faith.  It's when we begin to take in other's interpretations that we take the simple and move to the complex.  Why?  Because other people expect us to be intelligent enough to believe and have faith like they do. 
     The Bible says that if you believe in Jesus and accept Him as your Savior you will be saved.  Simple.  No other requirement is necessary.  You will be saved.  So why do people demand baptism, speaking in tongues and other "evidence" that we have what we say we have?  Why can't this be simple and forthright?  The choices denominations have made in some of their rules are categorized by Hal Lindsay as "doctrines of demons."  It's difficult to understand why denominations, individuals and groups have to employ manipulation, control and secrecy in order for you to belong.  THERE is the key!  The world wants you to belong to a group, individual or a denomination and not simply belong to Jesus!  The more complex, the better.  Simple faith says that we have no need to be distracted from the race, no need to complicate the race and certainly no carrot dangling in front of us while we run the race.  Simple faith is possible and attainable only if you choose that option.
     KISS:  keep it simple stupid!  It's a choice.  OHIO: only handle it once!  It's a choice.  FEAR:  false evidence appearing real!  It's a choice.  Life is a choice.  What is your choice?  Do you have a simple faith that is much easier to engage and grow with?  Do you want a simple faith?  Are you wanting to break free from the complexity of the world's view on Christianity?  Then make the simple choice.  Choose to live with Jesus as your Savior and nothing else.  It's your choice!

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