Saturday, May 23, 2015

Celebrations should be good.

     It's my 62nd birthday today.  I know that I'm fortunate to have a 62nd birthday as so many don't get to have life so long.  In February I had a heart attack followed by open heart surgery and now recovery.  While I'm doing great (according to my doctor), there is a long road ahead of me.  Three months ago I had surgery.  In the past three months I have been reflecting on my past birthdays and how they were celebrated (or not).  While most of my birthdays were memorable there are a few that stick out as special.  One in particular I'd like to tell you about.  The age and such isn't important.  The elements that made up the day were.  I had been at work and thinking about what aspects of birthdays were important.  This was a celebration of my life and I felt I should and could celebrate my birthday the way I wanted.  So, on the way home I stopped at a store and purchased some gifts.  I also stopped at an elderly neighbors home on the way home.  The gift I gave him was to come and take care of his neglected lawns (about a third acre) for him for free.  He was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that I would do this for free.  It took me two days to complete the task.  In the end, we were both blessed.
     Back to my actual birthday.  Upon my arrival at home I was greeted at the door by my 4 young children, their mother and a step daughter.  I had them all gather in the living room and presented them with birthday cards and birthday presents to open.  The young kids were ecstatic and tore into their presents.  Their mother was a bit less thrilled and like her daughter was wondering what was going on and why was I giving presents. I told them that it was my birthday and I could give a lot easier than receive birthday presents.  Celebrations don't have to be the "old way" or the "traditional" way.  The celebrations of birthdays, Christmas' and such are without surprise, without newness, and certainly without the intimacy of relationship for the most part.  I wanted to have that intimacy of relationship as my gift both to give and to receive.  My neighbor and I remained close but after I mowed his lawn his son was embarrassed and began to mow the lawn.  My kids were young and don't remember much about the year dad gave birthday presents on his birthday.  Their mother probably still thinks I was crazy. 
     We have been given life and another day.  We aren't guaranteed another day and sometimes not even that next hour.  Life is precious and should be celebrated every moment of every day.  That doesn't mean we are selfish but rather that we are selfless.  Our focus should be on blessing those around us on a daily if not minute by minute basis.  It's these blessings that we give and receive that create the intimacy between people.  That applies to your family, friends and even enemies.  Blessing others rather than cursing others is what Jesus taught us to do.  Jesus was all about giving.  He gave sight, health, wine, life, and freedom to name a few.  He gave freely and didn't expect others to be obligated to him for what he did give.  Jesus was selfless.  He gave the gift of his love and then gave the gift of life through his own death and resurrection.  What a birthday gift!  When we choose to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior there is (according to the Bible) a celebration and much rejoicing in heaven amongst the angels.  We are given life!  We were once dead and then given life through the death of One. 
     Today is my birthday.  My kids, relatives, and wife will be with me and we will celebrate another day of life.  First in Christ and then in the intimate relationship with others.  We will all leave the celebration richer than when we arrived.  The celebration is important because it almost didn't happen.  I almost went home.  Except for the grace of God and medical wonders I would be in heaven right now.  We don't have a guarantee of time with our kids, spouses, relatives, friends or even our enemies.  Celebrating life every day is the only way we can say that we have reflected Christ to those in our world.  I'm sure I will receive gifts and they will be given from the heart.  I pray that they will go home with the gift from me as well.  Blessings to them and to you on this, my birthday.  Happy birthday to you!

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