Friday, May 15, 2015

A complicated life

     Whenever I think about the complexities of my life or the lives of those close to me; I remember Michael Keaton as Batman trying to tell his girlfriend that he is Batman.  He stutters and stammers after much avoidance and finally says, "My life is complicated." or something similar.  Could just as well been you or I.  Life is complicated and sometimes very difficult to believe much less explain.  What we see on the outside often doesn't reflect what is on the inside.  The inside is so diverse in nature that sometimes we find it hard to explain much less vocalize to others.  When we consider the added elements of our lives the picture becomes even more crowded.  Please understand that most of my life is complicated because of thoughts and actions I have actively participated in or pursued.  When anyone tells me their lives are uncomplicated my first reactions is, "Yeah, right!"  Should we just consider the secrets we have and haven't shared we could see that life is complicated.
    James was the head of the Christian church first century in Jerusalem.  He was the half brother of Jesus.  When we consider that James was the younger brother of God we can be overwhelmed with what James must have felt like when he was little.  "Why can't you be  more like your brother?"  It must have been very difficult for James and his siblings to hear that Jesus was not only their older brother but that he was a half brother who's father was THE Father God of the universe.  Then to be asked to acknowledge that Jesus was God and ask him to be his Savior was the capstone to the complicated life of James.  How could he explain to his classmates that his big brother was God.  What could you expect when people laughed and humiliated him when he claimed Jesus as Savior?  Your life and mine may be complex but James life, though complex, was one of clear dedication to the Son of God first and foremost. 
     I tell people that I live my life in a state of positive discontent.  They look at me funny so I explain.  I'm happy for where I am but long for where I need to be.  I'm positively discontent with my current status and place in life.  Long term I long to be home with Christ where I will forever be content.  However, while here on earth I am discontented.  Life is complicated partly because I am an alien here; a sojourner passing through to a better place.  My life is full of history as is every one's.  My story is less complicated than some and more complicated than others.  The areas of my life that are uncomplicated are the ones where Jesus has control surrendered by me.  The complicated ones are where I'm still growing and haven't given up control to one degree or another.   My thought process is made more complex when I have multiple things going on at the same time.  I have deficits that add to the complexity of life.  So do you.  That's where God comes in.
    God sees and knows everything about me.  He asks me to accept me as His creation.  He cannot make mistakes and thus I am not a mistake.  Neither are you.  Think about that for a moment.  You are not a mistake.  Fat or thin, tall or short, red hair and freckles or no hair at all; you are just the way God intended you to be.  The Bible says that we were put together in our mother's womb by the will and hand of God who knew you before you were conceived.  Begins to make my head spin at the complexity of God's creation.  Ultimately you and I need to accept the simple and clear love of God which is uncomplicated in this complicated world we live in.  While we may not have the difficulty of growing up as James with the Savior of the world; we most certainly have complexities that have formed and exposed who we are. 
     Bottom line:  I am a sinner who was in need and still is in need of the grace of God while I struggle to see myself as God sees me.  I am saved by the grace of God who in a complex way set about to bring forgiveness of sin to all of mankind should they ask.  Not only past sin, but present and future sin as well.  People who do not know Jesus see the concept of Christianity as complex and hard to understand much less incorporate into their lives.  The complexity of God is revealed to those who seek him.  When we are enlightened the complexity turns to simplicity.  Now if I could only settle these other areas of my life.  I know that I need to stop making changes harder than they are.  My choices are to choose Him who gave his life for mine.  It's complex.

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