The last time we were with our hero's, Rocky and Bullwinkle, they were busy trying to stop Natasha and Boris from destroying the world as we know it. Rocky and Bullwinkle ALWAYS save the day in just about 30 minutes (minus time for commercials) and we can now breathe a sigh of relief feeling safe once again. Tune in tomorrow when we will see Bullwinkle say, "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!" Rocky: "That never works."
I haven't watched that show for at least 40 years. Yet, the words are still bright lights in my history. We all needed hero's in our lives. AND today is no different. On the adult side of things, my kids and yours are looking for us to be hero's. I haven't heard "My dad can beat your dad!" for an equally long time. Is that because we are no longer our children's hero's? Hero's are consistent. Hero's take the risks we wish we could take. Hero's win. All others lose. That's the message we received as little kids and even into adulthood. We are striving to be the hero AND win for the rest of us. Life hasn't changed in that manner. Yes, we still look for the hero to come and conquer evil and save the happiness of the world.
Now for reality. We all journey in our own direction and at our own speed. That's with the exception of those who have decided to camp in their late teens! What continually happens is we find ourselves working with, living with, associating with these people on one level or another. For the journey this is a rabbit trail that stops us from moving forward. Sometimes this takes us back instead of forward. Thus we find ourselves irritated at those who aren't at the place we are and those who are so far ahead of us that we know we will never catch up. Both of those places are okay. Don't let either of those groups of people get you down. You have your OWN journey going at the pace of your choosing. Perhaps there are others who are frustrated you aren't moving as fast or faster than they?
We are told in the Bible to count the cost before beginning the journey. Be prepared for where the Lord takes you. That preparation is simply to wait on God to speak. Sometimes God tells us to speed up, sometimes to stay steady, or to slow down. We encounter all three from time to time in our journey. It's important to understand that the journey is your journey and no one else's journey. While others may be on journey with you, no one is where you are supposed to be. We pick people up like hitch hikers and take them along from point A to point B where we pick up another or eve a group. People play a very important part of our journey. Jeremiah was told by God to never take a wife as his life was going to be miserable. Sometimes we find ourselves in the same situation. The journey was never meant to be without stumbling around in darkness from time to time.
The journey, for the Christian, bears us to the world we live in. The journey is a means of God reaching a fallen world through those who love him and are called according to his purpose. The journey is more about others than it is about you. When we encounter people who constantly refer to the past, we can come to the conclusion that is where they stopped the journey. When we encounter people who are constantly referencing the consequences of the future we know that they don't have a personal journey. The journey we take should be anchored in Jesus with the past and the future used to bring Jesus to people and people to Jesus. THAT is the purpose of the journey. It has nothing to do about me and everything to do about Jesus. While it's true that we have a past and a wish for a future, it is still not about us. Our lives relinquished to Jesus should be an offering of Jesus to the world. What do people see in our journey? Do they see Jesus or do they see you? That is the point of the journey; to help people and ourselves see Jesus. Have a good trip!
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