Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Not a politician at all!

     To this date I have never heard a student say, "I want to be a politician when I grow up."  I'm sure that somewhere their is a child who has done so.  It's not something you hear about.  The moment someone sees they are talking with a politician things change.  In most cases there is a withdrawal from the conversation and probably an end to any civility that may have been there before the awareness.  It's not that all politicians are bad or evil in their actions.  That simply is not a generalization I'm willing to make.   Politics is one arena where there is always ample opportunity for Monday morning quarterbacking.  I've done that as I'm sure others have as well. 
     Politics defined by:  "the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power."  It's all about the power.  Where once the definition may have been used to bring a system equality, it's now a definition pertaining to the power that can be garnered from others.  Politics now show a totally different mechanism or function.  Watching people (from small children to the aged) go about their lives shows how their world is affected by this or that ideal.  So we become a people who are adversarial when it comes to our politics.  Often there is a conclusion to a political exchange that is violent leaving people physically injured or even dead. 
     Wars are political and a huge example of the tragedy associated with neither winning or losing.  All that ends up lost are lives.  The real action of politicking is done behind the lines and in the comfort of some cushy office.  The shots are called by someone who's sole capacity is to win a all costs.  That often morphs into "necessary loses" in numbers and not in names.  We must not be too close to the loses less we see what is the real cost of the action.  Because of this idea of winning at all costs everyone loses.  Even if there is a "win" it to is framed in a loss.  How far do we take the politicking in our world?  What would it be like if no one participated? 
     Obviously people have died for their ideals and many others have joined them.  Some of the causes were "just" in our minds and "not just" in others minds.  What would it be like if you and I quit the game?  What if we just sat aside the crowd and observed?  Would we be pulled into the fracas by the strongest aggressor?  Would we be able to stand up for what is right even if some think its wrong?  How many lost lives equals the need or want to win?  Then again, how do we want to be remembered when we are gone?  "He fought well and won more than he lost."  Really?!  Guess we had better be prepared for where we go.
     While reading this today you may have decided I am or have an association with one particular political stance over another.  You may even decided where this blog would go and end.  Here's the focal point.  Nobody wins when everyone wants to win.  There is no pureness involved with politics.  Ulterior motives are found around every corner seeking to snare one more for their side.  Evil continues to reign in the people who advocate their opinion to the point of violence.  The Bible states that the world needs to be worse off than in the days of Noah before Jesus will come back to take us home.  That may be a long way off or a short trip to the main event.  The main event has already been told to us.  We have intimate knowledge of what the world versus God looks like.  Yet, there are wars and rumors of wars.  Conflict is born anew every day. 
     When it comes down to the major point, our war comes from within.  What we think the world should be like is shaped by the world around us.  While I do think Christians are and can be politicians, very few are following the mandates of Christ in their political role.  It's become a politically correct world for most everyone.  Being politically correct means we have to act like someone who claims to know what politically correct means.  What would happen if instead of the craziness of our world we chose the life of Christ as our focus?  Would you interact differently if the political party was Jesus versus Satan?  What would you choose?
     The cost of choosing and following Jesus is huge.  The cost is the surrender of your life and the wearing of His life.  Can you do this?  Only with help from God.  Are you willing to do this?  The answer is hidden within each of us.  We can only think and dream within the confines of our small minds.  Surrender to Jesus is the only choice.  Doing what he would do is the only choice.  Any deviation from this is selfish in nature.  Choose well this day whom you will follow.  Don't consider the cost but press on with Christ leading your life regardless of what your family and friends think is right for you.  Exercise grace towards others as well as yourself.  Love those who hate you.  You see, it's a simple response to a world with crazy political goals.  What are you going to do?

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