Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stepping off the curb

      Sometimes I believe I am a klutz.  Plain and simple, trouble seems to present itself in such a way that I can't seem to avoid.  Sometimes I even see it coming and yet don't dodge, avoid, or escape the situation.  When I was in high school I injured my right ankle.  Later in life I began to have trouble with my ankle "spraining."  When I would be walking along minding my own business, my ankle would fold under me and down I would go.  This condition continued to get worse over time.  I finally had enough.  I made an appointment to have the surgery needed to correct my problem.  When they opened up my ankle, they found an entire set of 3 muscles gone.  No wonder I was always falling.  They made me new muscles and I haven't had a sprained ankle since.  I was in my mid 30's when I had the surgery. 
     My ability to safely step off the curb had been fixed.  I still get a reminder of that surgery whenever the weather changes.  Safely accomplishing any feat is important to everyone.  No one can avoid the world they live in.  It is important that we take a serious look at the issues in our lives and deal with them sooner than later.  I'm the king of procrastination.  It's not the title I would choose to have describe me.  But I am a procrastinator of a lot of areas of my life.  I intend o fix that one item on the car...but don't.  I have scheduled an appointment for that exam all men hate.  Yet, I mysteriously forgot that the appointment was a week ago.  And so we go on in our lives perpetuating problems and compounding various areas of our lives. 
     Okay, here is the shocker:  God wants us to step off the curb regardless of the misgivings we have with the actual task.  God isn't boxed in by anyone.  He isn't defined by human words and certainly doesn't have any boundaries he needs to obey.  What we have a difficult time with is wrapping our head around His choices for our life.  I've had a total of 17 vocation changes.  Most were because the Holy Spirit pushed me to them.  Those times where it wasn't of God, the "klutz" move ruined God's perfect plan for me.  Klutz isn't just a physical act.  Klutz is our taking our lives and dedicating them to ourselves.  When self is running the show, less that best is what we get and give.  That's not all!  When we begin to hurry and disregard His timing, klutzing happens. 
    Whenever we step off the curb, we need to be in that frame of mind and spirit that answers the call of God in our lives with confidence.  We may asked to say or do some really crazy sounding things.  Yet, we should still go and fulfill the word of the Lord through us to that world.  The test in the Old Testament for a prophet to be truly of God was to evaluate his prophecies.  If he was truly giving what God asked him to give; the word would be fulfilled ALL the time. If your prophecies did not come about, everyone knew you were not of God.  People know when we step off the curb in our will as opposed to His will.  Still, I continue to try and be god of my world and take decisions on my own.  We have been created for better. 
     Not knowing is okay.  Being the one who refused to say or do something is okay.  Learning to believe God can take care of us is okay.  You are okay with God regardless of your decisions you make in your life.  God loves the real deal...the man or woman of God you were intended to be.  How did we get off track?  The simple and complete answer is; Sin.  Okay, that was anticlimactic.  We have grown so used to making our world roll forward with no inclination of asking God what he wants in our lives and the lives we are surrounded by.  Let's step off the curb today and ask God what he wants us to think, say and do.  It's not that difficult.

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