Friday, September 6, 2019

Yes, I know I'm fat!

     Maybe you are too.  Some in Christian circles seem to think that being fat is a negative witness for Christ and maybe, just maybe, I'd be a better Christian if I was normal (whatever that is).  People in the world seem to think that being fat is a sign that I'm undisciplined and in need of a proper diet and an exercise program.  Equally frustrating are the fat doctors and nursing staff that tell me at any appointment that I'm fat and endangering my health!  Being fat, skinny or anything in between is not a disqualification for anything Jesus related.  Jesus loved fat people and encouraged them to follow him and not worry at the naysayers around us.  So many churches have signs that read: "Come as you are" but they really don't mean it.  What they really mean is come as you are so we can change you to be like us.  How special!  While I was a therapist I had many women come to me to receive help to lose weight!  Imagine coming to a fat therapist for this problem.
     You see, these women, like so many others, came to a Christian counselor because they knew how much I cared and didn't care about how much I knew.  People will chose the caring over knowledge every time.  Those Christians who criticize you because of your size, hair style, and such really don't care.  Those who look at us from the perspective of being undisciplined and in need of diet don't really care.  Those who are "do as I say and not as I do" really don't care.  I don't care which profession you are in.  The real question people wrestle with is finding someone who cares.  The REAL question people are asking is: Does your church really care?  The REAL REAL question people have deep inside of them is:  Does Jesus care about me?  How you live the answer to this question may make the difference in someone's life.  If you care so much about Jesus that others can see Jesus in you; you care.  People will see this.
     So, I know I'm a sinner, born dead in spirit and made alive by Christ.  All that I have is His and is freely give to those in need.  All my education, training, and life's experience are His to do as he wants where I am.  I know I'm fat.  So are so many others.  But do people see in you, Christian, Jesus or someone who is preoccupied with putting us all in boxes?  Do people come to you because you know Jesus or do they come to you because you will laugh at their inappropriate comments and jokes.  Do people come to you because of your vast knowledge of sports, cars, politics or because they see Jesus in you?  Who is it that "qualifies" to hear the Good News you have within you according to your life?  Are you part of those who carry the Great Commission in their hearts or are you part of the world that needs the saving grace of Christ?  It's always your choice.

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