Sunday, September 1, 2019

Lightening strikes where it may

     It was reported that during a soccer match in Africa a missionary team and a local team were playing and it began to get stormy.  During the match lightening struck and everyone on the local team were killed while all those on the missionary team were spared.  Believers versus unbelievers and God protected the believers.  I've watched most every kind of lightening strike that I know of and am amazed at the phenomena.  Lightening unleashed amazes my senses and brings a sense of awe beyond belief.  When lightening strikes, it's said the actual strike begins on the ground and returns to the clouds.  Thunder accompanies lightening and so does rain, hail and vicious storms as well.  Regardless of the kind of lightening, there is no denying the power and randomness.  God's that way as well.
     People talk about powers in their lives but rarely talk about the origin of those powers.  For instance, those in 12 step programs choose a higher power.  Sometimes that higher power is an unknown god and sometimes it's a door knob.  The idea is accountability to someone or something other than yourself because an addict/alcoholic alone with his/her own mind is in bad company.  Still others choose to fill their lives with stuff or status in order to accomplish the goal of not being responsible for their own lives.  Blame is a god the world has created to keep anyone from saying they are responsible.  What they all have in common are negative consequences.  Why is that?  Because the world is all about giving you everything but Jesus.  Without Jesus all consequences are negative in one way or anoth6er.
     So, what is anyone to do with all the counterfeit lightening strikes?  We all have the choice of which lightening strikes we want in our life.  If you are looking at lightening strikes from the world, you will get the same strike time after time.  Once struck by the lightening of God you will never find the strike hitting the same place twice.  The lightening strike from God comes from him through you and goes where it pleases through you.  Speaking the Word of God at His prompting strikes where He wants it to strike.  The lightening strikes from God impact and change the world.  You may be the only person through which the strike comes,  So, whether your are called to pray, help, or share the Word, you have the choice to change your world for God.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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