Monday, September 30, 2019

Wake me in the morning!

     Most people have difficulty especially with Monday mornings.  We might press the "snooze" button more than once and occasionally even be late for work.  Avoiding the inevitable isn't a solution at all.  We all find ourselves facing the music of schedules, attending to our needs, and getting out of bed!  I know this will upset some people; but I am a morning person.  One of those who is up between five and six most mornings of my life!  On the opposite end of the spectrum I'm usually ready to head to bed by ten.  Just the way my system works.  Yours may work the same or you might need to sleep till noon.  Eventually, everyone has to go to bed and everyone has to get up.  What state of mind we have is still a choice to each of us.  Many people go to bed dreading waking and going through the motions of another day.  Many people live for five and off work!  There are little interruptions we all deal with though.  They are called responsibilities.  When we wake up (no matter how), we still need to engage the day before us.  That's when the rubber meets the road.  For the Christian, each of us should wake with a sense of newness and positive anticipation of what God is going to do in and through us every day.  Not necessarily knowing the outcome but knowing He is in charge and he has a plan for our day.
     Society and how we were raised plays an important part of our makeup driving our attitudes in life.  For instance, I grew up on a farm in the Midwest where we were expected to be up and working by seven or eight at the latest.  We worked until dark.  No wonder farm kids look forward to school starting in the fall!  We still were up early as we were picked up by the bus at seven every morning.  We also had responsibilities at home.  So, at four thirty we were dropped off by the bus, changed clothes and went to work at whatever needed to be done.  Our lives were conditioned to hard work and lots of it.  As a Christian and now retired, I appreciate the work ethic I was taught.  God has a work ethic for the Christian as well.  We can choose whether or not we want to do the will of God and therein lies a problem.  If we treated our Christian lives as we do in the natural world, much would be accomplished for God all around us.  Rather than dreading waking in the morning, we may even look forward to what God brings involving us in His work.  It doesn't really take much but it does require us to listen to the Holy Spirit when we are told to do this or that.  What would happen if we went to bed excited about what was going to take place tomorrow?  What if all Christians would have this attitude?  Would you see changes in and around you?  I know that I do.
     I'm retired.  That means I don't have any employer expectations or pressures.  But, I do have stuff I have to do and as time moves on my list grows.  How I deal with that list and the needs pressed upon me by God, myself and other people determines what my day is going to be like.  BUT, the first step for all of us is to wake up spiritually before we wake up physically.  How we incorporate Christ in our lives and listen to the Holy Spirit set the tone for tomorrow should we be fortunate enough to have another day.  It's always my choice.  I can choose to have a miserable day and sometimes I do.  I regret it afterwards but I still have made that choice.  I can choose to be resentful of interruptions to my day and irritate myself and the people around me, but I still have made the choice.  I'm not a 100% happy camper!  I'd like to say I was but then I'd be lying.  There are circumstances that are thrust upon each of us where we make the choice of either living the Christian life or living how the world wants us to live.  The world wants us unbalances, angry, dissatisfied, confused, frustrated and other adjectives that lack the peace of God.  Most of the time I choose to go for that which renders the peace of God.  Remember, it's always your choice as well.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

From the mouths of children

     Art Linkletter once had a show on TV called "Kids say the darnest things!"  Kids from the audience would come up to the stage and engage Art in conversation where he would ask them questions and they would, in their innocence, say what came to mind.  Many a parent was embarrassed by some of the answers.  Of course the TV camera would pan to the parent at just the wrong time to capture the now forever memory.  Kids don't just answer questions but also ask questions of their own.  Been there and done that.  An interchange with Benjamen, my second  son, took place one day on the sofa as we were having time together.  He had been deep in thought for some time and suddenly said, "Dad?"  I replied yes and told him to go on.  He said, "Dad, do you know what I want to do when I grow up?"  He was about 4 or 5 at the time.  Kids have all kinds of occupations they conjure up like police man, fireman, and construction worker to name a few.  I wasn't quite prepared for what I heard when I asked him what.  He said, "Dad, I want to do everything!"  I answered: "Son, you do and do everything.  Don't let anyone or anything stop you."  Proud of my son we went back to watching TV together.  Benjamen is well on  his way to doing everything.
     After ending my career as a police officer due to a shooting I was involved in, my life was changed forever.  We moved to another state (not confusion) and I decided to go to counseling to begin to deal with the PTSD.  I took my kids with me to counseling where my counselor made chit chat before asking this question: "Kids, what's your dad like when he's angry?"  I didn't know what was coming from him or them.  My daughter Sara was the first to speak.  She assumed a position of fear, sat back in her chair and with wide eyes said: "You never want to see my dad angry!"  Jeremy, my son echoed her statement.  Dick continued to talk with them about their perceptions more for my therapy but also for their inclusion in my healing and theirs.  I'd never thought I was that angry in front of them.  But, they saw, heard and learned.  I made amends to my children and we discussed my anger at length.  Jesus said, "suffer the little children to come to me."  In other words people, our children may have much to say to us.  Don't shut them out or shut them down.  Learn from them and be a better person who interacts with all in a more loving manner.
     Children (younger) are more openly honest and real than anyone else on earth.  Their young innocence is a blank slate for the world to write upon.  Some people write good things in the children and others write bad things.  We need to take the stand Jesus takes with us if we expect \anything but the influence of the world.  It is incumbent upon us to listen to Jesus' words:  Unless you become as a little child you cannot come.  Simple belief, simple love, simple obedience are what Jesus wants from us so that just as we see our lives being lived through our children, that we can let Jesus live through us.  We need to acknowledge that the phrase, "junk in, junk out" is not what we want for our children anymore than what Jesus wants for us.  To be free in Christ means we look at everything through the eyes of Jesus.  Yes, you can be in the world but not controlled by the world.  Ask a child!  We are faced with choices all day every day.  Do we laugh at that dirty joke?  Do we make things more important than God?  Are we fixated on our own selfishness when we are driving on the road?  Do we really care about who we serve.  Christian!  Remember, it's always your choice!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cotton candy flavored grapes!

     I went to the grocery store and was looking through the fruit section when I came upon Cotton Candy flavored grapes.  Thinking there must be a typo I plucked one from the container and yes, they tasted like cotton candy!  Now, I confess to taking a single grape and eating same.  It's become quite common for the grazers like myself to enter the world of sampling in order to see if we really want to buy this or that.  What stopped me was the price!  You could have bought a third world country for the price on the container!  So, I didn't buy any and didn't feel much guilt for having tasted the fruit of the vine without permission.  But, that's what we do and then we rationalize and justify our actions so that we don't feel the guilt of sin.  To be clear, without permission I took/stole a grape and thought it would bee okay.  No, I sinned.  Just as Eve did in the garden, I did the same thing with the grape.  The results are simple:  I sinned and knew it was wrong.  My witness was compromised.  "Oh!", you say, "It's okay because others do the same thing."  Nope, it's not okay.  The grape police didn't arrest me but my conscious did.  Martin Luther found the same truth when as a teenager he joined his friends in going "out on the town" hopped a fence and stole some fruit.  The innocence we once had was ruined by the selfishness of our actions.  You maybe think this is petty and I shouldn't even be addressing the issue.  But, the issue is much bigger than a grape.
     Keep in mind I didn't have any religious or church experience growing up.  My life was filled with selfishness and disobedience to the law.  What happened after I became a servant to Jesus is the law was replaced with grace and my sins were forgiven.  That's what salvation is really all about.  So, why, do I still sin?  What is it that I haven't learned?  After becoming a Christian my vocabulary changed and I no longer swore (though at times I have) and took the Lord's Name in vain.  I was asked by a young upcoming pastor why I didn't swear.  I was shocked at the question and took a moment before sharing that Jesus was my best friend and I couldn't fathom using my friends name in that way.  That's the core of a relationship with Jesus...not acting offensively and bringing shame to the name of Jesus. Do I want to be an offense to Jesus?  Do I want to dishonor my best friend and Savior?  There is a hurt I feel when others take the Lord's name in vain.  So I don't and wish others wouldn't either.  In my personal life I strive to live in such a way that I don't show that I'm not His friend.  He stands with me through all things and it's the least I can do to stand with Him.
     I'm sorry I stole the grape and will return to the store to buy the container of grapes today.  Now is the time of Salvation the Bible says.  Now is the time to do what's right in the eyes of the Lord.  Now is the time to be an example and to not just talk about what an example should be.  Now is the time of repentance and letting the Holy Spirit search your and my heart to weed out any unconfessed sin.  Now is the time to choose to serve Jesus and not the world.  So what if everyone else does or is doing this or that.  As Joshua said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  As Job said, "Even if he slays me, yet will I praise Him."  As Paul said, "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me."  As Jesus said, "Feed my sheep."  We do have a choice both in the small things and the great things.  Choosing to look to Jesus instead of ourselves means having Jesus live through us.  This way we represent Jesus to the world.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ever feel hopeless and helpless?

     Me too!  Somehow some people think that being a Christian means you don't feel these feelings or go through trough troubles in your life.  We, Christians, aren't immune to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.  How we react and what we do with them is what makes us different from the world.  We know in our heart that Jesus was tempted in every way mankind was and is tempted.  Being of the frame of mind that we are not alone is a big plus!  We know that God works according to His plan and that He is constantly working things out.  Not necessarily on our time line but on His which is perfect; not like mine which is not perfect and often not well thought out.  We can act like the world, throw up our hands, throw a temper tantrum, destroy our witness and act like so many others.  Or, we can be better.  I have had numerous times in my life when the choices I've made to my feeling hopeless and helpless were anything but Christian.  There were many times that I really wondered what God's purpose for my life was as it felt like I was the biggest failure that ever lived.  I have the choice to react in any fashion I choose.  God gave me this freedom of choice in hopes I would choose to let him take care of all of my situations.
     My frame of mind just doesn't affect me and my relationship with Jesus.  It also affects those around me whether they know me or not.  I've made messes of small situations that took years to undo.  I've also made choices immediately that have taken care of the situation right away.  Perhaps your life has it's ups and downs as well.  Unless you are perfect, I can't imagine anyone being immune to the ups and downs of life.  Just remember that God is at work and sometimes we need to get out of his way.  Sometimes we need to let life's circumstances to work their way to the bottom of the pit before we have the presence of mind to look up.  In my world it's taken years sometimes before I could see the hand of God at work.  He was always at work but my attention was to the problem and not the solution.  When we begin to be solution focused, we can have hope and know that He who began a great work in us will bring it to completion.  Shortly after becoming a Christian I travelled home to tell my family.  They all rejected the Message.  I went to those who I know professed a Christian faith and asked them to go to my family and share Jesus with them.  They told me it wasn't their job.  Shocked I went to my leadership in Youth With A Mission with the dilemma.  They told me that Scripture said the Word of God would never return void or without results.  They told me that where two or more are gathered there Jesus is in their midst.  They told me if we pray in faith believing according to the Word of God that our prayers would be answered.  So we claimed my families salvation.  Today they are all believers.  Not by my might or wisdom, but by God answering the prayers of a few.
     While I would like to say that I've arrives...I've not.  That won't happen until Jesus takes me home.  He isn't done with me here on earth.  So, I move forward and deal with what is thrown.  I try to stay in Him through these times and try to not do it on my own.  That just breeds futility.  It's refreshing to exit the hole and or climb to the top of the mountain.  Unless we drop into the hole or spend time in the valley, our appreciation for being out of the hole and out of the valley doesn't mean as much.  We need the contrast of both.  For this it's important for us to be able to look at how were delivered from the hopelessness and helplessness from various situations in our life.  God is faithful and He will do what he says he will do.  Our job is to believe.  Remember, it's always your choice just as it is mine.  Peace

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Maybe it was your choice

     Choices are always in front of us every minute of every day.  Having the freedom of choice is an innate part of how God created us.  We have the ability to choose in just about every situation in life.  From the moment we wake and push the snooze button to the moment before we pass into the world of those asleep; we have the choice.  I've made choices that were good, bad and everything in between.  Maybe you have never thought about your choices and the ramifications of those choices.  I have and quite frankly, I'm not proud of a lot of my choices.  Choosing to sin intentionally hurt people and led people away from Christ rather than towards Christ.  How many missed opportunities came and went because I chose to not share Christ but rather engaged in my sin instead?  Engaging in our choices means either positive consequences or negative consequences.  For instance "innocent" choices often are defended by "I'm not hurting anyone."  There are no actions in our lives without consequences.  Somewhere along the line our inaction and actions affect either someone else or our very relationship with Jesus.
     Put within the context of Christians being in the world but not of the world we soon realize that we are the only Bible some people read.  We can justify and rationalize our actions but the results are the same.  That which we sow, we reap.  If I choose to live a selfless life, the result is a witness to the world of the love of God in me.  If I choose to live a selfish life, the result is my witness is negated and I'm no earthly good for God or mankind.  When we look over our past we are faced with our choices.  Families destroyed, friends hurt, employers disappointed, and the list goes on.  We have a past that doesn't have to be an indicator of our future if we would only choose to do what is right in God's eyes.  This will put the Christian at odds with the world and for good reason.  The Bible tells us to be set apart from the world and to maintain our relationship with Jesus.  This requires we read the Bible and believe what we read.  It means we actually let Jesus live his life through us once we surrender to him.  Doing this on a daily basis (like hitting the snooze button!) will lead to positive consequences even if they don't seem like it at the time.  God is looking for men and women who will be representatives of his love found in Jesus Christ.  He chose the Cross so that we could not only have eternal life but life filled with his blessings.
     Here is a list of choices we can make today.  Choose to be happy.  Choose to see the best in people.  Choose to be patient and loving.  Choose to be kind to others regardless of the situation.  Choose to not hate.  Choose to be understanding.  Choose to speak the truth regardless of the cost.  Choose to be selfless and surrender selfishness.  Choose to drive as if Jesus was sitting in the passenger seat.  Choose to give freely because everything you have is really Gods.  Choose to listen before you talk.  Choose to acknowledge God's love for the widow, orphan and those without Jesus.  Choose to pray for everything God puts on your heart.  Choose to drink enough water and to take care of your health.  Choose to give your time to what God wants you to give your time.  Choose to put God first, your people second and yourself last.  Choose to deny temptation.  Choose to only engage Godly anger.  Choose to take care of your animals and love them.  Choose to do random acts of kindness without seeking acknowledgment.  Choose to leave the past behind and to live this moment as if it's your last.  Choose to love.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

As good as it's going to get

     Believe it or not, it's as good as it's going to get.  Pie in the sky is make believe that things are going to get better.  Take my Mercedes for instance.  It's a classic that I've been restoring for some years now.  After sticking money into it over the years it's something that's fun to drive.  I love the way it floats and handles on the road.  But, here it comes, it's an antique and in need of constant influx of money to maintain it.  The parts are getting more and more scarce and aftermarket parts just aren't the same.  In order for it to be better in my estimation I need to lower my standards and expectations.  That trip around the country?  It's not going to happen.  On the opposite side of the coin, I have a salt and pepper collection that my grandmother bequeathed to me because I always loved them.  Over the years I've added to the collection.  But it doesn't get any better than her original salt and pepper shakers.  Some even have salt and pepper in them from the 50's and 60's.  They are what they are.  Precious to me.
     For centuries people have cried that the end is near, coming next Friday at 3:28 PM, and other ridiculous associated things.  While it's true that the end is coming and may even be near; no one hopes it happens next Friday at 3:28 PM!  There are, according to the Bible, signs and prophecies that point to that end.  But, it won't happen until the Father says so.  Just as I invest in my Mercedes and salt and pepper collection (both will perish) I invest in the souls around me.  Martin Luther said, when asked what he would do if he knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, said, "I'd plant another tree."  He was quite the accomplished gardener and arborist.  He probably knew a thing about planting a tree and the purpose for the steps to planting.  The first year a fruit tree is planted it produces no fruit (unless you buy one already bearing fruit.).  The second year maybe and the third year most likely.  Jesus talked about fruit trees, cursed a couple and praised the tree that produces good fruit.  Martin Luther was talking about sewing the Word in the hearts of people.  He knew once planted that eventually the seed would produce a plant that produced fruit.  Who, in their right mind would plant cactus plants in their carrot garden?
     Today, the world is getting worse and worse.  Blame is so plentiful that everyone earns a blame or two for what's wrong with the world.  The Bible foretold of the state of the world versus the state of mankind's soul.  The state of the world is to get worse and worse while the saved soul of the Christian is to become more and more focused on what God wants to do in the end times.  The world continues to tell people everywhere there is no God, that there is no reason to be focused on anything but yourself.  The world claims to have all the answers to mankind's problems if we would only come around to their view of life and the future.  Surely you won't die if you eat the fruit.  And the rest is history.  Nothing but Jesus has worked to give the souls of mankind any kind of hope of something better.  But it needs to get worse in spite of what Christians are doing.  To many Christians are doing little or nothing so they aren't much threat.  YET, it's as good as it's going to get in the hearts of the true believer.  Think not?!  Wake up, get with it, be real!  If you are a Christian you know the Great Commission and the reason for it's need to be fulfilled.  People are going to hell without Jesus.  Be not deceived.  There are choices we can and do need to make (as believers).  Let's not be found standing in front of the Father being asked why we didn't tell our children, friends, relatives and especially our enemies of his saving love.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Learning is as difficult as you make it

     There's not a day that goes by where I'm learning something new.  Yesterday I learned that's it's cheaper to buy fish at Safeway than go to an actually fishing spot.  They are already cleaned and ready for the frying pan.  If we are going to tell fish stories, we could just as well tell the truth!  I also learned where my "true" empty on the fuel gauge is.  Hate to learn lessons like that!  I learned that I make learning more difficult than I need to.  Maybe you do as well.  Life is unpredictable.  It happens whether we are ready for it or not.  Since becoming a Christian I've read through the Bible about 100 times.  I'm still learning what it has to say.  The stories become more vivid and the connections both back and forward are more connected leaving me wondering how I missed this or that the first time.  Learning is also related to age.  I've left my years of knowing everything and have entered the time in life where we forget more than we ever learned.  It doesn't make sense but saying "I don't know?" is a lot more meaningful than when I was a teenager.  The learning curve changes when you are retired as well.  Things you used to be able to quote from memory are now gone and we ask our kids to look it up online!
     I'm for teaching others how to learn and then let them learn on their own or under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit.  I know that sometimes the only Bible some people read is found in watching you and I.  How much we know and live then begins a Bible lesson we Christians should be prepared to give.  Not knowing the 10 commandments and where they are found isn't nearly as important as letting the love of God flow through you.  I've learned that people will know when you are loving them as well as know when you are not loving them just by my words and actions.  I'm a front man for the love of God and need to be careful how I teach the Bible to others.  I know that there are many who have memorized books of the Bible.  Good for them!  Do they live it?  I've learned that nothing good comes from me.  The only good resonating from me is the love of Jesus.  I've learned that the more I get out of the way; the more that Jesus' love can shine through.  That infuriates the haters!  I've learned that's okay as well.  Sometimes the only way to get someone to pull the sliver from their hand is to shake it nice and Jesus' Name!\
     My kids have learned that I will most likely end a phone call or a text with: "I love you, accept you and approve of you."  I do it because it's true first and secondly they need to know it's true from me as well as Jesus.  There's nothing more destructive to a person than to leave them not knowing where they stand with you.  Even my enemies know where I stand.  If you have learned to put down others so that you can feel good about yourself, you're doing something called sin.  Stop it!  There are reasons God brings people into your life.  Have you learned how important that is to Him?  I've learned that key people invested in me in various forms throughout my life.  It took a long time to realize God sent them...even the unbeliever!  So, entertaining angels unaware, has been a blessing I know recognize.  Perhaps God wants us to be angels to others instead of the devils the world, social media, politics and religion want.  Instead of being true to everything else just pick Jesus and be true to him.  Learn from him.  It's easy!  Remember, it's always your choice.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Guy with a cross

     I met this guy the other day.  He was wearing a cross.  Thinking we might have a mutual friend, Jesus, I asked him if he was a Christian.  He liked to talk so I let him.  He explained he went to a church that used to be Baptist, was joined to a dying church of another denomination.  The churches bought out another church from the proceeds of selling both of their churches and added the members of the third church and now have a messianic Jewish pastor added to their leadership.  He went on to give the numbers in dollars of how much they sold for and bought for.  Their membership is now above 400 and they seem to be doing fine.  NOWHERE did he mention Jesus.  Nowhere!  He asked me about my church.  I told him I worship Jesus anywhere and everywhere I go.  He seemed confused.  So, I told him that none of what he told me said anything about Jesus but rather the efforts of mankind.  He seemed to take this as a compliment.  He eventually asked me what I did for a living.  I told him I'm a thief of souls for Jesus.  That pretty much ended the dialog.  He told me that the church leadership was having a difficult time determining whether members who weren't Baptist needed to be baptized yet again.  \
     In the end I learned nothing about his relationship with Jesus as he only talked about the denomination issue.  I've run into so many alleged Christians who were all about everything but Jesus.  They had their relationship with an organization built on mankind's rules and nothing else mattered.  Nothing about Jesus.  Quite a number of years ago I went to a pastors convention where about 1000 pastors were in attendance.  Walking into the group I introduced myself to them one by one.  No, I didn't meet all 1000 personally.  One particular gentleman had been a pastor for many years and so I asked him if he knew Jesus.  He said, "What, of course I'm a pastor!"  I pressed him for his testimony regarding how he came to be surrendered to Jesus.  His response was, "I've always been in the church."  I pressed him further asking if he had actually met and accepted Jesus as his savior.  I asked him to tell me about that moment.  Unfortunately he didn't, couldn't or was so insulted as was evidenced by walking away.  It's important for all who call upon the Name of the Lord to be not only saved but able to give an account for the hope within them.  Can you do that?  If not, you probably don't know Jesus.
     Over the many years of my adult life I've had about 21 vocations.  Each one was a platform from which I learned trades, built experiences, and taught others to do the same.  Even though these foundations equipped me for life in this world; none of it matters if I don't know Jesus.  On October 1, 1971 at midnight,  I met Jesus.  I realized how dead and bankrupt my life was and surrendered my life to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and the God of the universe.  Though I haven't always stayed the course I know that Jesus is my Master and all that I am, have, or do are all because of his love for me.  I asked Jesus to forgive me my sins.  He did.  I asked him to guide me all the days of my life.  So far, so good.  Often in spite of me.  I too have worn a cross from time to time.  When asked about my relationship with God, I am able to share the Jesus who loved me before the beginning of time.  Some have told me that it is my focus on Jesus that set their sight on Jesus.  Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be poured out amongst the world so that some might believe and be saved.  Whether you wear a cross or not, are you a Christian?  Remember, it's always your choice.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The fallacy of cliches

     It's a foregone conclusion our world is full of clichés.  There should be at least two for every possible and imaginable event.  "Better late than never."  Nope, that's not true.  Wait!  Maybe it is true.  What's not true is found in one word: Better.  It's better the first time, the first moment, the first sip of coffee in the morning.  Coffee companies have numerous clichés for their product.  "Good to the last drop."  Nope, not true; at least the last drop part.  The last drop simply means it's time to brew a new pot!  How about we be honest and just say that coffee is always good and the absence is never good.  Most clichés are not politically correct and would be done away with by the liberal left as they seem to want to redefine my world by their laws and exclusions.  Wait, aren't exclusions just another way for me to be excluded.  "Children should be seen and not heard."  That's one that you have to be "old as dirt" to understand.  It was meant to be a division whereby children didn't demand of their parents advice from their ignorance.  Being silent was meant to be a sign you were open to learn from those who "have been there and done that."  Wisdom is lost on those who think they are wise.
     Saw a picture of two adult men in a fishing boat on a lake without fish anywhere to be seen.  Maybe they had already off loaded their catch.  I don't think so.  But, maybe...  Jesus' disciples had been fishing "all night and had caught nothing."  Jesus told them to cast their net on the other side of the boat.  I'm sure, by their argument, they were speaking out of what they thought was wisdom when they said that statement.  They were fishermen!  Enough said.  Maybe the two in the boat should read the Bible story and listen to the Lord on where to find fish.  We are like both examples.  There are fish all around us in the lakes and rivers but we can't physically see them and sometimes cannot catch them.  So we go by Safeway for fresh fish on the way home.  Jesus wanted the disciples and us to understand that the fishing principle was really a missionary principle.  There are all kinds of unsaved people around us.  We take the "It's not my job." and pass off the fishing to others all the while these fish are moving merrily on their way to destruction.  "The foolish man says in his heart there is no God." Are we foolish fishermen and women?
     "Can't keep a good man down."  Yep, that's true.  BUT...  There is almost always a "but".  We need to be that good man/woman.  Secondly, it's only the good that get knocked down in the first place.  Why bother with those who do nothing for the Lord?  "Nothing from nothing leaves nothing."  So, the good man/woman is living for Jesus and gets knocked down.  There are so many soccer teams where if you get knocked down you wait for a whistle (penalty) to be called before you get up.  In the Premier League if you get knocked down; you get back up.  You don't take a break and let the other team regain their breath.  If you stay down you are out of the game, the next game and finally off the team.  Jesus says since you are lukewarm he will spit you out of his mouth.  Wow!  Bet you didn't read Revelation and see that!  He also says, "to him who overcomes (gets back up), I will give them a white robe and a new name!  Kind of like Saul becoming Paul.  The question really comes down to a defining of who you are and what you are doing.  It's not about saying: "I'm a Christian."  It's about being a Christian.  Remember, it's always your choice!

Friday, September 20, 2019

It's a lie! A big fat lie!

     The title is borrowed from Veggie Tales.  Just so I don't get caught in a lie.  I do and have lied.  Sometimes I've felt justified in doing so.  Keeping that surprise party a surprise, not telling what I have purchased for someone, and other such "omissions" seem to be largely acceptable.  The lie isn't the problem.  The problem is that we are tempted to lie and ever since the Garden have almost perfected the art complete with justifications and rationalizations.  We tell the boss we got caught in traffic in hopes he won't catch us oversleeping when we should have been at work.  We tell the kids that Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are real.  You better watch out, you better be good!  It's a lie and for what purpose?  Certainly not to please God.  The more at stake the more we feel the lie is justified.  We cheat (another word for lie) to keep money from the government, we tell insurance agencies we have been robbed when we had to pawn something because we were out of money.  We tell each other our fish was "this big" when in fact we picked some up at Safeway on the way home.  We lie to our enemies and those most intimate with us.  The worst part of lies is we need to tell lies to cover for the lies.
     The biggest lie is the one we tell ourselves.  Self deception is the ultimate lie and we need convince only ourselves for the lie to be told.  I've been self deceived for personal gain, greed, prestige, and a host of other reasons.  People have even told me I was lying and I lied about that.  I can't fool anyone.  Neither can you.  Even if you get away with the lie with someone else, you've already been caught by yourself and of course, God.  He knows and will repeat for you your lies when you stand before Him in Heaven.  I'm not looking forward to a recounting of every idle word and lie I've spoken.  People tell me all the time they don't lie.  People tell me they know they lie and it's okay with God.  Really?  People tell me they lie to protect others.  People lie to me when I know they are lying and don't really seem to be bothered by their lies.  It's all sin and as Paul said, "I Steve are the greatest of sinners."  There is no excuse for my actions of selfishness.  That's what sin is.  Sin is selfishness.  Sin is keeping anything about God's standards in place in my life.  To not let go of those things makes me a liar when I say I follow Jesus.
     Can we talk about politicians, lawyers, salespeople, preachers and a lot of other categories where lying seem so prevalent?  Can we talk about religions and cults where lies are at the center of their anti-God belief system?  Can we talk about lack of accountability and enabling those who lie, steal and kill to consume for themselves what others have?  How about we talk about the average church attender that condemns others but doesn't see the log in their own eyes?  Maybe you could enlighten me on the secrets of the government and conspiracies galore.  Maybe...  But that's not the solution.  The solution is for me to not lie...ever.  Not to you, not to my family, not to my boss, not to my friends and not to my enemies.  Not lying to myself and God will prevent much grief for me and you.  I'm responsible for my life.  You are responsible for your life.  We both have positive consequences if we really live like Jesus.  We all have negative consequences when we do not live like Jesus.  It was me!  I lied!  I didn't tell the truth!  It was wrong, is wrong, and always will be wrong.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Through the valley with Steve

     Okay, maybe you weren't there with me.  Maybe someone else was or maybe no one at all.  The valley still existed and I still had to go through it.  The choice was made when I woke up.  To early.  But to God's credit, I did wake up.  Then I had to face getting out of bed.  I sometimes convince myself I can stay in bed because I am retired and alarms are for working people.  Then it happened!  My bladder alarm went off!  Rushing to the bathroom signified I had lost the war and was headed into the valley.  No going back at this point.  What?!  The coffee didn't make itself!?  The enemy is really trying to get to me overtime today!  But the coffee did get made.  I had run out of my regular stuff and had to substitute something that was supposed to be coffee.  I don't know what it was but I only had half a cup and dumped the rest.  With little to no coffee inside of my blood I began to think how I could overcome this tragedy.  Of course, go to the local fast food joint and get a cup of java.  It may be cheap, but it tastes like real coffee!  But, on the way I ran into another valley problem...commuters!  Taking to the streets in their own Indy cars and trucks it's a race to see who can jostle to the head of the pack.  I returned home with my coffee refusing to get into the competition.  Good choice.
     No, it didn't stop there.  Having to get Elenore (my 1990 Mercedes 560 SEL) towed to the shop was almost more than I could bear!  Leaving her in the hands of a sympathetic mechanic that I respected left me feeling better.  Leaving the mechanic and the love of my life, I headed to the hospital to visit a person recently out of surgery.  Not to be left alone a woman driving a delivery van tried twice to run me off the road!  I eluded her on a side street and lost her.  Unfortunately I was now lost myself.  My valley gets me every time.  Made it into the friends room just in time to watch the staff inflict more pain.  He already had a broken femur, 4 broken ribs, lacerated right ankle in need of numerous surgeries.  My valley didn't seem so bad now.  That would change when I exited the hospital and joined traffic still rushing to places unknown.  I chose the back roads to avoid the onslaught of the woman in the delivery van.  Smiling at my cleverness I was cut off suddenly by a small electric car moving just as fast as a sloth!  Being patient isn't one of my endearing qualities but God is working with me on this.  I eventually made it to the bank where another valley moment came my way with a "You are fourth in line to see the banker."  Really?!
     I finally came home to find my dogs locked in the kitchen to keep the service man safe from two dogs the size of fleas and their only danger is you might get licked to death!  My four ducks were also quarantined in their small pen and house.  Between the dogs barking and licking, the ducks quacking their disenchantment, and the service guy suddenly having to go, I decided my valley was coming to an end.  The night to myself, I poured myself an ice water, brought out the M&M's and decided to share all of this with you.  You probably had a valley or two of your own.  I tried to choose to not be tempted and sin.  I tried to give it over to God.  I even tried to ignore it all!  Finally, I choose to admit my valleys for the day were manageable.  I was able to tell people about Jesus, make some people smile and freed my dogs and ducks!  It's all about choice.  Remember it's always your choice!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Prejudice is Biblical

     To all those who immediately want to scream at me, wait a moment, take time to read, and then do as you wish.  Because I am a Christian and because the Bible says so, I can choose to love everyone!  I am not relegated to loving a certain race, age group, special interest group, political group, or any other category dictated by society!  God has told me to freely love as he freely loved me! It doesn't matter your social economic status, your sexual orientation, your petty differences and even covers all those who split churches over petty differences!  I can even freely love pastors the Bible disagrees with, gossipy fuddy duddies found practically everywhere.  I can love the happy along with the sad and everyone in between!  Can you believe being prejudice could be so wonderful?  Now, can you and your special interest buddies say the same thing?  Or do you and your group operate on such a level of hate and negative prejudice that no one sees Jesus in you?
     The Bible tells me to be separate from the world.  Yes, it's true.  Just look it up yourself.  Wait, I can use the Bible as a means to be positively prejudicial in the world!  Yes!  Does it get any better than this?  Despite people's statements, circumstances, and even realities; I can be positive.  You and your ideologies cannot be so prejudicial that you can stop my positive attitude, spin on events and even my belief that God loves you and I should love you too!  Being prejudice has never been so fun!  Perhaps you should try it as well.  Biblical prejudice is great!  Don't let the naysayers and haters tell you different.  You too can be as positively prejudicial as God is!  Make a change in your world and see how free in Jesus you can be.  Give to anyone and everyone that hope that is within you.  I'm prejudice for the Great Commission!  I believe everyone deserves the blessings of God...even Satanists!
     In order to be fair, appropriate and the same to everyone, Paul tells us that he, as a slave to Jesus, became a servant to everyone on account of the love he received from Jesus.  Can you say the same thing?  Maybe you have convinced yourself that your bias, prejudice and hate are all okay as a Christian.  Can you convince God of that?  Next time you see someone professing the love of God aren't living the love of God, you can bet they are negatively prejudice.  Don't be one of them.  By the way, don't shoot the messenger.  I'm free to convey the love of God in anyway He deems appropriate.  I don't live on your terms anymore than expect you to live on mine.  I'm not asking you to overlook my faults.  I'm asking you to ask yourself if you are letting Jesus live through you in all circumstances.  Are you?  Remember, it's always your choice.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Temptations aren't all bad

     I was tempted to not write this today.  But, the Lord and reason won out and here I am.  Temptations have gotten a bad rap over the many years after the garden.  I'm not denying some temptations are bad.  However, as Oswald Chambers points out:  "Temptation is not sin."  The Bible concurs.  Maybe if we focused on good temptations we would have less time to engage the bad temptations that are all around us.  Good temptations are just as plentiful and much more useful.  For instance, do you feel tempted to help others?  Good temptation.  Do you feel tempted to pray, read your Bible and do the will of God?  Good temptation.  Do you feel tempted to let that insistent person into traffic ahead of you?  Good temptation.  Are you tempted to gaze upon God's creation and "waste" time just worshiping?  Good temptation.  How about being tempted to think about the positives in life?  Good temptation.  Maybe you, like me, are tempted to enjoy guilt free indulgence in good food and drink?  Good temptation.  Perhaps the greatest temptation is being tempted to let Jesus have control of all of your life?  Good temptation!
      Being positive is a great temptation regardless of situation, means, or even commitment.  We face temptations all day long.  Some are stronger than others and some are almost a dream they seem so unreal.  While I could have been tempted to not address positive temptations; to do the opposite would only serve as a reminder of how much and how often we fail.  I don't like to be reminded of all those negative temptations that I've engaged in over the years.  They are in the past and serve me no good.  But to engage positive temptations places me in a position where I'm future orientated.  I'm looking for the positive temptations that bring me to places and people where I can be a positive influence for Jesus.  Sounds weird.  But, what would happen if the people around you were to find themselves positive and positively motivated leading them to be a positive temptation to others?  What would the world look like if we substituted being pessimistic and were positive instead?
     My words (and yours) belie the state of our hearts.  What's in the heart is reflected and projected into our words and actions.  If we fill our heart with the negative, we miss the point.  People were appalled that Jesus choose to go to the cross, died a grisly death and was buried in a tomb of a stranger while the disciples fled.  Jesus counted that act an act of joy!  His heart was and is always about God's love for you and I.  For all people!  What we often think of as the end of the world is often the open door leading to the beginning of a new world.  What you and I bring through that door does matter.  Today I am tempted to live for Jesus' love poured out on that glorious cross.  He died for me.  Is it so much for me to do for him?  Today you will see temptations.  Perhaps you will see them in a much different context.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Maybe you have lost hope

     I've lost hope from time to time though not on a permanent  basis.  We all take dips in our lives and find ourselves facing challenges in each of our worlds.  Even as a Christian we come face to face with faith challenging events.  Needless to say, we falter, fail and are at the bottom of the hole we have dug before we realize this end.  For the Christian, maybe it's not a hole but the journey gone off course from which we can exit and get on path.  I read many testimonies of Christians who are down, depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed with life.  It's part of what our world casts upon us.  How we deal with losing hope makes all the difference.  If we succumb to hopelessness, we are beaten before we can even begin.  If we take our eyes off Jesus, there is almost certain negative consequences for our failure to look up when we look down.  So, what do we do when we are without hope?  What do we say to those in like boats?  Do we abandon our faith and choose to not believe Jesus is Lord over this world?  Remember that Satan wants you defeated.  
     My longest space of time where I was hopeless lasted almost 3 years.  During that time I learned a lot about myself.  I had stopped reading the Bible, stopped praying, stopped going to church, and stopped my social life.  The pit I had dug for myself could have fit a small third world country!  Yet, I didn't give up.  Little by little, day by day, my journey back to wholeness continued.  People were tired of my resistance to getting out of my hole.  People continued to pray for me though and that made all the difference in the world.  During that time I made many trips to the VA for psychological and physical treatment.  They didn't do much for me.  What did work was seeing so many Veterans in worse shape than I.  AND they weren't complaining.  Eventually I was rocked to my senses by the Holy Spirit who reminded me that God was present in the pit even though I didn't see, feel, or hear his voice.  He was there never leaving nor forsaking me.
     My life isn't perfect.  My life positively and negatively impacts others.  My life is full of ups and downs.  Sometimes I'm down and don't even know why.  Sometimes I even find myself drifting into old patterns of self pity and self loathing.  My suicidal ideation has been abated and though I think often of going home to Jesus; never think of taking my life as I once did.  Perhaps you have found yourself in much the same situations as I.  Maybe you are even now searching for answers for unanswerable questions.  Perhaps you have been close to giving up.  Don't.  Stop.  Stand.  Kneel, and realized God is in control, has plans for you and those around you.  You are important and deserve hope.  You deserve to be happy, peaceful and positive.  It all starts and ends with you.  You have the choice to stay where you are or move on to where Jesus wants you and can bless you.  It's always your choice.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A world without you

     I wouldn't even like imaging my world without you Jesus!  It's been since October 1, 1972 that you have been present every day in my world even when I haven't acknowledged your presence.  I have no idea just what my life was like before you and I don't ever want to go there as it would be a day without you.  I have memories of my childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and many adventures good and bad before I met you.  You created my mind to remember and so I do.  For the most part I have chosen to remember my life since you entered and resided with me.  I can't imagine all of the times you have watched over me, protected me and blessed me as I simply can't see behind all the events of my life.  You, Jesus, know all this.  Thank you for being my Lord and Savior.  I can't imagine being lost without hope of better things to come along with eternity in Heaven.  A world without you...   I don't want it.
     Just as you came to earth, lived, died and was resurrected for me, my daily life is focused on sharing that love to others.  For this I can't imagine my world without those currently involved, past involved and future involved with me.  My path isn't my own and whether I interact with you for a second, hour, or a life time, Jesus is part of that encounter and he doesn't want an eternity without you.  You may have seen the worst in me, the mediocre in me, the hypocrite in me, and worse.  What I hope you see is Jesus in me.  He told me he would never leave, forsake or abandon me.  He won't for you.  You can have a world with or without Jesus.  It's simply your choice.  I've made my choice so that the love of Jesus can be paid forward to you.  I can't imagine a world without you.  Can you imagine a world without your best friend, your love, your precious crowd that knows you?  Neither can I.
     As a therapist, pastor, construction worker, taxi driver, student I've been blessed with many who couldn't imagine having relationships.  Few are able to fathom the question I am about to bring before you.  Question:  "If everything you count as important, everyone you count as important and everyone you love were to be suddenly be taken away and you were left alone; what would be left?"  What would be left as a core for you?  Would life still have meaning?  Would you have reason to go on?  Having faced that personally; when everything was gone, all that was left was Jesus as he has always been.  A world without you is no world at all.  I say that to enemy and friend as well.  My reason for living is because God wants you to have a world with Jesus.  It was my choice and now it's yours.  Christian and non alike need to assess the answer to the question.  And then, remember, that's all your choice.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sometimes it's morning at night

     I love the mornings!  Even when I've not had a good nights sleep and am not ready to face the day.  Why is that?  Because the morning signifies to me the newness of the day, endless possibilities and wonder of yet another day for me.  I love the predawn and the first sun rays coming over me from the reliable sun rising.  I love the stillness of the world if I'm up early enough.  I love letting the ducks out and their gentle quacking as my dogs and I stand watching them.  I love the dew on the leaves, flowers and fruits and the fresh smell of coffee as it perks.  Sometimes morning seems to avoid me and the world around me.  Darkness of a storm cover the earth like the darkness of worries and concerns that cloud my mind blocking the joy that should be there.  So, I wait through my day for morning to dawn.  Sometimes it comes in the afternoon but usually around sunset as the western sky reflects the afterglow of morning.  Sometimes it's found in the ducks going to bed or my puppies asleep and snoring on my lap.  BUT, morning always comes.
     I used to sleep in and miss the morning sunrise.  I used to be so busy I didn't take the time to enjoy the peace and solitude of life.  I used to be so interested in what was going to populate my calendar that I never realized that "morning" had been omitted.  Maybe you have done that or still do.  Now that I'm older the morning, whenever it comes, has become more sacred.  Not in a worship mother nature way but in an awe in what God has created just for me.  Morning isn't reserved for the young of heart anymore than it is for those who won't see tomorrows morning.  The last glimpse of morning, as the first, is reserved for the romantic and those desperate for another day, another miracle, another moment when God reminds them that they are not alone and have not been forgotten.  I used to think mornings were over with after the dawn.  I used to be ignorant.
     Today, when someone asks for the reason of the hope within me another morning has just dawned on me and hopefully they.  Today when I see a new born baby any time of the day, a new morning has just dawned.  Today when my friend takes their last breath and passes from here to there, there is indeed two new mornings.  One for me in the form of graciousness and one for them as they see the morning for the first time while being welcomed into heaven by Jesus.  Today when I learn or become aware of a new insight, nuisance of truth, a new morning dawns on me.  Never be so ignorant to recognize a new truth for what it really is, a new morning even if it's at night.  You are a new morning to someone if you are willing to be so.  Your word, touch, laugh, cry are all ways of sending morning to others.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Everything is just ducky

     I'm not being sarcastic.  We bought 4 ducks (1 drake and 3 hens) yesterday as a means of entertainment, bug eating, and company for the puppies.  They are beautiful; except for the drake who is handsome.  Some may ask (and some have) if I've lost my mind.  To them I say I lost my mind many years ago and relate with animals better than most humans today.  As they were let out of their house today, they journeyed as far as the pool for an early morning bath before wandering the yard for gravel, attention, and to talk.  Yes, like the puppies, I talk with the ducks.  They are Duke, Paddles, Daisy and Buffy.  Their eggs will become food and the plan is to let them sit on a batch to raise more ducks.  After all, we need to supply ducks to the grandchildren and children if they so desire!
     We love our pets and care for them in such a way that they hopefully love us back.  It's true for dogs, ducks, and other pets except cats who love themselves more than anything.  Even so, we are servants to our pets and do for them things that they can't.  We feed them, take them to the vet for care and preventative shots, walk them (except cats) and adore them.  To bad we have such a hard time doing that for those around us to the same degree.  I know that I love people but in the same breath must admit that it's sometimes easier to love animals (even cats) than some people.  While Jesus loves us all equally, we all don't love each other equally.  Resigning ourselves to the past memories we don't want to move forward  Good thing Jesus isn't like that.
     I watch Craigslist a lot and am saddened by all those people who are rehoming (selling) their cats, dogs, alligators (yes), and other animals because they are moving, landlords tell them the pet has to go, and other reasons in order to have comfort in their lives without responsibility.  I do understand and have gifted a pet or two myself in the past.  My Black Lab was adopted by a single mom who ran a daycare.  No more spills on the floor!  Everyone was happy!  I don't look forward to my puppies get old and the end of their lives come.  I don't look forward to the same ending with the ducks.  Then, everything wouldn't be ducky.  Care for yourself, others, and your pets.  It's always your choice.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

      Is it just me or does anyone else think God gets tired of hearing me say those 7 words?  Daily and sometimes many times a day I utter those words.  I mean them but how much?   Enough so that I won't repeat my sin?  Since I repeat specific sin from time to time; evidently not enough.  Yet, I know that God wants me to ask for forgiveness when I do sin.  Acknowledging my need for forgiveness from Him and relationship with Him is one of the primary driving forces in me.  So, why don't I just do what I know what is right to do and not sin? (James 4:17)  When we put this in perspective we are asking for something we don't deserve but want to have without consequence.  It may be what you needed from a mom or dad growing up.  Perhaps it was a teacher or grandparent that you needed this forgiveness for.  I don't know your circumstances.  I do know mine.
     It's one thing asking God to forgive us our sins and an entirely different thing to confess to someone here, in front of us, in the flesh.  Twelve step programs all have the same premise.  We are powerless over our addiction and need the intervention of God to overcome those addictions.  One of the steps is to make amends where needed and possible to those whom we have offended against.  What a difficult and humbling task!  Asking someone you have sinned against for their forgiveness without rationalizing or justifying yourself is difficult.  First you need to get over yourself and then come in humbleness to the "other."  It's as difficult a process as we make it.  The more we fight the process, the greater the mountain to overcome.  Putting ourselves on the altar before God or man means being vulnerable to God or man.  It means that we need something from them that we don't deserve.  Grace.
     I once refused to apologize to a teacher I had offended (5th grade I think).  She was astounded that I would refuse when I had been caught red handed.  She called my mother in from the farm to deal with her unrepentant son.  My mom told me to apologize.  I refused.  After they both could see that I wasn't going to apologize mom and I went home and the teacher came back for another day of teaching me.  It would be years later that this incident came back to me for analysis.  What had transpired was simple.  First, I must tell you that my father physically abused me and my mom didn't stop him.  No one had ever apologized to me.  Herein lies the problem.  I didn't know what "I'm sorry." meant because no one had taught me what it meant.  Hence I wasn't going to say anything to anyone that I didn't understand.
      I use this story to bring us to this point.  Many of us go through life demanding others apologize for what has been said or done against us.  We want to hear out of their mouths the confession that they were wrong and for them to ask for forgiveness.  For those who hear and refuse to forgive, that issue becomes a grudge.  It's amazing where and how grudges come to the surface.  We can almost say that having a grudge is expected because someone has hurt us.  Grudges keep us from forgiving and being forgiven.  When we come to God asking for forgiveness for our sin, he offers grace and forgives us.  No grudges.  However, if we nurse a grudge we cheapen the grace God gives.  We cannot have it both ways.  Either God's forgiveness and grace is what he says it is or it's not.  It's wishful thinking but I would love to take back every offense I've committed against people and God in my life.  Wipe clean the slate and start all over.  Don't you ever feel that way?  According the the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord's Prayer (in specific) we are to forgive those who offend against us and pray for them.  Wait!  No where does it say we need to be asked to forgive them.  No where.
     As I struggle with this daily I am still discovering exactly what the grace of God for Steve looks like.  It's something so big that I haven't been able to embrace the whole picture.  Why?  Because I fail to ask the Father and others to forgive me.  Make amends.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Words of deception

     We have a changing vocabulary thanks to the world view and someone's desire to have things mean differently than they were intended.  In doing so, a view of our world is being dictated by a few over the many.  When we engage in the redefinition, we surrender to the world around us.  For instance, the reference to our personal identity has brought some municipalities to the point where on your signature block you are required to choose what personal pronoun you wish to identify with.  A legislator in California has introduced a measure where if caught you would have a hefty fine and 2 years in jail if you refused to identify the personal pronoun identification of someone.  Can you imagine this?  What happened?  Another example is our propensity to be politically correct and the results for you, your family, your business and such if you choose to not be part of the politically correct community.  Again in California legislation is being put in place where those who break the law (even murders) cannot be referred to as "criminals" because that would damage their ego's.  Who thinks up this stuff?  Here is the clue.  The guilty.
     I'm not talking about those unbelievers who don't know anything but sinning.  I'm talking about those Christians who need to wipe away other's sense of sin and guilt in order to feel good about themselves and their rebellion against God.  What would the two crucified beside Jesus be called today?  Would they be rendered freedom challenged?  I was recently part of a conversation where a person referred to themselves as "they" and expected everyone to do likewise.  Kind of like a new name for themselves without the legal name change.  Today is the remembrance of  911.  The terrorists can no longer be called terrorists in liberal states where it's believed that "labelling would hurt their ego.  Their crime was merely a reflection of their freedom of religious beliefs and all should be protecting their freedom of choice in the land of the brave and home of the free.  Being Christian to them is in violation of their freedom.  However, you won't find any of them protecting the Christian freedomwhich was part of why the United States became the country it is.
     In the 70's and 80's the phrase "different but not wrong" took hold over much of the world ushering in acceptance and even encouragement of seeing the Christian other than how God sees mankind.  The identification of mankind as a sinner in need of the grace and salvation from God became substituted with happy thoughts of hell is not real, everyone will be in heaven (even pets) and other such ridiculous anti-Bible delineations which served Satan well but put mankind even more distant from God.  Our need to surrender to a loving and living God should be the guiding grace we pass onto others.  When will you and I stand up and live our Christian faith as outlined by the Word of God?  When will you and I no longer subjugate ourselves to the world from fear of offending someone or some group?  When will we stand up for God?  If we don't stand for God we will fall for anyone and anything.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Only one promise to make

     We live in a world where promises are made and broken as often as the sun rises and mankind breathes.  Promising is almost a necessity in life for many.  Unfortunately, promises do not take into consideration, motive, time, or intent.  "I promise to love you till death does us part." Then someone chooses to stop the love.  "I promise to see you in the morning." Then a tragic accident takes away the promise to a young child.  "I promise to lower your taxes!"  We all know the end of the promise is a forgone conclusion.  "I promise you this used car is just like new."  No one trusts the promise of used car salespeople.  You can see how our world is founded on false promises.  That's no different than Satan in the garden with Eve.  "Surely you won't die." and then death took place for all of us.  Except God had other plans.  I promise you life eternal and I go to prepare a place for you.  I will never leave nor forsake you.  God's promise.
     I wake in the morning and promise God to try and reflect Jesus to other's in and around my realm of influence.  Then I break that promise with one road rage driver or the incompetent dictator of my medical files.  The trials are daily and come like an oncoming runaway train.  So, what is the only promise to make?  Is it to not promise at all?  That doesn't make sense.  Is it to promise only what is certain to take place anyway?  That is a hollow promise.  Since we don't have any control of yesterday or tomorrow our promise must be for today. Even this very moment.  I can only promise to surrender to Jesus moment by moment.  That's it.  Should I promise anymore than that, I will certainly break that promise because of the sinner I am.  You and I have a lot in common when it comes to promises.
     ALL of God's promises come true.  That goes for the positive and the negative.  From the downfall of nations to the gathering of the saints in Heaven, all of God's promises come true.  They can be trusted.  The promises I make gather credibility only if I promise to surrender every moment of my life to Jesus.  THEN, His promises come to fruition and His will is done.  We can argue with this but arguing does no good.  In Christ all things are possible.  In Christ by faith we are saved.  In Christ the widow is cared for, the orphan is cared for, the hungry are fed, and those without hope meet Him and are saved.  All because Christians make only one promise; to surrender every moment of every day to Him who can fulfill the promise.  I promise you, Jesus, to surrender this moment.  It's really not that difficult to do.  Staying surrendered is our choice.  Remember, it's always your choice!

Monday, September 9, 2019


     We all make excuses.  You, I, them, the other person; all make excuses.  After we make an excuse we use our old friends and allies, rationalization and justification, to feel better about our excuses.  I don't like making excuses for anything.  I try to be up front and honest wherever I am.  Sometimes I fail.  I didn't stop for that yellow light because I was going to fast to stop safely.  Sound familiar?  I didn't tell my boss the truth for fear he would discipline me.  "I" is generally the first word that comes when we are making excuses and the last word that comes up when we are being accountable.  In the middle of it all is "but" who makes all things from the world's standpoint okay.  Actually not.  The three together make up a simple excuse a sin.  Excuses were foreign to Jesus and should be to us as well.  Didn't get up in time to go to church?  Maybe God would rather have you late rather then absent.  You and I try our best to get away with whatever we can and use excuses to excuse ourselves from accountability.
     I didn't have time to pray.
     I didn't have time to read the Bible.
     I didn't have the call to minister to others.
     I didn't....
     See how easy it is to start an excuse?  Here's the truth:
     I didn't make time to pray like I do watching sports or gossiping.
     I didn't make time to read the Bible because I was spending time on social media.
     I didn't answer the call to minister because I don't care about others
     I didn't....
     Now we have the next revelation in front of us, our excuses, justification and rationalization.  We made the choice to put all sorts of things before Jesus.  We deliberately choose to sin.  You and I do that.  The Bible says we ask and don't receive because we ask with wrong motives.  We choose our selfishness and then expect God to answer our vain requests.  We might even throw a good word about our Grandmother to show God how right our hearts and minds are.  All in vain.  We ask and receive not because we ask for selfish gain for ourselves.  Then we make excuses about our behavior and think it's okay.
     I am accountable to God.  You are too.  I am not beyond reproach.  Neither are you.  The lives of the unsaved are on our heads when we make excuses for our behavior, decisions and avoidance.  We know better but fail to allow Christ to live in and through us.  How can people see Christ if we keep making excuses.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Wish in one hand, want in the other.

     Don't you just love sayings like this.  I picked this one up from my Army days.  My Sargent had just heard my request for something non-essential.  Basically he was telling me that I couldn't have what I wanted.  I could wish and want all day long and still would not receive that which I sought.  Over the years I have been granted a lot of wishes and wants.  Some were valued and some were not.  The truth about wishes and wants was never taught to me growing up.  I suspect that was because we lived in a "needs" world.  Our lives were focused on taking care of our basic needs and not wishes and wants.  If we wanted a wish or want we were placed in a situation of what would we be willing to do to have them.  At one point in my childhood I wanted a bicycle very badly.  My classmate had one for sale.  I talked my mom into fronting me the money from my $ .10 a week allowance.  We went to my classmates house and picked up the bicycle. When we were back home reality set in.  I didn't know how to ride a bicycle.  Be careful about what you wish for, you might just get it.  Boy was that true.  I did learn how to ride the bicycle and spent many hours riding here and there.
     It wouldn't be until years later that I would learn about wishes and wants.  In the meantime I learned about needs.  Needs were what we required for living.  I needed oxygen, water and food.  I wanted candy, soda and chips!  Don't get me wrong; there are still many items that I wish and want. However, economics made the list very short until I began to earn "my own money."  Affording the wishes and wants suddenly became much easier.  Now all I was missing was wisdom and common sense.  Long after the money was gone, my wishes and wants list had continued to grow.  We exercised common sense and wisdom in the needs area of our lives though.  Through out my life the needs have continued to be there and even evolving as my life has changed.  Needs now include medicine, books to understand my changing world, and pets for company.  When I was a child these things were far from my mind.  Now they are up close and personal.
     When I was in the Army I remembered Janis Joplin's song about the Mercedes Benz.  My dream of owning a Mercedes Benz was born and the wish remained for many years.  Several years ago I purchased my first Mercedes at an auction.  Nice car but needed a lot of work.  Work on the car cost money and excess money I did not have.  It's a beautiful car and was a wish and want on my list.  Obtaining the car only birthed in me a new wish and want.  That's the way it is with the wish and want.  We end up having our next wish or want just out of reach.  Meanwhile the needs list has changed and remained focused on the essentials for living.  My balance between wishes and wants and needs is often off balance.  Both of them suffer as a result.  If I invest in one, the other gets less.  Sometimes I can't even meet my needs.  That's when the real priority comes up.  God has always been so good to me.  He provides all of my needs and all of my wishes and wants; only according to his wisdom and common sense.
     The Bible tells me that he will meet all of our needs.  It also tells us to bring all our concerns to Him and he will attend to them.  The Bible does not say he will give us all that we want.  Nor does the Bible teach us that if we are Christian that we will be rich.  The Bible says we are already rich in the salvation we have through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Riches took on new meaning when I realized that I was bankrupt before God.  With nothing to offer God in exchange I humbly accepted his grace for my life.  What is it that God wishes or wants for me?  What is it that God sees as essential needs for me?  He wants my life focused on Him and not me.  In that state I am the richest man in the world.  Wishes, wants and needs are taken care of by God by his choosing.  When we are submitted to God he blesses us beyond belief.  When I give him my wishes, wants and needs, he uses my now empty hands to bless others.  How about it?  Ready to be blessed?

Saturday, September 7, 2019

"Your legalism is killing me!" Jesus

     I'm sitting here today wondering what we would do as Christians should we receive a letter from Jesus.  What would it be like?

     Dear Steve,
          I love you.  You are the reason I came from Heaven (a very fine place indeed) to earth.  I came to give you all that you didn't deserve.  You don't deserve the world.  You deserve Heaven on earth.  In order for you to be blessed with all the blessings I have for you; I had to come, live among you, and die followed by the resurrection from the dead in order for you to be a new creation.  My love is made manifest when you step aside and let my love flow through you.  You are my pride and joy.  Please continue to do what you do to bring my love to your world.
         It may seem confusing to some but my love isn't dependent on what you or anyone thinks about me, defines me and my mission as, or any other such nonsense.  My love isn't something that can be manipulated or formed into something human beings figure is good for them.  Your giving doesn't do anything to how my love flows to and through you as well.  Your rationalization and justification are merely figments of your imaginings.  They too are not definitive of my love.  Withholding my love from those you disagree with are not a part of my love anyone on earth.
         While I have your attention I'd like to talk with you about your past.  I don't remember it.  Neither should you.  While you are at it, forgive other's past.  Don't let that stuff drag you down and destroy the love I want to flow through you.  It's bad enough that some who say they love me don't show that to their brothers and sisters who call on my name; but how will the unsaved world see my love if your bitterness, grudges, prejudices and hate flow to those unsaved living amongst you.  Let it go.. I did.
          Maybe we could chat more.  I'm available 24/7 to talk, listen and support you.  The Father and Holy Spirit are also available 24/7.  We love to have conversations with you.  The more we and you talk the better you can recognize our voices in your life.  In fact, we want to be in conversation with you every moment of every day.  Just think what life would be like then!  We love you and want you to be continually blessed.
          Now about the legalism...don't do it.  Nuff said?  I think so.  Just remain yielded to my love and everything will work out.  Believe in me.  Remember, Steve, it's always your choice!


Friday, September 6, 2019

Have you been there?

     Journey's are meant to be experienced and shared for the most part.  Some places in our journey aren't though.  When the first church was assembled they met underground (sometimes literally) and voluntarily were accountable to each other.  Trust was a big issue amongst the believers as they were being hunted and killed by radical terrorist.  Not much fun in that.  They confessed to each other, knew each other, and honored each other as the Lord had instructed them to do.  They shared what they had and all had enough.  It would seem heaven on earth to some levels.  What there was in reality a very stressful time if they chose to serve Jesus.  So, what if someone in the church chose to sin?  The Bible says that we are to approach the one in sin separately (to avoid embarrassment) and confront the person so that they can repent.  If they don't listen then bring them before a witness.  If they don't listen then bring them before the church.  If they remain unrepentant they were to separate themselves from the person.  They were no longer a Christian in good standing.  This was dangerous in several ways.  The "unrepentant" was now unable to join in any of the churches because they communicated with one another and had all things in common.  The "unrepentant" was cast back into the hands of the radical terrorist where they were subject to death.  However, if he/she repented then all was good and a fellow believer was saved from all of that.  Have you ever been in a similar situation?
     There is none of that now.  If someone is confronted in any form they just go to another church who is willing to be okay with their sin as long as they are paying the tithe.  Our churches have allowed so much sin that they no longer resemble the first church.  They have nothing in common with each other and write their own rules in order to be what they want to be instead of being what Christ wants them to be.  This deterioration of the church has taken us to the place where you can worship anyway you want, believe anyway you want to the extent that you can worship in the First Church of Satan in San Francisco and all over the world now.  People can choose where they are comfortable, where their sin is accepted and their morals aren't brought into question.  Many pastors no longer mention "sin" for fear their congregation will go elsewhere.  The moral and ethical decline of those who profess faith rules the church that was intended to worship and be ruled by Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit.  When the rapture comes there will be many "fake" believers left behind and their pastors with them.  You don't want to be "there."
     We now live in a world where more than 60% don't believe in hell.  Another 50% believe that no one will be going to hell.  Then there are those who don't believe that sin is wrong especially if you aren't hurting anyone.  I know it's not a pleasant subject.  But, have you been there?  Are you one of God's true followers or are you one of those who are not?  It's a serious question that only you can answer.  Don't expect those whom you associate with to stand before the throne and defend you as a good person.  They won't be there.  It will be you standing before the God who died for you.  If we don't want to be in that situation we need to take our faith seriously and understand that God is God of all or God is not God at all.  It's your choice.  It has always been.

Yes, I know I'm fat!

     Maybe you are too.  Some in Christian circles seem to think that being fat is a negative witness for Christ and maybe, just maybe, I'd be a better Christian if I was normal (whatever that is).  People in the world seem to think that being fat is a sign that I'm undisciplined and in need of a proper diet and an exercise program.  Equally frustrating are the fat doctors and nursing staff that tell me at any appointment that I'm fat and endangering my health!  Being fat, skinny or anything in between is not a disqualification for anything Jesus related.  Jesus loved fat people and encouraged them to follow him and not worry at the naysayers around us.  So many churches have signs that read: "Come as you are" but they really don't mean it.  What they really mean is come as you are so we can change you to be like us.  How special!  While I was a therapist I had many women come to me to receive help to lose weight!  Imagine coming to a fat therapist for this problem.
     You see, these women, like so many others, came to a Christian counselor because they knew how much I cared and didn't care about how much I knew.  People will chose the caring over knowledge every time.  Those Christians who criticize you because of your size, hair style, and such really don't care.  Those who look at us from the perspective of being undisciplined and in need of diet don't really care.  Those who are "do as I say and not as I do" really don't care.  I don't care which profession you are in.  The real question people wrestle with is finding someone who cares.  The REAL question people are asking is: Does your church really care?  The REAL REAL question people have deep inside of them is:  Does Jesus care about me?  How you live the answer to this question may make the difference in someone's life.  If you care so much about Jesus that others can see Jesus in you; you care.  People will see this.
     So, I know I'm a sinner, born dead in spirit and made alive by Christ.  All that I have is His and is freely give to those in need.  All my education, training, and life's experience are His to do as he wants where I am.  I know I'm fat.  So are so many others.  But do people see in you, Christian, Jesus or someone who is preoccupied with putting us all in boxes?  Do people come to you because you know Jesus or do they come to you because you will laugh at their inappropriate comments and jokes.  Do people come to you because of your vast knowledge of sports, cars, politics or because they see Jesus in you?  Who is it that "qualifies" to hear the Good News you have within you according to your life?  Are you part of those who carry the Great Commission in their hearts or are you part of the world that needs the saving grace of Christ?  It's always your choice.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

My mind is like a sponge

     Perhaps yours is as well?  From conception to death our sponges take in and take in and then take in some more.  We are creatures that crave knowledge for good or evil.  So, we come into the world seeking that stimulation.  We, parents, are responsible for what goes into our kids minds.  We, spouses, friends, and enemies are also responsible for what goes into the minds of others.  Bottom line is we are to the world, as Christians, sponges that need to be wrung out and used to saturate the world around us with Jesus.  I've taken in plenty of the world over the years since becoming a Christian.  You have as well.  What do we do with all that experience, training, and application of this information?  We have the choice, as seen in history, of doing good or doing evil with all that is within us.  I'm talking to the Christian.  The Bible is full of examples of men and women who were called to be sponges for God and failed to do so.  I'm no different.  I'd love to tell you that I've stopped doing that which is displeasing to God.  But that wouldn't be true for me.
     Sponges are empty and light when first encountered.  They come in all shapes and sizes.  We tend to think of sponges as something or someone who takes rather than gives.  I know, me too!  I've done my share of taking and it's sometimes necessary to be filled up before you and I are any good at all.  We can be filled up with the world's program or we can be filled up with God's program.  God is love and unable to do evil.  Satan, on the other hand is evil and incapable of loving.  Many people come into our lives and deliver from one or the other our basic beliefs and we become filled sponges.  What happens when the sponge gets filled?  The sponge begins to seep and that which is within the sponge leaks out into and around our world.  If your sponge is filled with God's love then you will leak love to the world.  Conversely, if your sponge is filled with the world (Satan's kingdom), you will leak that into the same world.  Many call themselves Christian and then evidence of the real nature of their heart leaks out showing their real content.
     I haven't figured out all of life.  I've figured out that keeping it simple is essential to my sanity and application of God's love as I live among those deemed my neighbor.  Jesus tells us to be poured out into the world around us so that the hope (in my sponge) can be seen by mankind so that they may be saved.  I'm not always good at that and the enemy is there ready to tell me how disqualified I am to preach the Good News sinner that I am.  There is no better time, no better place and no better person.  We are all sinners fallen from God's intended purpose in His plan.  We are not disqualified from taking into our sponges the love of God and then leaking that to the world.  We are qualified by Christ who lived, died and rose so that we could be born again.  We are qualified to bring what we didn't and don't deserve to other beggars who are seeking the same.  Sometimes we leak food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless while at other times we care for the widow and the orphan.  In the end we leak salvation to the lost.  The Great Commission is always your choice.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Can you imagine?

     I love to imagine!  Many people in my past have mentioned I have my mind caught in imagining so much of the time that I'm unable to be down to earth!  I like that.  Don't need to be defined by the ordinary anymore than by the limits others expect of me.  Outside of the box is for those who put one toe in the water at a time.  I don't have a box.  No box, no outside of the box.  Living a life like this has brought me far in many areas of my life.  Yet, you may say, I address people living in boxes all the time.  Yes, I do.  Jesus told the disciples to not live in any way, shape, or form to live by means other than faith.  "Take no thought...." he would say to them even as He says it now to you and I.  Jesus living through us is meant to be the ultimate living scenario.  No agenda but His.  So, why do so many not choose this way of life?  Why do people say they love Jesus but fail to surrender to his will in their lives?
     I sit here this morning looking out on the patio.  A field of flowers is just beyond the edge as bright blue skies with brilliant sunshine pours it's warmth on the butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.  He created all of this for me, for this moment, and forever in my mind.  Have you ever paused the life you seem to control to gaze at all God does for you in each and every second of the day he has given you breath to enjoy?  God's miraculous creation stretches way beyond my back yard.  It stretches every where I can imagine and then some.  Instead of seeing traffic jams and angry drivers, I see the world around as a creation of God and wonder what He is protecting me from in slowing down traffic around me.  Maybe His plan is for me to slow down so that he, at just the right time, be able to witness the love of God to someone.  If I go with the world's way of thinking every delay can be seen as a personal attack on how I think my life should be run.  Pity.  I'd rather look at the mountains andLskies that he has slowed me down to really see.
     In the last week a 24 year old woman gave birth to a baby in her bedroom.  She then took that baby and without a name, without clothing and without a choice threw him over the fence into another yard to die.  Which he did.  In Chicago over Labor Day Weekend, 52 people were show, 12 people died, and no one cared.  Chicago with the strictest gun laws in the nation and controlled by the world rather than God did the same thing expecting different results.  Over seas there were disasters on every continent involving the death of many.  Hong Kong is at the brink of civil war and many are set to be killed for daring to stand up for themselves.  The rest of the world seems to not care.  A world without God.  The baby first mentioned is with Jesus.  The people in Chicago?  I don't know.  Those in Brazil, France and the rest of the world?  No one knows.  What would happen if people threw away their ownership of their lives, turned to God and Jesus were allowed to live through them?
     If you can imagine rage, war, selfishness, poverty, homelessness, suicides, and so many other horrors that Hollywood seems intent to thrust upon us; why can't you Christian, imagine what Jesus could do through you?  You are not guiltless.  Nor am I.  Today I choose, as I do every day, to have Jesus live through me.  I'll fail.  But I will get up and do so again.  That's why God gives us an imagination.  Imagine you being part of a better world...if you dare.  It's always your choice.