Friday, August 30, 2019

What does Christian discipline look like?

     Interesting multi faceted question to be asked of you and I this morning.  But, it's a valid question that demands an answer to all who call themselves Christian.  God talks about discipline all through the Bible.  He reinforces it through the life of Christ who lived that discipline while on earth among us in spite of temptations we all have.  So, if we call ourselves Christian, we must not shirk our responsibility to not only acknowledge discipline but to embrace God's discipline for our and His good.  As we live the disciplined life others can see Jesus in us.  It is that witness and purpose by which we bring the Gospel to those who are perishing.  Trying to get around the desire of God in and around our life in Him only witnesses that we aren't His as we submit to the world rather than to God.  We are the sum of what we have chosen.  You and I by choice either serve God or we serve the world.  Now I'm not talking about the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, or the Great Commission.  I'm talking about discipline of the heart, soul, and mind so that we God's heart, soul, and mind.
     Here is an example: tithing.  I hate the religious response (not Christian) of counting your pennies and holding to the 10% lie.  Because Christ came, lived and died we are no longer subject to the law that He came to set us free from.  Oh yeah, the Bible says that.  Want the evidence of our slavery to the law and how it's connected to the world?  People give whatever they desire.  For most Christians that amounts to about 1% of earned income.  Then, having given to a religious organization their tithe, they proceed (with the church's blessing) to bring the world into their sin by claiming their tithe on their income tax and taking back what they have given to God in the first place.  This is nothing more than stealing from God and being god of their own world.  IF we truly believe the Bible.  If we truly have surrendered ALL of our life to God.  If we are living for today believing God will care for and take care of all our needs.  Then why are we in slavery to the law?  Because you have not surrendered to God and allowed His discipline permeate ALL of your life.  Either all you are and all you have belongs to God or it belongs to you as your own God.
     Church membership is NOT Scriptural.  The Bible says we should not forsake the gathering of the saints.  First we must understand that being a member of a church doesn't make you a saint.  In fact the saints should be out bringing people to Christ for salvation and not to church to be members which leads to legalism and lack of God's discipline for the old or the new believer.  While I'm at it, if anyone preaches this other gospel (for it's not the Gospel) they have no part in the Kingdom of God.  At least that's what God says.  Read it for yourself.  What the church should be teaching is the discipline of reading the Bible, the discipline of prayer (ACTS), and the discipline of listening to the Holy Spirit who reveals to us Gods will in our lives.  Instead, most of the churches calling themselves Christian are openly and defiantly standing against the discipline of God and teaching their flocks to do the same!  What a stench before the throne of God.  Make no mistake!  There will be negative consequences for those who do so.  Read the book of Revelation if you dare or care.
     Many will no like what I've written today.  Tough!  It's directly from the Word and validated by God.  You have an argument with any of this, go to your Bible, knees, and before God and listen to Him tell you the same thing.  But only if you are serious.  If you are determined to do what you like, when you like and even if it's against God; don't forget two things.  First you will lose either here on earth or lose before throne of God.  Either way, it's always your choice.

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