Saturday, July 8, 2017

Self deception only takes one person

     I think I'm handsome.  Others perhaps share a plethora of different adjectives.  I think I am a good driver.  Again, others don't necessarily agree with me.  You see, there are so many areas where we have already made up our mind about ourselves, our circumstances and future that we aren't really given to humility in considering and applying others input.  You think you may be open for this, but are you really?  When the "fall" took place Adam and Eve had it all.  Yet, there was something that they weren't supposed to have.  Satan spoke to them and suggested that they had been deceived by God.  Without even considering asking God for His input they decided that they would accept this deception and ate of the tree.  Thus began many centuries of people being deceived.  You do know that when you choose to be deceived that we are betraying that person God made us to be.  We are all human some lament.  Yes, that would be true.  The obvious crash of opinions is that God doesn't deceive anyone and Satan is about nothing but deception.  When you or I choose to be deceived, we can only hold ourselves responsible.  No, the devil didn't make you do it.  You chose that. 
     Know anyone who thinks they are God's gift to the world?  If it's not Jesus, it's a deception.  Know of anyone who believes the office, home, or anywhere else can't live without them?  Yep, the only one we can't live without is Jesus.  The world isn't fair and that's the fact.  The devil plays dirty in order to keep the Christian non-effective.  He also works his work so that those who have bought into his world remain in his world.  The stakes are high and you are responsible for listening to the only one voice you should.  God's voice.  When we talk about deception (self and otherwise) we need to understand that there are motives for you and I when we choose deception.  There were many books written at the same times the Bible was written.  Why weren't they chosen to be part of the Bible?  Because they were deception based.  Why do you and I try to justify our sin?  Because we are deception based and sometimes easily deceived.  Not guarding your heart mind and soul leaves you and I open to all that is out there waiting.  The Bible says that the devil and his demons roam the earth seeking to deceive the very elect.  Do you believe this?  If you don't think there is a war on spiritually for your soul, you are self deceived.
     Ignoring the truth to justify yourself is not smart.  Don't get me wrong here.  Ignoring what someone else calls the truth is a good thing.  All of our lives should come under review according to Scripture.  The Scripture is "God breathed" and is true and non-deceptive.  The world wants you to know that they have the truth.  Rather than bein set free, in the world you are enslaved to deception.  So, what do you do?  The Bible tells us to seek God with all our heart, soul and mind.  When we do, there is enlightenment and life.  But....perhaps you enjoy your self deception.  Maybe you like to sin with what you think is impunity?  There is a season for that behavior that always leads to separation from God.  In the end, we stand before God naked.  Everything about us is laid out before us.  Every idle word and deed will be exposed and you and I will see ourselves as we really are.  That could be very ugly depending on the level of self-deception we engage in.  But...there is a living and loving God that awaits for you and I to come clean, turn from sin and live for Him.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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