Saturday, July 22, 2017

How much can we take before we break?

     Last week my sister Charlotte called and told me that her husband was diagnosed with cancer that is everywhere.  His prognosis is not good and most likely he won't be able to survive this cancer.  Charlotte and Larry married out of high school.  They have suffered tragedy after tragedy.  Early in their marriage they lost a baby.  They have both worked hard to support their family and in the process made a commitment to Christ and their church.  Charlotte was diagnosed with uterine cancer a number of years ago.  She survived and that cancer remains in remission.  Then she was diagnosed with breast cancer and once again that cancer remains in remission.  A few years later she suffered a stroke and yes, she has survived.  Her immune system is gone.  She's unable to take anesthesia when she has surgery.  She has had many.  Yet, she has remained one of the most positive and loving people I have had the privilege to know.  Larry has been the most incredible loving husband, father and friend.  He has always put his wife, family and others first before his own needs.  That role model has been carried on by his children.  Last week he was diagnosed with a late stage cancer that is everywhere in his body.  Charlotte and Larry have suffered and been examples of Christians who have overcome the battles life brings us. 
     During their lives our mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and shortly died afterwards.  She was my dads caretaker.  Our sister Ruth lost her lifetime husband to MS and then was diagnosed with breast cancer herself.  She remains in remission.  Our brother Chuck was diagnosed with cancer and at first went into remission.  It later came back with a vengeance and took his life at the age of 57.  During all of this and more our dad contracted Alzheimer's disease which would eventually cause the complications that took his life.  Through all of this Charlotte has remained the rock of the family.  She has ministered to all of us and many others without burdening anyone with here own issues.  Here she is again doing the same for Larry.  When she called there was no concern for herself but only what she could do for Larry.  I'll be travelling to be with them for a while to help out.  Charlotte will most likely need assistive living when Larry passes.  Without the love of her life she will have challenges that I can only imagine.  So how much can anyone take without breaking? 
     For Charlotte, Larry and those who know Jesus, death holds no sting.  The last exhale here becomes the first inhale there.  Thus as the Bible says there is no death for the Christian.  One lives as a Christian here and then moves to heaven for permanent residency.  Charlotte and Larry are both Christian.  They are in the hands of God and he cares for their every need.  That's why I started a go fund me account called Charlotte and Larry's Fund to help them.  They have no money as past medical expenses have wiped away anything they have had.  For those of us who have there will be an accounting of what we did with what we had.  Today I'm asking for your grace and generosity in helping my sister and her husband.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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