Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Have you ever wondered about knowing Jesus?

     I'm not necessarily talking about salvation, though that's definitely important, but rather am wondering if you have ever wondered about KNOWING Jesus?  What would your day be like if Jesus physically was with you for 24 hours?  Would you know his favorite bagel place?  Would you be anxious as he knows your every thought?  What would you do differently knowing that your Lord and Savior was there in a very real physical sense?  Can you imagine the questions he would have for us?  There are a myriad of thoughts that go through my mind and perhaps yours as well.  Would I waste time, avoid others, tune into "more important things" or just do nothing differently?  I'm putting the buggy before the horse though.  Let me begin by saying that even the demons know Jesus and shrink back from his presence.  So, do we?  Do we have a love relationship with Jesus or are we fearing the worst and do nothing?  We all know how it SHOULD be.  At least I do.  So, why do I not have the desire to really know him?  Why don't you?  Why doesn't the church want to know Him?  Is it the responsibility issue?  Do we know that knowing Jesus means surrendering our lives and letting him live through us and we are not ready to give up?
     Quite some time ago (October 1, 1972) I was able to know Jesus.  Over the days and months after my surrender, I came to know Jesus by letting him live his life through me.  It was and remains amazing!  Life without restriction!  I once was dead but now I'm alive.  Actually, it's Jesus that's alive through me.  There is still nothing good inside of myself.  No that we need to denigrate ourselves but it's the truth.  Knowing the truth will NOT set you free.  Living the truth sets you free.  Free to do whatever he wants wherever he wants and being with your and my closest friend.  This type of relationship will not ever be seen in any of our lives within the world we live.  This privileged relationship with Jesus is one of a kind.  Nothing on earth can equal the love of God given to us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  The icing on the cake is that we have the Holy Spirit that wants to bless our lives every moment of every day.  God is so awesome!  When I encountered Jesus, laying hands on the sick was normal.  Casting out demons was normal.  Prophesying was normal. Speaking in tongues was normal.  LOVE was normal!  I no longer belonged to the world and would forever look forward (key word) to going home to be with Jesus.  I don't belong here.  That's what it means to live in the world but not of the world. 
     Have you ever wondered about letting Jesus know you intimately?  That means having him as our first love before anyone or anything here on earth.  He knows us intimately as he knew us before the creation of the world.  He knew all the plan A's and plan B's that would come before us.  He knew when we would fall and whey we would get up.  He knew what we would say even before we said it.  He knew the valleys and the mountains each of us would face.  No, it's not bad that the road doesn't go around the valley or the mountain.  He knows us so intimately and has nothing but love for whom we are.  Why?  Because he created us and chose to love us.  Living a life for Jesus cannot be done on our own.  Living a life for Jesus means abandonment of choice on our part.  I've had 18 vocation changes in my life.  With a couple of exceptions it was God who moved me to be and do what his will needed.  It wasn't force upon me and he doesn't force anything upon you.  That's knowing the love of Jesus.  When you know Jesus, nothing else matters.  You don't HAVE to do anything.  The Holy Spirit will direct you in "all your ways".  Do your believe that?  It's always your choice.

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