Saturday, January 28, 2017

The dawn is just breaking...

    ...and I'm watching the change take place transforming my east view and tree line into a crimson reflection of this event.  Yesterday's sunrise was spectacular and perhaps todays will be as well.  Regardless, I woke up on the right side of the grass and have another day before me.  Last week the weather was nice so I pruned my orchard of 10 mature trees.  Pruning them has been a challenge.  When we moved to this property a bit over 2 years ago the orchard was overgrown and hadn't been attended to for quite a few years.  So, I bought books, watched you tube videos and went to work.  They produced well even though the pruning was quite radical even by my standards.  I haven't had an orchard before and believed in faith that what I was learning and practicing was the right thing to do.  Cut out all branches that go straight up, all branches that cross another branch, and inside branches that would block the sun.  Sounds simple.  It wasn't though.  The more I cut, the more I wondered if this was right.  In the end, the orchard came back better than ever.  This year the pruning has a different focus.  That focus being the expansion of the trees by keeping more branches while still pruning out those listed above.  Now, job done, I'm excited to see what the orchard produces!  The sky is getting more crimson and the bottom of the clouds are lighting up!
     A couple years ago I built a greenhouse.  The structure was easy enough.  I used glass for the sides and clear Plexiglas for the roof.  The first year I had an abundance of vegetables.  In fact, I just picked the last of the Brussel Sprouts.  But I learned some lessons.  The dirt that I brought in wasn't very good.  Some of my plants died and some just didn't produce much.  So this year I've learned and brought in fertilizer, rich garden mix dirt and rototilled it all together.  Now the soil is rich and ready.  In the first year I planted plants wherever.  This year I have learned and placed those who need more light to the sun side of the greenhouse and those that don't more to the back.  I've also chosen a crop of plants that will do well in the greenhouse.  I didn't know when I first planted what to put inside and what to reserve for the garden.  This resulted in some wasted space and lack of harvest.  The learning curve has been huge but the results will be magnificent.  I'll put in a watering system this year to aid in keeping the growth to a maximum.  All these things are essential to the production of food to sustain us until the next planting.  We all need to be open to changes that will benefit us in our gardens and orchards.
     The sky is now a magnificent red, pink and orange!  What a movie being played for my benefit!  I have an enemy that I fight every month of the year.  Moles!  They are quite prolific in their numbers and multiplication of those numbers.  I've had someone come and trap moles.  After looking at what he did, I reasoned that I could do that and save my money.  I did get rid of quite a few moles by trapping, fogging, and poisoning.  But they are the gift that keeps on giving.  Kind of like mosquitos!  Pests that they are, they too have a purpose besides annoying me.  Living in a country setting with neighbors who have moles (they don't try to eradicate them) that see a fresh country (my place) and move here to already have whole networks of tunnels to use.  They are just as diligent at what they do as what I do.  I know the battle will go on and neither of us will win.  That's just the nature of the pun intended.  Through it all, I've learned that I can leave the moles in the wooded areas alone as they pose no threat to my gardens and lawns.  There is the balance for me.  Choosing my battles keeps me from becoming frustrated and distracted.  The sky show is beginning to fade and the day is moving forward.  I'm sure that God has had me write this for a purpose.  Perhaps you are that purpose.  God bless you.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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