Sunday, November 13, 2016

I wish I was an Oscar Meyer weiner...

     Because everyone would be in love with me!

     Once heard this is one of those songs that haunt your memory causing you to sing along whenever the thought of it comes up!  It's a catchy tune that won't let go of your mind and dates you to the era from which it came.  We don't have to memorize the tune because it's written on our hard drive.  It pops up at inopportune times and causes us to laugh (sometimes out loud).  Today you and I will be finding it popping up several times during the day.  That's okay.  The object lesson of this tune is what's important.  Most Christians I know can't quote more than John 3:16 if they can quote even that.  They may remember a Sunday school ditty but little more than that.  Some can't tell you what last weeks sermon was much less what it said to them.  The messages don't catch on and be a part of the hard drive unless you and I want them to.  The desire to be like everyone else if only one reason we readily memorize things of the world while neglecting the things of God.  Those verses that can lead us in righteousness popular at that party, family gathering or even at work.  Yet, Oscar Meyer wieners rise to any occasion or place. 
     When something isn't going right, do we quote a Scripture like, "All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose." or do we say OMG!  Do we search our memory for a teaching of Jesus or recall Murphy's Law?  When things are forming around us and causing distress do we recall what Grandpa or Grandma would say or do we go to God knowing what he would say and do?  Those habits tend to stereotype our lives as being either of the world or God working within us.  Then, some of those sayings tend to set us up with wishful thinking.  "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony..."  Read the Bible lately?  The Christian shouldn't be in harmony with the world.  Being in harmony with God is life saving and life fulfilling.  Being in harmony with the world aligns us with Satan's purposes for mankind.  Once takes us to God and the other takes us away from God.  Yet, that's what so many Christians do and also teach their children to do. 
     Some may think I'm taking this to far.  That's their opinion and they have the right to be wrong.  When we choose to give our lives to Christ, we choose to align ourselves with him and his Word.  When we choose to be honest with ourselves and others, we are not putting ourselves in a place for people to be in love with me but rather are putting Christ out there for people to love.  We are to be there as a beacon for all that is right shining his light into the world...and it's not a little light of mine.  It's the light of the world in Jesus.  You see, when we think about our thoughts, words and actions, there is no such thing as an idle word or the want to be part of both worlds.  We represent the Lord of lords and the King of kings!  He is the beginning and the end as well as everywhere in between.  Are your lives permeated with God or the world?  Can people see Jesus in all you think, say and do?  These are questions the Holy Spirit would like to ask you.  When you are done listening to God, you still have to make a decision.  It's always your choice.

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