Saturday, October 3, 2015

How to start your day off wrong.

     For some folks that simply means getting out of bed while it's still dark outside.  I'm a morning person.  Some would say that's "wrong" and "go back to bed Steve."  Perhaps I should.  Part of the motivation and ritual speaks volumes about our focus.  Do we go to bed with the dread of what's taking place tomorrow?  Something we do but have no control over.  Do we go to bed with schedules and tasks racing through our minds instead of good stuff?  I have the habit of going to sleep with my MP3 playing Christian rock.  Mostly metal stuff but some mellow stuff as well.  My motivation is to input something good to keep the PTSD nightmares away.  Often I wake with a Christian song going through my head.  That's a good way to start the day.  When I loaded my MP3 I just "dumped" everything in my file in the device.  I have a Spanish language course in there.  So, when I choose to listen to random items Spanish comes up.  I've woken to my repeating Spanish phrases.  I'm permanently physically disabled with mental issues like PTSD so starting my day right is important.  How I approach the day is indicative of how my day will go.  So, if we prep our minds with Christ, our day cannot but go good.
     This morning at 1:45 AM I was awakened with an incredible sharp pain in my right ankle/leg.  It felt like someone had just broken my leg right above the ankle.  As much as I tried to get back to sleep the pain kept me awake.  Rather than trying to battle the pain I got up and took some pain meds and went to work on the computer.  The pain has subsided but remains.  Why?  Because I have spondyloarthritis (part of my disability).  It causes intense pain where the ligaments attach to the bones.  The onset of the pain can be anywhere in the body and at any intensity.  My listening to my MP3 didn't get me through this one.  Determined to have a good day I relaxed in my recliner and thought about all the good things and good people I have in my life.  Some of them I will interact with today and it's important that the contact not be about  me.  When you look at your schedules and tasks to be done tomorrow you are giving your power and presence to that schedule or task.  Take command of your day.  The Bible urges us to put everything on the altar and leave it there.  When we do that our day stays in better focus. 
     The Bible encourages us to always be ready to give an account of the hope we have in Christ Jesus.  The Bible encourages us to always be "in prayer" as we go through our day.  The Bible says we should have Christian songs that we sing in our heart as our day goes on.  Knowing that some people have a really lousy position in life I understand that I may sound trite.  So, what would happen if you did keep Jesus foremost in your heart and mind?  What would happen if we began and continued our day in prayer until we went to bed at night?  Would it make a difference if we listened to Christian music instead of secular music? 
     The last item I'd like to talk about is simply other people.  We, our lives, are the only Bible some people will read.  How we conduct our lives has an impact on others and especially an unbeliever searching for answers.  Are we cognizant of what God wants us to do tomorrow?  Do we seek to know His will for our lives.  Or is our focus on the next sports game, the bad boss, the lazy co-workers and the horrible commute?  It's all our choice.  We can start our day off wrong or we can start our day off right.  It's not as complicated as we make it.  Do you have someone to encourage your life in Christ?  You are blessed.  Do you have someone who shares your vision for the lost?  You are blessed.  Today my spondyloarthritis pain started my day early.  It did not determine how I am going to live my day.  I choose to start my day right in spite of the world I live in.  How about you?  What's your choice for today?

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