Thursday, September 10, 2015

So, anyway, there I was minding my own business...

     Henry, my dog, loves chase.  He also loves chase.  He never catches either one, but he loves to chase them.  Yesterday I took Henry with me to an outside cafe where he was on leash and the cat under the next table wasn't.  Yes, it was unfair.  However, it made the cat feel very safe to know Henry couldn't come after it.  Henry wasn't too happy about the situation either.  Here he was within 10 feet of the cat and couldn't do a thing.  Resigned to his captivity he laid down and went to sleep.  Henry, like me, has reality thrust upon him in ways which show the lack of control he has over his environment.  Unlike me, he was constrained by a leash where I'm constrained by my self-control and expectation of others.  Quite a bit of the time I find that self-control is over rated and so are the expectation of others.  When I find something stimulating me in my environment there is usually a response despite the expectation of others and the "right" expected behavior.  Henry shares my dismay at the confines he finds himself in just as I do.
     I do try to mind my own business...well, some of the time.  There seem to be times when the Holy Spirit takes over and the "rules" of this world are challenged through me.  For instance, I have no control over the many people over the years who (strangers) have started talking and were soon disclosing their history, current situation and any problems or concerns they have.  So, I've found myself in mini-counseling sessions in the weirdest of places.  It's not that I intended to do so but rather that the situation thrust itself upon me and I was not able to resist the moment and go with the flow.  This doesn't make me uncomfortable.  However, these events do make those who are with me uncomfortable.  Can't say I blame them.  This is my world though and God can use it as he wishes.  So, I have to try and mind my own business.  My friends have told me that I have this "look" that just begs for people to tell me their problems.  I do like to help and believe that God has gifted me in this manner.  So, when God moves I'm supposed to move as well.  Scripture tells us to be ready to give an account of the hope that is within us (Jesus).  Scripture tells us to be ready in season and out of season (all the time) to answer for our faith.  Scripture tells us that the "word of God will never return void."  So, even when I've been minding my own business, it's God's business and I must attend to the task he puts before me. 
     Here is part of the difficulty with others and my minding my own business.  Many people know my past.  They know of my failing to hold to Christian principles, my sin and the extent of the hurt I've done to others as well as to the witness of God's grace in my life.  Many people feel that with my past I should just keep my mouth shut and leave God's work to those who aren't as messed up as I am.  God doesn't see it that way.  God works through his people.  We who are His people are all sinners saved by the same Grace that God bestows upon all who call upon his name.  No one is disqualified for the race (Paul), and no one is outside of being used by God.  I've been known to drink alcoholic beverages and talk about Jesus at the same time.  I figure if Jesus could do so at a wedding that I probably can as well.  You see, it's not about me.  It's about Jesus.  It's about getting the word out there of the saving grace he has brought to all of us who will call upon his name.  There are Christians who smoke, speed when they drive, cuss and other behaviors that aren't a good witness.  YET, their witness to the greatness of the grace of God surpasses their deficiencies. 
     We, God's people ought to be able to speak the saving grace of Christ to whomever wherever and whenever.  That would make us unpredictably unpredictable.  Being "instant in season and out" simply means we go about our business and God's mission "happens" and includes us.  If you are uncomfortable with ministering that way; God can still use you.  Don't think you can get out of it that easy.  Just as God can bring (and does) about situations where you'd least expect to be called upon to witness, he can also bring about the constraint when he wants us to be silent.  Sometimes the only Bible some people will read is in observing our lives from a safe distance.  I don't remember who said it but the following is true:  "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing."  Be different, do something.  Anything is better than nothing.  You don't have to memorize the Bible, be able to pray the way the pastor does, ore even go house to house to be a witness for God.  All God asks us to do is be available, mind our own business, and then be open to God telling us what to do.  It's simple and yet we fight it.  Don't act like you are on a leash.  

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