Friday, April 10, 2015

Reconciliation is more than just a word.

     The premise is that we need to be reconciled to those with whom we have been estranged from for whatever reason.  There are some myths attached to this thought.  One such myth is that the other person must apologize in order for reconciliation to have a way to begin and complete the act.  False.  Another myth is that we can abandon those who have disappointed or injured us.  False.  Myth number three is that we can live above the situation by our own righteousness.  False.  Should we have the belief that we are above the requirements of reconciliation; we cheapen the work of Christ on the cross that Jesus did so we could be reconciled with God the Father.  We can say the words but that doesn't mean that we understand them or we are willing to apply the process to our own lives.  Sitting on the fence doesn't work either.  Avoidance won't bring about reconciliation and will only compound the problem. 
     The difference between God's reconciliation and man's reconciliation are worlds apart.  His reconciliation always succeeds while mankind's reconciliation almost always is left wanting on the part of the other person or group.  God took the responsibility for creating a path through the jungle of sin so that we could be reconciled with Him.  Mankind doesn't like to take responsibility for much of anything.  Instead, mankind, tends towards the end of the spectrum where excuses and finger pointing are the rule of the day.  I've been guilty of all of this.  My sin is ever before me David penned in the 51st Psalm.  Yet, I still struggle with forgiving my enemies in such a manner that my life doesn't resemble what God has set forth as a standard.  Reconciliation cannot be present with sin.  Reconciliation of mankind comes after reconciliation with God.  We don't come to God so that he can be blessed to have one such as myself.  No, we come to God because we realize that we are not able to have salvation through anyone other than Jesus.  In His goodness and mercy God has exampled reconciliation between He and us in the work of Jesus Christ.
     Sometimes the world and even the people closest to us continually remind us of what we lack for the sole purpose of keeping reconciliation from taking place between man and God.  Furthermore, the world and even the people closest to us use this barrier to "keep us in our place."  We who have been deceived in this manner teach others to do the same.  The vicious cycle of our choices is thus passed on to others over the years until it's part of our heritage.  I was once acquainted with a church that had years previously split and the second church built their own building 1/2 mile away.  The reason for the split was a disagreement between the members over what color to paint the downstairs bathroom.  No desire of God's reconciliation existed then and continues to be absent today.  People remember the conflict but cannot remember the reconciliation because the reconciliation has never taken place.  The blessing of God cannot reside amongst this model.
     God blesses those with whom He has a relationship with.  He has a relationship with those who have been reconciled with.  Our relationship to and with others is based on reconciliation which is patterned after the model God has given us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, his son.  Where do you need to have reconciliation with God and man?

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