Monday, April 6, 2015

Distracted living can do serious damage!

     I have ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and that complicates my life and those who live around me.  For the most part I think of this part of my life as a blessing when it's disciplined and under some resemblance of control.  However, certain things can unleash the unpredictability that comes with the diagnosis.  For example, too much sugar tends to let loose a myriad of thoughts and actions that are random and often don't make sense to anyone including me!  My mind tends to wander and my conversations will change subjects without warning.  The need to be "on the move" overcomes me and I have to be doing something.  Tasks are handled in a multitasking way that seems to make no sense to anyone watching.  All of this from sugar infusion setting loose my impulse control.  I'm sure there are many who echo these words and like me wish they had better discipline to function better in life.  The other side of this equation is that when disciplined I have the ability to function on a higher level and with great clarity.  My memory is able to function better and my impulse control is under control.  Decisions I make tend to be more thought through and beneficial not only to me but to those around me as well.  ADHD can be my best friend or worst enemy!
     Now move this into the realm of Christian Walk and life gets real interesting.  When I think about the Bible, God, and my response to God and the Bible; my thoughts are cemented in place with the truth.  Undistracted truth will aid me in growing in Christ.  In order to have forward movement in our Christian lives we need to be three things:  teachable, leadable, and accountable.  Should we be distracted by the cares of the world, our own sin or the apathy that so often rears it's ugly head, we miss the mark and are none of the three.  ALL that we learn is based on the premise that a basic truth is the foundation to everything attached to that premise.  For instance, I believe that salvation can only come through our accepting the payment Jesus made for us and belief in God.  Salvation comes when we accept Jesus and surrender our lives to him.  This is a base belief upon which we build so many other beliefs.  IF we do accept the basic belief we also must embrace other basic beliefs.  We need to believe that the Bible is the word of God.  Period.  We need to believe that what is said there is from God.  Period.  To maintain our growth in Christ we must surrender ourselves to that place where He can teach us, lead us, and hold us accountable according to what God proclaims in his Word.  Should we miss this mark, we become distracted and go the way of the world instead.  This in spite of our proclaiming salvation through Jesus.
     The whole idea of sin makes a lot of people fearful and even angry.  But the Word says that we have no reason to be either should we be in line with Scripture.  Mankind has taken it upon himself to make up rules that fit themselves instead of being teachable, leadable and accountable.  Thus we find the Christian belief under attack and undermined by mankind and even by alleged church leaders.  The force of humanity demanding to be accepted in their sinful behavior is huge!  Whole denominations have changed policy and beliefs in order to be inclusive of and make comfortable the ones who refuse to live as the Bible tells us to live.  In a sense they have spiritual ADHD and are drinking and eating way too much sugar!  To make matters even worse these people, groups and their leaders have pushed these beliefs upon others demanding that they too eliminate all beliefs that would cause them to be uncomfortable.  Thus sins become okay and behaviors of selfishness become higher than that of the Bible.  I've been guilty of that.  I'm a sinner.  I've had to repent and come back to the Bible and Jesus.  However, I don't want to be found living a religion the world has invented that makes people comfortable wherever and however they choose to live.
     IF we surrender to Christ; IF we become teachable; IF we become leadable; and IF we become accountable to Christ and the Word of God; we live our lives for Christ.  If we do not, we are just living for ourselves and we are trapped in our sin.  Fear instead of faith become the hallmark of the later.  Confident belief and courage become the hallmark of those who adhere to the teachings of Christ and the Word of God.  Your life may be comfortable.  Your life may be prosperous.  Your life may be filled with people.  However, if your life doesn't include a risen Savior then your life is without Jesus.  Without Jesus your life is empty.  When your life is empty the enemy, Satan, seeks to fill it with what the world and he want.   THIS is the distraction that carries believer and non-believer alike away from the truth and onto the path of selfish destruction leading to eternal life in hell instead of heaven. 
      It's all your choice.  Be distracted and live the lost life or... 

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